July 24, 2014
By Shelby Lin Erdman
The DOJ said the city has agreed to allow an independent monitor and the courts to oversee reforms at the police department, along with community input and involvement.
According to a joint statement, the department and the city plan to implement reform in eight areas of concern: "use of force policies, interactions with individuals with mental illness and other disabilities, tactical units, training, internal investigations and civilian complaints, management and supervision, recruitment and selection of officers, and community engagement and oversight."
"This agreement marks an important step forward in addressing the unreasonable use of deadly force uncovered in our investigation into the Albuquerque Police Department," Attorney General Eric Holder said Thursday....
"This agreement marks an important step forward in addressing the unreasonable use of deadly force uncovered in our investigation into the Albuquerque Police Department," Attorney General Eric Holder said Thursday....
Mayor de Blasio has the same problem as those in Albuquerque, New Mexico; the word is out on the street. New York Cops kill unarmed civilians. In Albuquerque it was that the Swat Team was called to handle homeless citizens, practice their best technique and don't leave evidence.
The FACT there are dead minority members of New York City due to police brutality the COMMUNITY is already anticipating death when a police officer approaches. See, that is what struck me as incredible when I realized James Boyd had been bargaining for THREE HOURS with the Swat Team to INSURE his own life. That simply was the height of police terrorism. The entire city was on alert to the FACT the APD were killers. They knew when a Police officer approached it was life and death. I think it is 24 innocent people are dead. Quite a killing spree if you ask me.
Mayor de Blasio has racked up one death that was exposed by the media and now a beating with attempted murder by drawing a gun.
This is going to stop. This is going to stop in every city. Why? Because the communities are breaking up into "us and them." That is a very dangerous place for any police department and it causes an increase in tensions that results in civil unrest.
Mayor de Blasio needs to say what this is and it is minority discrimination and racism. Why it exists is anyone's guess, but, there is that trend in the country about the shortened longevity of young black men. It ends and it ends now.
The FACT there are dead minority members of New York City due to police brutality the COMMUNITY is already anticipating death when a police officer approaches. See, that is what struck me as incredible when I realized James Boyd had been bargaining for THREE HOURS with the Swat Team to INSURE his own life. That simply was the height of police terrorism. The entire city was on alert to the FACT the APD were killers. They knew when a Police officer approached it was life and death. I think it is 24 innocent people are dead. Quite a killing spree if you ask me.
Mayor de Blasio has racked up one death that was exposed by the media and now a beating with attempted murder by drawing a gun.
This is going to stop. This is going to stop in every city. Why? Because the communities are breaking up into "us and them." That is a very dangerous place for any police department and it causes an increase in tensions that results in civil unrest.
Mayor de Blasio needs to say what this is and it is minority discrimination and racism. Why it exists is anyone's guess, but, there is that trend in the country about the shortened longevity of young black men. It ends and it ends now.
We are keeping count.