l. Energy independent by 2020.
That will happen anyway. The jobs Romney states he will open up won't happen for ten years or more. The jobs in the petroleum industry will occur no matter whom is President.
2. 12 million jobs
And there was a third parameter. Whatever.
It is all about the petroleum industry. The ads for an "I am an Energy Voter," started a long time ago. The Petroleum Industry is afraid of being out of business if Alertnatives continue to grow as viable sources of energy each year that goes by.
What's that guys name? Not Hamm, that is his picture to the left, the Romney Energy Secretary. There goes the oceans by the way. So, Romney's insults regarding our oceans is appropriate considering who has hijacked his campaign.
Oh, yeah, Pickens. He wants to put two natural gas powered cars in every garage. It doesn't matter if there are huge explosions in homes, across the highways when accidents happen or at the 'Natural Gas Pump Station." I always wondered how that would be controlled in the neighbood Natural Gas Pumping Station.
Romney's campaign is the last hurrah of the petroleum industry and they want to end the movement toward alternatives. Correction, Jeb Bush in 2016 will be the final hurrah for the petroleum industry.
Basically, the military is needs what? Which is why the Department of the Interior needs to withhold lands for future generations TODAY!
Willard Mitt Romney is no genius. He knows how to bring China's jobs opportunities back to the USA with far less pay scales and no benefits. Romney knows how to destroy companies and rob treasuries, but, he has no ideas. This is party of no ideas and long standing cronies. No surprises and the hope he is trying to sell to Americans is a field of oil and empty promises. This is a long planned for campaign by the "Oil Barrons in Oklahoma and Texas."
Enjoy the show. If the reaction by Romney's family by Eastwood wasn't proof of a hijacked campaign, then I don't know what is. Ann Romney stated it caught her by surprise. She never expected dark humor at the cost of the standing President.
Oh, one other thing, for those justifying this ? economic ? strategy, the oil barrons actually believe the USA has until 2050 before it has to worry about Human Induced Global Warming. Heck, 38 years is plenty of time to drain the wells.