Thursday, December 17, 2020

I think this addition to the President's Cabinet is long over due.

I am thrilled by this nomination. I am certain she will do a magnificent job. I fully expect the new Secretary Deb Haaland to review the misuse of public lands and the rights of future generations to those lands.

I fully expect her to review tribal treaties and make them stronger in recognizing the health and well being of the Native American people. All too often Native Americans are viewed as autonomous in their decision-making and their lives. They are a sovereign nation within the USA and due to that fact, their ability to care for their people is hampered by boundaries and assets. They can protect the land they love while they are also expecting the same treatment of human rights from the USA federal government.

December 17, 2020

“A voice like mine has never been a Cabinet secretary (click here) or at the head of the Department of Interior. I’m incredibly honored to accept President-elect Joe Biden’s nomination for Secretary of the Interior. As our country faces the impacts of climate change and environmental injustice, the Interior has a role and I will be a partner in addressing these challenges by protecting our public lands and moving our country towards a clean energy future.

“It’s profound to think about the history of this country’s policies to exterminate Native Americans and the resilience of our ancestors that gave me a place here today. This historic moment will not go by without the acknowledgment of the many people who have believed in me over the years and have had the confidence in me for this position. I’m forever grateful and will do everything I can to be fierce for all of us, our planet, and all of our protected land. I am honored and ready to serve."