Thursday, November 24, 2005

November 24, 2005. 1030z.

That complex system off Africa with vortices within a vortex is spawning storms now.

"Delta" is growing in strength and given it is over the open ocean it won't be abating soon. Currently, it is 14 knots below hurricane strength and below a central pressure of a hurricane by 3 millibars. "Delta" has winds of 50 knots and a central pressure of 982 millibars. Hurricane strength is below 980 millibars. This is the first time I have noticed a storm from this region of the world this late in the season. Usually they always come from the Gulf, but, Africa is very warm.

The vortices surrounding North America are significant including the one in the North Atlantic with a rather unusual one over the southwest USA which might reek some havoc. Posted by Picasa