The entire idea is bizarre and Prime Minister Netanyahu already relieved the junior minister of his responsibilities.
Gaza is a concern because of the appalling use of civilians as human shields by terrorists in the region. I understand completely how Israel is measuring its strategy in Gaza. Israel is not interested in killing Palestinians. But, how does Israel secure its people if there is a ceasefire and the terrorists reorganize and carry out another attack or more attacks similar to the one that killed 1400 innocent civilians including children and infants?
The attacks by Hamas that killed 1400 people were assassinations. Infants were murdered by gunmen.
It seems to me all those in the world that want a ceasefire do not have solutions for the safety of Israeli citizens. Israel has openly proven there are massive networks of tunnels in Gaza that facilitate terrorist movements through Gaza. These tunnels are not the imagination of a maniacal war monger. The tunnel system is real and pose a real danger to the people of Israel.
Members of the IDF are dying in combat. Families are burying their fallen soldiers. The war is real and not one sided.
My question is where was everyone when Hamas built those tunnels? Where was everyone when Hamas placed Palestinians in the line of fire by incorporating offensive and defensive strategies within civilian buildings and populations? Using civilians as human shields is not a new reality. These are known tactics. Why was it tolerated at all in the name of peace when none of those strategies represent any movement toward peace?
There is nothing more that civilized people want besides peace with good governance. But, when it comes to dismantling the terrorist infrastructure in Gaza no one seems to have an answer except for Israel’s Defense Force. No one has come up with plans that will work.
For those crying out for a ceasefire, where are the reassurances there will be no more influx of terrorists and munitions only to allow Israeli citizens deadly danger in their lives yet again. Why is that okay? Why is it okay to demand a ceasefire when there is potential danger once again to the people of Israel? Why is that okay?
If there were nuclear weapons in Israel their use would be catastrophic to Israel as well as the region. The entire idea is bizarre.