Snyder won't 'bail out' the school system because it would create precedent to bailout the school where there are emergency managers now.
Snyder rather assign another emergency manager than have the students finish the school year.
Snyder is actively defunding education in Michigan, including university education. The state legislature has just added $50 million to the Michigan Rainy Day Fund to further deprive education of needed funding.
Apr. 27, 2013
...Business Leaders for Michigan, (click here) which includes executives at prominent Michigan companies, has called for annual $100 million funding increases to help reverse a roughly one-third cut to its support for higher education in the past decade.
“What this budget really represents is a dismantlement of public schools and the assurance that our college graduates will suffer from a lifetime of debt,” Sen. Morris Hood III, D-Detroit, said Thursday after voting against the Senate’s university budget.
House Democrats have proposed pulling $158 million from savings as part of a plan to reinstate individuals’ tax exemptions and credits eliminated by Republicans, raise funding for education and local governments, and keep movie-making incentives intact....
The Michigan Rainy Day fund has been used to bailout the State's cities and schools under the previous governor. But, Snyder wants to defund public education at all levels so he and the Republican Congress skim off monies into the Rainy Day Fund to create a shortage in funding in the state budget.
The rainy day fund has absolutely nothing to do with the state's financial rating. The rating is based on the GDP, not a savings account.
Snyder is a piece of work. He has recently authorized the lumbering of the state's forests and he is over riding a ballot initiative to prevent a hunt for wolves in the state. The state legislature and Snyder has systematically looked into any electorate referendum and legislate it's failure before it makes the ballot. This is their reaction to the ballot initiative that passed in November 2012 to end the emergency manager provision in the state. He is a dictator. He and his Republican House buddies.
(U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan (click here) and Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder read “The Rainbow Fish” book to a pre-kindergarten class at Thirkell Elementary School in Detroit on Monday, May 6, 2013. (AP Photo/Detroit News, David Coates)
Snyder's "My Pet Goat" is "The Rainbow Fish." Crooked politician - yes, Governor - no. Snyder goes fishing for Wall Streets profits.
Snyder rather assign another emergency manager than have the students finish the school year.
Snyder is actively defunding education in Michigan, including university education. The state legislature has just added $50 million to the Michigan Rainy Day Fund to further deprive education of needed funding.
Apr. 27, 2013
...Business Leaders for Michigan, (click here) which includes executives at prominent Michigan companies, has called for annual $100 million funding increases to help reverse a roughly one-third cut to its support for higher education in the past decade.
“What this budget really represents is a dismantlement of public schools and the assurance that our college graduates will suffer from a lifetime of debt,” Sen. Morris Hood III, D-Detroit, said Thursday after voting against the Senate’s university budget.
House Democrats have proposed pulling $158 million from savings as part of a plan to reinstate individuals’ tax exemptions and credits eliminated by Republicans, raise funding for education and local governments, and keep movie-making incentives intact....
The Michigan Rainy Day fund has been used to bailout the State's cities and schools under the previous governor. But, Snyder wants to defund public education at all levels so he and the Republican Congress skim off monies into the Rainy Day Fund to create a shortage in funding in the state budget.
The rainy day fund has absolutely nothing to do with the state's financial rating. The rating is based on the GDP, not a savings account.
Snyder is a piece of work. He has recently authorized the lumbering of the state's forests and he is over riding a ballot initiative to prevent a hunt for wolves in the state. The state legislature and Snyder has systematically looked into any electorate referendum and legislate it's failure before it makes the ballot. This is their reaction to the ballot initiative that passed in November 2012 to end the emergency manager provision in the state. He is a dictator. He and his Republican House buddies.
Snyder's "My Pet Goat" is "The Rainbow Fish." Crooked politician - yes, Governor - no. Snyder goes fishing for Wall Streets profits.