Sunday, February 06, 2005

Global Warming Needs Unbiased Expert Input

THIS 'BLOGSPOT' ALONG with the website of Earth Rescue is autonomously funded by unrelated interests.

GLOBAL WARMING IS REAL. IT KILLS. The need to reverse this trend is dire.

Letters To The Editor:

The antagonists in the global-warming debate cannot agree on the facts. Is the atmosphere warming at an alarming rate or are we only observing natural variation in the climate? Is the sea level rising or not? Recent letters introduced DDT as another environmental issue (“Global warming still looks like a big hoax,” Jan. 28 and “Global warming looms over us all the time,” Jan. 31.)

Is DDT a “caustic carcinogen” or a boon to those endangered by malaria? The answers to these questions lie buried in thousands of scientific papers. Thus, to form an opinion, the average citizen has to rely on experts. Among these there are substantial disagreements. The facts are there, but political concerns obfuscate the issues.

Until these matters are adjudicated by a serious, nonpartisan panel of qualified experts, we will be subjected to ad hominem arguments such as the one given by Paul Schaafsma: “The scientific evidence that debunks global warming were mostly funded by fossil-fuel companies and thus biased toward their agenda.”

However, by the nature of his work in the alternative energy field, he opens himself to the same criticism. Are his conclusions biased by the funding he receives from his business?
James W. McFarlandLyme