Tuesday, May 04, 2010

There is "Slick" and Rick.

Governor Rick Perry and Governor Sarah Palin in San Antonio this week. Governor Perry is holding his framed lifetime membership to the National Rifle Association. Governor Palin is also a lifetime member of the NRA.

Perry backs offshore drilling, calls spill 'act of God'  (click title to entry - thank you)


I don't care if a trigger spot is hit within 5 feet of such an incident or 500 miles from an incident, it still is a trigger spot that destabilizes geological dynamics 'INHERENT' that region.   The leadership in these countries take 'advice' from other government leaders and I can only begin to imagine who recommended this one.

The United Nations needs to 'standardize' the rules surrounding drilling and mining.  Absolutely.  These small countries that DO NOT have their own 'brain trusts' and 'think tanks' that are nationalized to their countries need guidance and the global community has to provide a 'neutral third party' to them.  And whatever they do they should NOT allow such recommendations to be taken seriously from the 'track record' of any poorly performing country or company, such as the USA in its relationship with BP. 

The Right Wing Republicans should 'keep it comin' / 'bring it on'; so we can get this over with.