Baseball season has started. Please don't purchase stolen baseballs as they will eventually be taken by law enforcement.
It is my understanding that when items are stolen, regardless of their value, it is widely reported by police to pawn shops. No doubt these thieves are aware of such notices, so they will probably sell them in alternate ways such as baseball trading card shows and online. If rare and unusual baseball articles are seen online kindly report them to the police. The sales may be legitimate and the authorities will know that, but, the odds are they are stolen and need to be returned.
March 27, 2019
By MacKenzie Shuman
Dozens of Hall of Fame (click here) autographed baseballs were stolen early Wednesday from a trophy case at beloved Scottsdale restaurant Don & Charlie's, said Ben Hoster, a spokesman for the Scottsdale Police Department.
The baseballs have an estimated value of $200,000 to $600,000, depending on current market values and baseball excitement, Hoster said....