The thing is this about surveillance. It has to be backed up with solid evidence. In other words, when the GOVERNMENT finds something that appears to be suspicious they have to then seek solid evidence to back up an arrest or a charge in a court of law.
I don't like any of this disaster of something the Press insists is privacy rights. But, I tell you what, if Governors can sign law that demands vaginal probes for abortions, this ain't nothing.
If Greenhouse Gases are considered "just air" then ask me what I care about what the Press find important.
This mess the Press is touting as the headlines of the day has gone on for over two days now. Two days on a government program designed by Bush before Rice takes office. A program that for a decade how has not resulted in internment camps of American citizens.
Each day the tone of the Press was tweaked up. The second day was suppose to make the public more angry, more frustrated with their own government. THAT is a plan against the American people. It is the same mess that lead the USA into war in Iraq in 2003. This sounds like FOX. It sounds like Murdoch. It sounds like the Wall Street Journal.
Now, you all want to start over with this and actually put something out there that matters? Because this doesn't matter. It is a planned assault against 'the nerve' of the American people and the Press is continuing to dig itself in deeper and deeper.
We ain't going to war in Syria, Mr. McCain. Ain't gonna do it, honey.
I don't like any of this disaster of something the Press insists is privacy rights. But, I tell you what, if Governors can sign law that demands vaginal probes for abortions, this ain't nothing.
If Greenhouse Gases are considered "just air" then ask me what I care about what the Press find important.
This mess the Press is touting as the headlines of the day has gone on for over two days now. Two days on a government program designed by Bush before Rice takes office. A program that for a decade how has not resulted in internment camps of American citizens.
Now, you all want to start over with this and actually put something out there that matters? Because this doesn't matter. It is a planned assault against 'the nerve' of the American people and the Press is continuing to dig itself in deeper and deeper.
We ain't going to war in Syria, Mr. McCain. Ain't gonna do it, honey.