Wednesday, January 05, 2011

The current Republican majority in the House is a populous movement. It demends on 'outside' influences to win victories.

Last night on "The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell" Mark Meckler was on a panel.  He was the funniest of the panelists during the debate in that he was trying out his new 'stick.'  (click here)

During his entire presentation he mimicked President Obama.  You know 'imitation.'  Something like one would find on a comedy show.

He used the gestures that people with President Obama's 'sense of humor' would recognize.  His smile and gregarious mannerisms. 

Meckler probably has a 'stick' for every audience he appears before.

Nice try, Meckler.   Next time try being NORMAL.

The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell


Aired on Tuesday, Jan 04, 2011 (1/4/2011) at 06:00 PM

00:02:25Joining me now are tennessee republican congressman phil roe, democratic congressman peter welsh of vermont, adam green, co-founder of the progressive change campaign committee, and mark mekler, co-founder of the tea party patriots.