Thursday, July 05, 2012

It is a remarkable news day. Something has to be done about Syria. I think Turkey has the catbird seat.

The Republicans stalking President Obama's bus are more an ad for the President than Romney simply because they are lying.

"The job losses in Ohio are higher, the average household income is down SINCE PRESIDENT OBAMA TOOK OFFICE."


Since taking office the American Economy has completely turned around to a status than any given year under the Bush Economic Folly.

Since taking office the American Economy has grown past any performance of the Bush Economy.

Since taking office the American Citizen is the focus of the American economy.

Since taking office Wall Street has recovered beyond any expectations in 2008.

Since taking office the American Economy is based in local economic strength.

Since taking office, water and air are cleaner.

Since taking office we have brought troops out of Iraq.

Since taking office President Obama has done nothing short of a miracle in protecting Americans from an economic depression. He has upheld the citizen's dignity, inspired them to be retrained and re-educated for a new job paradigm and guaranteed Americans' health is a priority.

Thank you President Obama

This is a 2010 survey. What has the majority Republican House done to stop outsourcing of jobs since then? 
They had the majority in the US House, but, they did nothing to stop the outsourcing of American jobs.

...In a September 2010 NBC/Wall Street Journal poll, (click title to entry - thank you) 86 percent agreed (including 68 percent who strongly agreed) that U.S. companies outsourcing work to foreign countries is one of the reasons for our struggling economy and unemployment. This was ranked the highest of eight reasons tested in the survey....

Today, Romney complains about the Chinese currency, but, he says nothing about outsourcing, stopping it or legislation he will propose on his first day to aid the American worker.

Similarly, in a December 2010 Allstate/National Journal survey, 67 percent thought outsourcing played a major role in high unemployment, compared to just 28 percent who thought it played a minor role and 4 percent who thought it played no role at all.

Not surprisingly, the public wants something done about this problem. In the August 2010 edition of the same survey, 70 percent thought it was either extremely (39 percent) or very (31 percent) important to reduce the number of jobs being outsourced in order to help the U.S. economy recover from the recession.

I really don't want to hear how WIllard Mitt Kardashin can explain how an ignorant American public/electorate does not understand the beauty of outsourcing and how it actually provides companies with a venue to create jobs in the USA. That would a lie. That would be an insult. And that would do nothing to further trust in government.

The American people have had enough of political lies and manipulation.