Friday, January 25, 2008

The $34 to $69 Billion Economic Stimulus Package - University Health Care - Costs less than Iraq. Saves Lives.

The Republicans don't want Universal Health Care because it takes away funding to their war cronies and limits there ability to wage WWIII. Your next President will decide the path to WWIII or PEACE. Think about it America !

The fact is plainly obvious. Americans need competent health care in the face of a failing privatized industry. Universal health care insures a healthy nation and work force. Enough already !!

Which do you perfer? War? Or a government that takes of it's own and minds it's own business with international relationships that support democratic principles supported through economic trade policies? It seems to me, that after six long years of failed wars and spending, the choice is obvious !

That price tag, by the way, includes all Americans, Veterans and those already on government subsidized programs. Veterans might even be able to get enough attention to keep them from suicide. Would be nice.

Warm to universal coverage (click here)
Americans show far more enthusiasm for universal health coverage than many of the candidates for president, a recent survey shows. The clear message: Candidates, for Congress and state offices as well as president, shouldn't be so cautious.
Americans may be divided about the form that health coverage should take, but they're united on the need for better access to health insurance: 81 percent of the respondents in a survey performed by the Commonwealth Fund, a health care research group, said employers should cover all or part of the cost of health insurance, while 68 percent "strongly or somewhat" favored an individual mandate to carry health insurance, similar to the requirement to carry car insurance. And 66 percent said they felt the responsibility for coverage should be shared between employers, individuals and the government.
When survey respondents were separated by partisan affiliation, Republicans showed slightly less enthusiasm for universal coverage -- but still, a majority of respondents supported a requirement that everyone carry health insurance and want that responsibility to be shared....