The Republicans in a pathetic 'mind set' about Iraq have proven over and over with each candidate there is no good arguement to be in Iraq. As a matter of fact they have 'lent' the USA military and the USA treasury to Iraq unconditionally. It was best summed up by Tommy Thompson when he stated, he would leave it up to the Iraqi people in a vote as to whether the USA military would continue to stay (OCCUPY) in the country or withdraw.
That is not a reasonable statement for any president in the Executive Branch of this country to make. If that position by Thompson is allowed within the platform of the RNC then they have no viable condidates that can handle the tough decisions.
It is my understanding Mr. Giuliani took the 'middle of the road/waffler/woman vote getter' stand and actually threatened abortion rights stating while he supported the idea that women can direct their own lives and supported their right to choose, he also agreed Roe v. Wade could be reviewed.
John McCain made a complete fool of himself when he stated he would veto every bill with pork without a second thought. Really? Well, where was he for the last six years of Pork Barrel Gluttony. Nowhere? Because that is ALL the Republicans in the last six years have done. As a matter of fact every time Bush or any other Republican brings up Pork in realtion to the bills the Democrats are passing it is more of a joke than one hears on Leo.
All of the candidates, without exception, apologized for the 'mistakes' and 'lack of planning' that caused anarchy in Iraq which so far has caused the lives of an escalating number of American military, currently at 3356.
Who do these men think they are? Someone who can actually handle the job of Commander and Chief or ones that simply apolgoize for it?
There was not one woman and not one minority among them and they are a representative sample of the promise of the USA? I don't think so.
The issue of Terry Schivo was simply hideous. McCain wanted more time? For what? Indecision?
With every one of the issues, hind sight is better than foresight and that is about the truth of the matter over that past six years. The Republicans played with the power of the USA's military and has it 'trapped' in a quagmire in the Middle East that even the nations meeting in Egypt this week states has to end. And what do these candidates have to say? The same rhetoric coming out of the mouth of Condi Rice; more of the same while diverging from every other nation at the Summit. Who needs it !
All that occurred last night was rhetoric with a spin. They don't have answers to any of the nation's problems, while pandering to the electorate attempting to seek a foothold for a climb over the mountain of mistakes, contradictions, corruption and flat out lies and manipulation of the Bush White House while not one will impeach even Gonzalez who dearly NEEDS TO GO. Like he, the Republicans NEED TO GO !