Charles Krauthammer insists the only way of immediately recovering the USA economy for the 99% is to "Drill, Babe, Drill" in every available spot in the fifty states. Like, Wow. Where has Krauthammer been when President Obama announced in a Joint Session of Congress a Jobs Bill paid for by closing tax loopholes and increasing revenue?
I've considered "USA Today" to be a conservative leaning newspaper on a fairly consistent basis. They service nearly every hotel in the country and it is no surprise USA Today would be more conservative than not to assist those that would be reading it regularly, namely "The Business Traveler." The point is that the Murdoch Media Empire is way out of step with its contemporaries.
Report: Climate change worsens extreme weather events
...The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, (click title to entry - thank you) obtained in draft form by USA TODAY, stresses that expanding cities and populations worldwide, also raise the odds of severe impacts from weather disasters.
"Unprecedented extreme weather and climate events" look likely in coming decades as a result of a changing climate, says the draft report. The final version was released early today by IPCC chief Rajendra Pachauri at a meeting hosted by report sponsors, the World Meteorological Organization and United Nations Environment Programme, in Kampala, Uganda....
The report by USA Today was updated within the past six hours. Where is everyone else in their reporting of such a vital, comprehensive, diligent and EXPERT set of documents? Absent? Is every news agency in the USA too busy being UNLEARNED to actually pursue the higher values of life?
I don't consider the IPCC, the World Meterorlogical Organization or the United Nations Environment Programme to be a minor set of professionals. They have something to say, it is vital to the well being of human beings on Earth and they get ignored?
How far does negligence of the Climate Crisis go before the PRIVILEDGED actually begin to be concerned for their own well being? Sometime ago, ten thousand people FRIED in France due to unexpected climate change in a huge event. I thought for sure the global community would 'take notice' that severe consequences exist and there must be something done about it. Did that occur? Not in any significant way. Perhaps in France, but, France did not bring its hardship on itself by itself. I find the media services that have survived to date grossly incapable of being moral and protecting lives.
The report by USA Today was updated within the past six hours. Where is everyone else in their reporting of such a vital, comprehensive, diligent and EXPERT set of documents? Absent? Is every news agency in the USA too busy being UNLEARNED to actually pursue the higher values of life?
I don't consider the IPCC, the World Meterorlogical Organization or the United Nations Environment Programme to be a minor set of professionals. They have something to say, it is vital to the well being of human beings on Earth and they get ignored?
How far does negligence of the Climate Crisis go before the PRIVILEDGED actually begin to be concerned for their own well being? Sometime ago, ten thousand people FRIED in France due to unexpected climate change in a huge event. I thought for sure the global community would 'take notice' that severe consequences exist and there must be something done about it. Did that occur? Not in any significant way. Perhaps in France, but, France did not bring its hardship on itself by itself. I find the media services that have survived to date grossly incapable of being moral and protecting lives.