Monday, March 10, 2008

Does Elliot Spitzer look like a terrorist to you? He doesn't to me and this is the kind of 'gaming' the Republicans pull with illegal wiretaps !

Governor Spitzer is a very lucky man, he has a beautiful and devoted spouse that was at his side the entire time he ran for governor.
How much did the woman get in the way of lightening her sentence when she came up with this one?

Go, get 'em, Eliot !!!!

Spitzer was charged to diminish his political clout. Its been speculated he would be capable of running for President and Bush could never allow anyone to challenge Jeb's opportunity in 2012. That is all it's about. He should not resign as Governor, he has many years to serve before re-election and he needs to address this issue from the standpoint of entrapment, if indeed this was a 'favor' for the federal government by someone that solicited him. It sounds like a set up to me.

"The Mann Act ?" Give me a break !