The trail of women that have been the victims of Kavanaugh is something for the tabloids and investigative journalism to continue to expose. He is 53 years old and married 12 years, I am certain there are many more women in the shadows still finding the courage to speak out. But, Kavanaugh has exposed the real Republican Party. They are a party of misogynists. They are afflicted with it as well as all their other afflictions, including racism and greed.
It is unfortunate to unearth the truth of the character of the party in this way, but, I hope the country clears their conscience this November. It is time Americans reclaim their pride and return to real values that protect the vote and bring back inclusiveness.
I can only imagine the women making arguments before the Supreme Court. The number of women in that capacity are few the way it is, but, to have this mess to face as well is discouraging. Gender bias is a concern, but, misogyny is a new reality that will require frequent citations to erase it from any continued presence in the practice of law.
Make no doubt about it, liquor and love is a strategy that victimizes women, turns them into an object while erasing any sincere feelings that create longevity to a relationship. This strategy against women is just one expression of misogyny.
Mr. Kavanaugh has no real defense for his actions. He compromised women time and again without any loyalty to their esteem. He enjoyed degrading and humiliating them. He offers as a defense denial and a calendar absent of the words, “Today I sexually assaulted another sophisticated piece of ass.” Bret Kavanaugh is pathetic and offers as a redeeming quality some sort of legal genius carved out of political social climbing that has placed him where he is today.
It is time the country return to intolerance to this level of exploitation of democracy and liberty and embrace our true selves of decency and loyalty to each other.