Thursday, July 14, 2011

"These large deficits are what is preventing job creation."

What does that mean exactly?  People I talk to believe it means that job creation will happen because there won't be either any taxes or anything preventing job growth.


That means that with lower deficits, NOT DEBT, but deficits there will be more money to spend on job creation by the government.  AND if the government is able to create more jobs, then the economy will grow and there will be more job creation with more demand for goods and services.

"The expressions" used to describe what STILL NEEDS TO HAPPEN HERE are political expressions for the purpose of control of the MONEY.

What still needs to happen here is a LARGE STIMULUS.  How that is 'contexted' in the political debate is whether the electorate believes one party or the other rules THE MUCH NEEDED LARGER STIMULUS.

There are not a million solutions here and where it is getting really scary is that Bernanke is chomping at the bit again.  His Wall Street buddies want more captial to play the commodities market or buy and sell currency.

The language in this ? debate ? needs to change, the 'catchy' slogans need to stop and the electorate has to understand their options in 2012.  How that happens might be really interesting, but, to believe SHRINKING government is going to solve the problem is unrealistic.  Ask the EU how successful shrinking government spending is working for them.

For now, the Republicans simply need to pass a debt ceiling increase to cover their spending that occured from 2001 through 2009.

It is the Republican's debt, national debt, and they need to live with THAT FACT.

It is NOT the Democrats, it is NOT the President's deficit.  The Bush/Cheney era CAUSED this huge debt we now have.  Don't believe for one minute the National Debt is going to change because this 'episode' will resolve one way or the other.  The Republicans have no intention of lowering the Debt Ceiling as soon as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid become insolvent.  That isn't what will happen here.  The DEBT CEILING under Republicans after the entitlements are removed is simply MORE RESIDUAL to absorb into Wall Street and the irreverance of 'The Human Condition.'

The RHETORIC that does not belong in these circumstances is the fact that Republicans want to raise the debt ceiling so long as there are CUTS that equal the amount of increase passed. 

So, then they will have twice the room to spend on a Jobs Bill while appearing to have cut the National Debt.  It isn't that the Debt Ceiling will be resolved, it is just that there will be more room for them to keep bumping their heads on it while they pander to Americans.

Where are the jobs Eric Cantor?  Where are the jobs Speaker Boner?  Where are they?  Can't provide them without more spending?  Oh.

Where are the jobs Bernanke?  Another PRINTING in order to increase the happiness of Wall Street?