Mr. Phelps did terrible things. He incited hatred by his actions. But, I am not his judge and jury. I am not the judge of his son and the church. If I am to state his actions were horrible and victimized grieving families; then I also believe causing his grieving family trauma in the same way as he did only validates his immorality and justifies his actions.
May he rest in peace.
Updated: Thu 5:44 PM, Mar 20, 2014
By: Sarah Plake / 13 News
TOPEKA, Kan (WIBW) Fred Phelps Sr., (click here) the former head of the Westboro Baptist Church, died late Wednesday night, according to a family member.
By: Sarah Plake / 13 News
TOPEKA, Kan (WIBW) Fred Phelps Sr., (click here) the former head of the Westboro Baptist Church, died late Wednesday night, according to a family member.