This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Monday, August 31, 2020
Trump doesn't seem interested in protecting Hispanic soldiers.
Scott Atlas is an idiot.
He is Trump politics at its worst. Where is Mr. Atlas going to find the hospital capacity to handle “herd immunity.” Another Trump advisor too dangerous to me taken seriously.
The Pro-Trump supported in Portland...
...are vigilantes that came from other areas of the country to increase the violence in Portland. They remind me of al Qaeda. That is how Middle East terrorists deliver death and bombs to city streets, by pick-up truck.
The vigilante truck processions are breaking the law with their illegal protests.
The Courts
Flynn’s case is not dismissed. In an 8 - 2 decision, a federal appeals court upholds the charges against the disgraced former USA General Michael Flynn. The American people are not alone in upholding the Rule of Law.
"Good Night, Moon"
12.8 day old moon
95.5 percent lit
Sunday, August 30, 2020
By Tim Reid
The map to the left is where positive results are found. The darker the blue the higher the positive result. The southern governors have completely failed their people.
Add to the COVID-19 economic losses, the natural disasters throughout the country, and the USA's economy is more than worrisome.
August 27, 2020
The U.S. Small Business Administration (click here) granted Gov. Roy Cooper’s request for a disaster declaration for small businesses and homeowners facing damage from a tornado that struck as Hurricane Isaias passed through the state on Aug. 4.
“With a tornado on top of a pandemic, this SBA approval will provide much-needed help to our small businesses and homeowners,” said Cooper.
The declaration authorizes low-interest disaster loans to residents and businesses who suffered losses in Bertie County and the contiguous counties of Chowan, Halifax, Hertford, Martin, Northampton and Washington. SBA disaster loans provide up to $200,000 to homeowners and up to $2 million to businesses to repair and/or replace damaged property. Homeowners and renters would also be eligible for loans up to $40,000 to repair or replace damaged personal property....
The economic impact by Trump's failed strategy with COVID-19 is enormous and growing.
This is not the flu. The question is the heart injured or diseased.
By Elizabeth Cooney
Drinking alcohol in a social setting during the pandemic can minimally decrease awareness of social distancing.
From Zoom happy hours to “wine o’clock” memes (click here) floating around on social media, the pressure to grab a drink to take an edge off your pandemic anxiety can sometimes feel strong. Not being able to visit friends or enjoy many out-of-home activities leaves some people feeling like they don’t have much else to do, so why not enjoy a glass of wine—or two or three?
Indeed, data from Nielsen indicates people are drinking more. For the week ending May 2, total alcohol sales in the U.S. were up by more than 32% compared to the same week one year ago. These figures have some medical experts worried.
The World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) have issued communications warning people to avoid excessive drinking, saying it may increase COVID-19 susceptibility and severity. Beyond that, alcohol consumption is already a major public health problem in the U.S., the NIAAA says. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), from 2006 to 2010, "excessive alcohol use “ was responsible for an annual average of 88,000 death, including 1 in 10 deaths among working-age adults aged 20 to 64 years.” And studies have linked alcohol consumption to an increased risk of breast and other cancers....
Native American teenagers, especially the boys, are far more susceptible to depression and suicide in Native American communities.
Many Native/Indigenous tribes (click here) embrace a worldview that encompasses the notions of connectedness (with the past and with others), strong family bonds, adaptability, oneness with nature, wisdom of elders, meaningful traditions and strong spirit that may serve as protective factors when it comes to mental health.
- Native/Indigenous people in America report experiencing serious psychological distress 2.5 times more than the general population over a month’s time.
- Although overall suicide rates are similar to those of whites, there are significant differences among certain age groups. The suicide death rate for Native/Indigenous people in America between the ages of 15-19 is more than double that of non-Hispanic whites.
- Native/Indigenous people in America start to use and abuse alcohol and other drugs at younger ages, and at higher rates, than all other ethnic groups.
...The failure of the U.S. government to fulfill its treaty agreements (click here) with Alaskan and Native American people has led to disparities in income and education, the pervasiveness of poverty; and access to care issues. These domains help to set the stage for health disparities that frequently catapult native people to early death. Many of these mental and physical health conditions are preventable.I have Native American blood running through my veins, as do millions of other Caucasians. My ancestors were the Blackfeet who live in Northwestern Montana. It is one of the largest tribes in the nation. My sensitivity to the plight of Native Americans with mental illness is especially grave.
One Native American community leader said, “I am dealing with people who have been disenfranchised and their mental illness originates in the system around them, the environment, the surrounding historical trauma. They are not crazy; they are people responding to trauma in their life.”
The Chief of the Cherokee Nation, Wilma Mankiller said, “In Iroquois society, leaders are encouraged to remember seven generations in the past and consider seven generations in the future when making decisions that affect the people.” May our generation consider the past and future regarding mental health care for all minorities, as we should for all other Americans....
Mental health under Trump's health crisis is becoming a crisis all it's won. July 25, 2020 was suppose to mean something; the end of the virus danger.
The U.S. Census Bureau (click here) recently reported that a third of Americans show signs of clinical depression and anxiety. These and other mental conditions are becoming amplified during the recent pandemic, while COVID-19 patients and their families are also at high risk to develop depression and anxiety.
“It’s quite understandable the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to cause significant stress and psychological distress for a large proportion of the population,” he says. “And we know the rates are progressively increasing.”
According to Dr. Fava, there are various factors related to COVID-19 that contribute to the increase in depression rates, including:
Trauma from widespread disease
Grief over losses of life
Fear of getting sick
Unprecedented physical distancing
Financial concerns, including unemployment and housing insecurity
Loss of community
Reduced access to caregivers
But he notes that there are many resources for people suffering from mental health conditions, including mindfulness, telepsychiatry and other recommendations.
The other two numbers were Pre-COVID-19. The deaths are increasing during the pandemic.
Drug Overdoes Deaths as of January 2020 - 71,730

November 2017 - 70,723 people dead.
12 Month-ending Provisional Number of Drug Overdose Deaths (click here)
When Trump implemented his strategy to end the drug overdose crisis the number of deaths in a 12 month period was 70,723.
There can't be multiple truths. Truth is defined as the body of real things, events, and facts.
How do we unite this country? The most divisive group in recent history is the "Chrisitan Conservative," AKA the Evangelicals. They don't care about the country and put their ideology before the governance of a highly diverse country. They alone have created a political power out of religious dogma. There is no other religious group currently funding politics that bend reality to serve their purpose. They embrace lies so long as there is power that accompanies it.
I think a single religious organization that wants to overtake the country's future is dangerous.
August 20, 2020
When does a lie become the truth?
When does what you want become what you have?
And if your dream came true, could you handle it?
Tell me…
What would you do?
Tell me…
What would you do?
When your lies become the truth
When your lies become the truth
We all love our dusty boots
The pair that tells a thousand tales
And how we burn for going somewhere
With the full wind in our sails
So we will play this game forever
And try to hang on to our youth
And the game is never over
Till our lies become the truth
Till our lies become the truth
Till our lies become the truth
So we will play this game forever
And try to hang on to our youth
And the game is never over
Till our lies become the truth
Till our lies become the truth
Till our lies become the truth
Till our lies become the truth
Trump wants to point fingers at Democratic mayors... ineffective at law and order. Excuse me, but the cities FREQUENTLY are hobbled by state Republican legislative majorities.
Saturday, August 29, 2020
Friday, August 28, 2020
I'd like to know who insisted on defunding public schools with the CARES ACT.
Nessel and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer praised the decision and promised to continue the lawsuit until the matter is fully resolved....
Racism is getting noticed in other areas of the world.
By Tom Dilane
Cover-ups are illegal. Maybe the police and their unions need to address that among themselves first.
The Kenosha police union is also talking about police actions and still has not addressed the wrongful use of the gun to fire seven shots into a human body. The police would have been better off if they shot out the tires on the getaway car. The responsible police officer should be on leave immediately upon witnessing the illegal use of his gun.
No police officer has a right to shoot a person in the back. The use of that gun was illegal. And all those determined to defend the actions of an illegal act is using the preceding events to justify an illegal act.
The cop was wrong. The police union in Kenosha needs to practice saying, "The officer was wrong and used his gun illegally," before addressing the public to THE FACTS.
It is a complicated circumstance, but, these facts are important.
...This is a complicated situation, (click here) but a few things are clear. Wisconsin isn’t a “Stand Your Ground” state, and Rittenhouse was in illegal possession of a weapon — under Wisconsin law, it is a Class A misdemeanor for a minor to carry a deadly weapon in the open. There is also no legal right in the state to use deadly force for the protection of property you do not own. And in any case the “Castle Doctrine” only applies to the use of deadly force in one’s home, vehicle or business....
Where are the prosecutions for the production of these products? Warnings are fine, but, the recklessness is criminal.
By Rachael Rettner
People are still in need of help.
Laura is blamed for at least 10 deaths, including five people who died from carbon monoxide poisoning — at least one case involving the use of a generator without proper ventilation. Four people died from trees falling on homes, Gov. John Bel Edwards said. And a man drowned after the boat he was on sank, NPR member station WWMO reported.
The storm is estimated to have caused anywhere from $4 billion to $12 billion in damages to Louisiana and Texas. While Laura showed a staggering amount of power, its damage tally isn't likely to come close to other strong storms such as hurricanes Katrina and Harvey — the two costliest storms in U.S. history.
Katrina caused an estimated $160 billion worth of damage in 2005; Harvey caused $125 billion in damages in 2017.
A key reason for Laura's smaller price tag is that while the hurricane came ashore with 150-mph winds — crashing large trees into houses, ripping roofs off buildings and tossing vehicles around – it avoided densely populated areas such as Houston and New Orleans....
Racial injustice is being addressed by many sports champions.
Naomi Osaka is a professional tennis player who represents Japan. Osaka has been ranked No. 1 by the Women's Tennis Association and is the first Asian player to hold the top ranking in singles. She has won five titles on the WTA Tour, including two titles at both the Grand Slam and Premier Mandatory levels.
Donald John Trump should never have provided the Russians with top secret information.
Make a plan to vote. I find this outreach to citizens a wise decision. It is called VOTING EMPOWERMENT.
Some county authorities are doing their level best to protect voters. High risk for contracting the SARS-CoV-2 virus resulting in COVID-19 should vote by mail. There is no doubt about it. Voting by mail is the safest method and it begins soon if not started already. Masks work. Handwashing and good hygiene are very important. Don't touch the face without the very least washing hands with hand sanitizer.
The police leadership have to be actively involved in addressing the grievances with resolve to end police brutality.
By Rebecca Ellis
The police, especially those in Portland, have found a new word in their vocabulary to justify violence against protesters.
A riot - when six or more persons engage in tumultuous and violent conduct,”
Here again, the police are identifying police work and definitions without addressing the grievances of the protesters. So long as there is a complete breakdown of accountability by the police that causes the protests, there is every indication they will continue. The police chief needs to identify the reason for the protesters' grievance and what is going to be done to end police brutality. This is nothing more than justification by the police to attack people with real grievances.
It has gotten to be a regular event with both sides expecting the worst from each other. That is dangerous for a democracy. The civilian mayor and council has to take up the grievances of these people and provide a real reason to enact change of policy by police officers.
It is unrealistic to believe police will never be needed in any city in the USA, but, there MUST be an address of grievance in real ways that brings about the end of police brutality.
More layoffs are coming as well as companies facing closures.
By Lauren Zumbach
The police caused the protests that lead to deaths. The police were RESPONSIBLE for the protests.
Russia needs to back off the USA troops. No major ally is backing the activity of the USA in Syria.
Dr. Redfield needs to appear before Congress.
Dr. Robert Redfield, Director of the CDC, has vacillated on CDC recommendations regarding testing for the SARS-CoV-2. Additionally, the website is inconsistent with his latest statements in returning to testing of those believed to have contact with anyone with COVID-19.
Why the inconsistency? And also important is insurance company responsibility with the testing. If the CDC website states testing is not important the insurance companies will see that as a reason not to pay for it which will suppress people from testing when it should continue to increase the testing rate to better understand the spread of the virus.
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Trump is going to have a very big bill to the tax collector.
According to the Chicago Tribune the New York Attorney General Donald J. Trump gained income in the amount of $100 million when his high interest lender, Fortress Credit Corp. agreed to a $48 million payoff on a $150 million loan. That unpaid loan is income. It is very, very taxable.
It looks like three other properties are in question besides the Trump Tower in Chicago.
If this is Trump’s methodology to obtain and maintain his million-billions, he will be on the hook for a whole lot of money to the tax collectors at all levels of government.
You know, the Robert’s court is wrong in denying the US House, responsible for the US budget, access to Trump’s tax records. The USA has a right to examine records under confidentiality laws income due the US Treasury.
This case in New York State is only the beginning. There will be more and more interest and requests for more and more records from many other sources. Trump is a criminal and guilty of tax evasion. That was the weakness in the untouchable Al Capone.
Hurricane Laura
Hurricane Katrina in 2005 achieved far higher winds when in the Gulf. But, Laura (click here) is sustaining it's high winds where Katrina did not. The storm surge of Katrina was also historic at 20 feet. The interesting aspect of Hurricane Laura is the fact it's winds and rain reach up to 200 miles into the interior of the USA. Another hurricane named Hugo had winds reaches up to 250 miles. Laura has it all, high winds, high storm surge and reaches into the interior of the USA up to 200 miles. Those characteristics are sincerely historic in their combination.
I am certain that everyone has been rescused and that would be historic. The authorities had plenty of time to rescue and FORCE EMERGENCY AND MANDATORY EVACUATIONS. I haven't heard the word MANDATORY in any of the warnings.