This picture was the Larsen Ice Shelves. There are three. Larsen A, Larsen B and Larsen C. They were a part of a section of Antarctica called WAIS (West Antarctica Ice Shelf).
Larsen A collapsed in 1995. With that collapse Larsen B was able to extend it's massive volume of ice into that empty spot along the Antarctica circumpolar ocean circulation.
Larsen B showed cracking in 2001 and collapsed in 2002/
...The collapse of the Larsen B Ice Shelf (click here) was captured in this series of images from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Terra satellite between January 31 and April 13, 2002. At the start of the series, the ice shelf (left) is tattooed with parallel lines of blue dots. The dots are pools of meltwater, and they are arranged in lines because the water drained into existing crevasses. Beneath a thin layer of clouds, a smattering of icebergs appears in the dark, open waters of the bay (right). By February 17, the leading edge of the C-shaped shelf had retreated about 10 kilometers (6 miles) as the shelf began to splinter. The next good view of the area came on February 23; several more long and narrow ice bergs had fractured from the shelf in the south. By March 7, the shelf had disintegrated into a blue-tinged mixture (mélange) of slush and ice bergs. Many of the bergs were too tall and narrow to float upright. They toppled over and spread out across the bay like a neat row of books that had been knocked off a shelf....
The collapse of these ice shelves didn't occur in a day, it took a very long time to have enough erosion by warmth take place to cause such dramatic events. These are major climatic events. The ice shelves are massive and wind moving across them when not weakened effect the cooling of Earth. These structures are vital to Earth's climate and now they are gone. The day this shelf collapsed, Earth's warming accelerated.