A few hundred point swing is nothing these days. The DOW isn't going to see 14,000 for some time, so get over it. TOO BAD, HANK !
Don't blow it !
Steady as it goes ! Chart the coarse everyone. Let's go. We can do this and we can to it right without the corruption the Bush Executive Branch brings.
Where's Allen?
...Hank Paulson's plan will soon be rammed through Congress (Maybe not.), likely with strings attached for "homeowners" and executive pay. Too bad, because the plan is seriously flawed and taxpayers are likely to get hosed. Especially too bad because a much simpler plan that would save the system without socking it to taxpayers....
Krugman is right. You know there is something really reassuring right now about reading the same Op-Editor for years and years and years. Nice.
I can't help but wonder though, if we aren't all caught up in the 'enormity' of the Paulson Con. I mean that is exactly what it is, even if 'the gentle people of Wall Street' won't say it. Either Paulson is completely inept or he is attempting the Biggest Con in history. He didn't see any of this coming?
Give me a break. Would anyone in their right mind with intact ethics and integrity actually hang their hat on this one? No.
And what if the 'tragedy of the commons' isn't all that?
Cash for Trash (click here)
Published: September 21, 2008
...But Mr. Paulson is demanding extraordinary power for himself — and for his successor — to deploy taxpayers’ money on behalf of a plan that, as far as I can see, doesn’t make sense....
Nice work Vladimir.
Very nice.
Russia can be counted on.
When it comes to fighting Nazis or containing the nuclear ambitions of Iran or stopping tirading zealots in Georgia or stabilizing global markets.
Russia 'gets it.' You know?
Russian rally sends stocks 30% higher (click here)
Epic swing prompts another temporary suspension of trading
By Polya Lesova, MarketWatch
Last update: 6:13 p.m. EDT Sept. 19, 2008
NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- Russian stocks rallied nearly 30% Friday, causing the markets' regulator to halt trading once again on the two main stock exchanges, after the government took a series of steps aimed at stemming the country's financial turmoil....