Thursday, September 29, 2011

The American Jobs Act (click title for video of President's Speech - Thank you)

I hear the Right Wing Media state such things as, "The Stimulus" was crony capitalism or venture socialism.  What a crock.  The economy was in the toilet and of course the President and his Democratic majority was suppose to ponder how best to increase the economy after the previous administration had just given the largest bailout in history to Wall Street.

The American RECOVERY and Reinvestment Act is not "The Stimulus."  There was no economy to stimulate!  Let's get that much straight.

The Recovery Act rescued the USA economy from complete collapse.  Something had to be done and at the time the States were crying for a piece of the action because they were failing in large numbers.  The purpose of The Recovery Act was rescue the economy and it did.  

Now the USA is left with a huge whole in its work force.  That is a fact and it is a separate topic from the saving of the USA economy.  The USA Work Force is in need of good paying jobs that will sustain into the future.  Not an easy fix for a country with very complicated problems including the continued downward spiral of foreclosures that is feed by unemployment which results in more foreclosures which results in more unemployment like a revolving door.

I would think any builders association would be pounding at every Republican Legislator's door in Washington to be sure this all gets straightened out and cooperate with Democrats to see the complete recovery of the USA economy and a return to Pre-Bush levels of construction.

We know for a fact one of the most ambitious undertakings of continuing recovery of the USA economy legislated by the Congress with the help of the White House is the new infrastructure of providing modern, clean and fast transportation that is still on the ground, namely a new railroad infrastructure.  That project will have a MINIMAL of a thirty year timeline for the USA Work Force.  Here again, those jobs will require training and there is still probably a skills gap, but, the professional engineering opportunities coming out of that project alone will elevate struggling firms across the country.  As a rule, these engineering firms do well in a good economy and today they are grappling for work and competing intensely for what is available.

By all rights the work needed to supply this ambitious plan should have all its materials and labor come from the USA.  Unfortunately, that is probably not the case at this point in time.  The USA has been relieved of its manufacturing by Wall Street while seeking higher profits regardless the hardship on 'the peoples' of the nations involved.  The Third World Countries that gratefully accepted the jobs from the USA basically never had a working class.  The idea of actually demanding higher wages than what was being offered by these companies was never a part of the agenda and while these countries were anticipating a growth of its people into a Working Class matched only by that of the USA, it never occurred autonomously.  Now, today, in a speech to a global economic government meeting, China stated it has a five year plan to improve the lives of its working class.  The dynamics that exist in manufacturing in the USA and in China and India is not the making of the governments, but, of capitalists that care little about the people they see as "Human Resources" as opposed to "Natural Resources."

Accepting that as "A Truth" means the USA is going to have to subsidize the manufacturing sector in the USA as manufacturing returns to it proper 'PORTION.'  There is no other way of returning manufacturing to the USA.  Legislation is going to have to demand all the products required for advancement of projects such as the railroad infrastructure will have to be "Made in the USA."  That will help, but, it won't be the complete answer.  The USA government will have to be vigilant to the accomplishments of its manufacturing sector to return its economy to a SURVIVABLE state.

Until all that COOPERATION is realized and the USA economy is Number One in the legislatures there needs to be survival of the people of the USA.  Therefore, the President has proposed a "Jobs Bill."  I think it is appropriate to read it.  So, over the next few weeks I intend to do exactly that without neglecting my other responsibilities.  Starting tomorrow I'll begin to read The American Jobs Act.

It begins:

To provide tax relief for American workers and businesses, to put workers back on the job while rebuilding and modernizing America, and to provide pathways back to work for American looking for jobs.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States in Congress assembled,


I'll continue to comment on other topics as needed, but, this will be a focus and I look forward to it.  

Until later.