Friday, April 06, 2012

I find some comfort in the 8.2 unemployment rate.

It did increase, it did decrease.

And while the argument is mostly correct there are those that have simply dropped off the statistics, there is a reality there is no recidivism of the employed returning to unemployment rolls.

There is a strong message in that. The economy we are growing is sustainable. The lack of return of the employed to unemployment is a testament to that. It would appear at first glance, over the last year there is a continued growth of at the very least 100,000 per month. That is not FANTASTIC, but, start ups are not overnight sensations if they are to be sustainable. I believe there is confidence in our economy that is cautious enough to invest prudently in proven ventures. It is a good thing. Better than 2010. And certainly more hopeful than any year previous since 2008. I am skeptical of the 'bubble and burst' economy we had previous to this administration. The aim of President Obama was to defeat the idea 'bubble and burst' was the best the USA can do in a sustainable and growing economy.

We keep at it and this 'it,' won't betray us.