Are they eschewed at all?
What exactly did performing enhancing drugs do to 'the game.' What did they do to the record books? Did drugs actually change the game, or was it all a psychological issue and perhaps enhanced the way the players felt they could perform?
I believe those are all valid questions.
The human body has limits. There are just so many muscle fibers, there is just so much capacity of any one muscle or tendon. The limits of 'the human condition' results in injuries. Were all these players injury free while performing to enhanced performances? Were their performances outside the rhelm of 'possiblity' or does one have to realize an entire generation, twenty years of ball players competed on a scale somewhat different in some way, but, in competition of each other anyway.
The most notable competition between ball players was that of the seasonal accomplishments between McGuire and Sosa. Were they competing between this generation of ball player differently from each other?
All the questions have to be asked otherwise irrational revenge of 'the cheat' will outweigh the reality of the game as it was played for twenty years.