Sunday, October 13, 2024

So, the whole world saw “The Apprentice “ now.

The story of Trump resulted in the person he is today. He is greedy and covets other people’s money. He admires power against government and welcomes corruption. He still practices the Cohen Rules of Greed. 

1. Attack, attack, attack.

2. Admit nothing and deny everything. The truth doesn’t matter, it is a construct, make your own truth and double down on it.


That is Trump in a nut case nut shell. He so much lives by corruption that he allowed his ideology to recruit racists to form militias, hamstring any authority to oppose the militias, and turned them loose on the USA Capital, while embracing authoritarian government, and stating he loved this country.


He’s a wacko.

Those that back him are as corrupt as he is, embrace authoritarian rule of the USA, hate all beliefs except their own ideology, see him as a puppet to their monetary power over government, and hate taxes while believing the working, middle class are lazy and don’t deserve the pay they receive.

He is not a good decent man that embraces democracy and free will and was mentored by communists that want to bring the USA to its knees. As far as Trump is concerned the USA is already on its knees and believes the communists won, so why fight it, unless “ he alone can make America Great Again.”

Trump has no valor and will never understand it, that is why he calls soldiers and great American warriors “losers and suckers.” He misinterprets the USA history of being muscle bound as weakness when it has always been the best side of valor knowing what the consequences would be. 

Trump is a gambler and a loser while using addictive drugs to attempt to feed his ego. He suffered from ED, needing hypersexual content in his life exampled by pageants of women and girls to compensate for it. He found enough excitement in porn stars, playboy idols, iconic successful women to carry out sexual acts often in the form of rape.  According to women reporting in on Trump’s sexual assaults he had victimized at least 24 of associates and/or friends. He even openly stated his power over women in an “Access Hollywood “ tape. 

Trump has no redeeming qualities or characteristics. He is willing to serve the purpose of those that allow him to be in power because he serves their purposes. He has absolutely no concept of good governance, the truth, or any allegiance to it. Oaths mean nothing to him and he will destroy this democracy because it suits his own purposes. 

Donald Trump is power hungry, ruthless and will design his own reality at any cost to maintain a grip on power.  He has no other desire but to rule over others. Why not be a savior, it works for his self-esteem and to reel people in to believe he can carry it off.


(Click here)

This is all very interesting, but, Venezuela has cut diplomatic ties with Israel due to its alliance with Hamas and Russia.

(Click here)

In addition to Iran and Hezbollah corrupting the Venezuelan elections and economy while committing human rights abuses; there is the decades long occupation by Russia of Venezuela. Russia has military bases in Venezuela including nuclear capacity jets and hypersonic missiles. 

So, while providing state of the art American technology to an ally is important, there better be plenty of these defense systems in place right here on USA soil. 

Surrendering to Russia, as Trump wants, is not an option. These aggressions have been in play for a long time. No different than the aggression into Ukraine. Putin called the Russian diaspora home about a decade ago. It is all on this blog. He, through the Duma, then limited what was the definition of Russian citizenship. People had to give up dual citizenship. Why? To serve Putin in his planned assault against NATO beginning with Ukraine. Putin will never give up Venezuela as a foothold to the Free World in the Western hemisphere, except, in propaganda intended to inspire cowardess in election balloting. 

This is a petroleum industry catastrophe.

(Click here)

There are no flood maps that plan for this. Helene was not a 100 year flood by definition.
(Click here)

Definitions of flood plans is based in rising water of current infrastructure stability. The USA, unlike the EU or UK, never accepted ANY definition of climate crisis. The petroleum industry has dominated government definitions and actions in the USA. 

Helene was catastrophic flooding caused by a stalled climate crisis hurricane that through torrential rains caused the failure of mountainous terrain that clogged waterways creating unimaginable flooding. Nowhere in government definitions of flood maps/plains will anyone find the words climate crisis or complications of torrential rains from stalled storms. The language was never allowed.

(Click here)

“What happened in Asheville” documents the complete alarm of Americans without a clue to the potential to the climate crisis because the language was never pursued. The corruption of the petroleum industry of the political system is why Asheville was devastated and so many lives lost. Americans were never told they had to give up burning fossil fuels to live on Earth. That is what happened in Asheville.

All those vehicles are usable.

(Click here)

The flood waters bearly got to the top of the wheel wells. The engines are fine and can be driven out of the water to dry out. 

The only long term problem will be undercarriage rust. So, if they are treated with rust preventative they will be fine. There is no big capital expenditure necessary for some time. When they are replaced they need to be EVs.

“Reels” on Facebook

(Click here)

Family member sent this link to a cite called “Reels.” This particular collection of reels shows before and after scenes of Helene.

This storm was extremely powerful and mostly because of inundating rains. The rains washed enormous amounts of sediment from between the rocks compromising the mountains. There is a couple of things.

First, it destabilized the rocks that would result in rockslides. Losing the sediment was like taking cement out from between the bricks of a brick wall. It tumbled. 

Second, the sediment washed downhill and accumulated very, very quickly in the rivers creating dams that weren’t there before. Those dams would cause flooding. 

In addition to the sediment rushing out of the mountains, the sheer volume of water caused enormous changes in river velocity. The velocity exponentially increased erosion and turned loose “river processes “ the literally changed the course of the rivers.

Additionally, where river water volume was forced outside the banks of the river, it washed away any home and/or building off its foundation and downstream to be destroyed by water velocity and debris in the water. I am fairly confident the rivers, creeks, and brooks became so violently fast people were killed instantly by the force of the water alone. 

When in search of missing people they may not be found in the area last seen or on their property or residence. This water volume along with moving sediment and rocks could have their bodies trapped in areas where the velocity was the strongest. 

This was a very violent storm by rain volume alone, then add to it rockslides, sediment dams, and tornadoes and there was no way of planning to survive it. The only survival strategy was to get out of the way of this hurricane LONG before it ARRIVED. There was no other way. Helene had death written all over it.


Friday, October 11, 2024

McDermott criticizes the current models of the Russian military.

I believe this only came out today. The author Roger N. McDermott has written extensively about Russia and it's use of technology within their military structure.

Brothers Disunited: Russia’s Use of Military Power in Ukraine (click here)

Roger N. McDermott (click here) specializes in Russian and Central Asian defense and security issues and is a Senior Fellow in Eurasian Military Studies, The Jamestown Foundation, Washington DC, Senior International Research Fellow for the Foreign Military Studies Office (FMSO), Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and Affiliated Senior Analyst, Danish Institute for International Studies, Copenhagen. McDermott is on the editorial board of Central Asia and the Caucasus and the scientific board of the Journal of Power Institutions in Post-Soviet Societies. He recently wrote The Reform of Russia’s Conventional Armed Forces: Problems, Challenges and Policy Implications (October 2011).

In August 2023, Anton “Lotus” Yelizarov, (click here) a 42-year-old Russian commander from Novorossiysk, took over the combat side of the Wagner Group’s military operations. This occurred after the mysterious “plane crash” near Moscow that killed the group’s infamous leader, Yevgeny Prigozhin (see Eurasia Daily Monitor, October 12, 2023; Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, August 20, 2023). Prigozhin’s reputation as a leader inspired sufficient loyalty from Wagner fighters to lead them into mutiny, and even before then he reached folk hero status for his populist persona and actions in Ukraine....

"The Apprentice" officially opens today.

"The Apprentice" (click here)

The story of how a young Donald Trump started his real-estate business in 1970s and '80s New York with the helping hand of infamous lawyer Roy Cohn.

Americans should go see it and understand how deep down within his malignant narcissism Donald is good at taking direction for his life so long as he is growing more and more wealthy at others expense. He was great at taking directions from communists during his time as president. The communists would tell him to jump and he simply asked, "How high?" It is the path to peace according to Trump.

Malignant narcissism (click here) is a psychological disorder in which a person has an inflated sense of self-worth, a need for admiration, and a disregard for others. A malignant narcissist may experience paranoia, feeling threatened or persecuted without proof, and are aggressive, manipulative, and abusive without remorse.

Yes, malignant narcissism (click here) is a psychological syndrome that includes traits of both narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and antisocial personality disorder (APD)

Having relied heavily on externalities (click here) such as their looks, wealth, fame, connections, or professional achievements to fortify their fragile self-esteem, older narcissists find themselves increasingly stripped of their defenses and diminished in their ability to charm, impress, bully, manipulate, and otherwise control others. Since narcissists nearly always refuse to take responsibility for their actions or circumstances, they grow bitter and feel victimized by life, blaming others for their disappointments....

The State Theater is providing everyone that wants to see the movie/documentary to do so with three shows per day for the next three days.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

It could have been worse.

(Click here)

Milton was getting fuel from the Gulf and Atlantic. It’s why Milton kept hurricane status the entire time it moved over Florida. But, the air mass from the north didn’t pinch it into a stalled state. Milton was fueled enough to continue a rigorous trajectory. The velocity distributed the rain over a wider path than if it stalled. So while the damage is still significant, especially for those with damaged property, it could have been worse.

My understanding is that Milton caused about 16 deaths. That is about average for major storms that visit the USA. The blitz response from President Biden worked in this case.

The difference between Milton and Helene is that Helene stalled over western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee. It was the chronic wind and high amounts of rainfall that caused do much more damage and death. 

That area of the country tends to be more impoverished as well and here again there are socio-economic impacts from these catastrophic events that cause death. The disparity between the two events is grossly obvious. Poverty should not be a death sentence.

Milton is out at sea and still having a punch, but, there are clear skies over Florida. After Helene there was more rain. These were both climate crisis storms. Helene is obvious, but, Milton maintained it’s hurricane strength winds over land for a sustained time because of the feeder system that fueled it from two bodies of water because of its sheer size. Milton also spawned record numbers of tornadoes accompanying a hurricane.

My sincerest condolences for all the families and friends of those lost because of these storms. Thank you to the USA military for its helpful vigilance, FEMA for its expert insight and response, and to all first responders and volunteers who rose to the challenge presented by a warming planet. Americans are magnificent people.

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Milton is big trouble.

I thought there would be tornadoes. There were one hundred tornado warnings and watches today. I didn't know there would be this many, though.

Look. Milton is crossing Florida but is refueling as it hits the Atlantic. There will be tornadoes and life threatening weather the entire time. 

Pray the lousy storm doesn’t stall, then the flooding will be far worse. A stalled storm is far worse than one that moves quickly. The rain deposits increase exponentially with stalled storms and with that more deaths, injuries and damage requiring a lot resources. 

The vital "60 Minutes" Presidential Interview.

It is my opinion and only my opinion that Trump refused to sit through an interview with our minority Vice President. He chronically complains about her ethnicity. There is no reason to think his obstinance in sharing the same air space with our magnificent Vice President is based in disdain of minority citizens.

I find the support of Former US Rep. Liz Cheney invaluable to the outcome to the 2024 Vote. It is one thing for a Republican to state, "I am not voting for Trump." It is quite another thing for a Republican to state, "I am supporting Kamala Harris for President with my vote." Republicans are welcome to vote for whoever they want in the down ballot, but, if not voting for Trump for president, please, cast the vote for Kamala. The country's democracy is counting on it.

It should be no surprise Kamala Harris has a gun and practices with it. Ask law enforcement people, be it police or lawyers or prosecutors or judges if they take their protection seriously enough to conceal carry. Practicing at a shooting range is vital to safe handling of any gun, but, particularly handguns. I speak from experience. Please don't purchase a gun and stick it in a safe place and never look at it again until the day or night it is needed. Everyone that owns a gun should be practicing regularly with it. Regularly is a matter of building competency and does not require dedicated time weekly or monthly to achieve competency with firearms. Own the gun and own the operations of the gun, your life may depend on it.

Thank you for a very interesting interview, Bill Whitaker.

I have a problem with the idea that Trump is seeding disinformation as a campaign strategy (click here). That idea of normalizing disinformation as a strategy to win an election completely puts the country in danger. This is a campaign for President of the United States of America. If a voter is simply thinking, "Oh, that disinformation is just a campaign strategy," what are they expecting of a president? Competency? Truth telling? Or a comedy routine that masks the seriousness that should be met with the responsibilities of the Oval Office.

I find Trump's misinformation dialogues troubling and frightening. President. He is not President material. NOT AT ALL! 

So, when a reputable news agency or journalist normalizes the disinformation as a campaign strategy that eliminates fact checking as a vital component to decision making.

The American democracy is based in truth telling. There are oaths citizens take when making witness in trials that demand them to tell the truth and nothing but the truth. The candidates for office at any level, but, especially the presidency of the USA, should be testifying every day to their policies. It chills me to think Trump could simply give a press conference as he did during the COVID pandemic and normalize injections of bleach, etc. People died because of such irresponsible statements. Young people died because he made them believe COVID was a hoax. DIED. PEOPLE DIED because of Trump's disinformation. What the heck is a journalist thinking when they normalize misinformation? They certainly aren't journalists. 

If racist Trump came on "60 Minutes" as he should have to talk to the American people, he would have had to be truthful. Is there any wonder why the Republican Ringmaster of the party's circus was absent?

Thank you Kamala and Tim. You have no idea how wonderful it is to hear both of you speak about the country and the hopes of it's future.

The Virginia Governor is lying about the electorate?

Never in my wildest imagination did I think Youngkin would stoop to such lows. Youngkin is pandering to Trump's idea of politics. Hate speech.


I guess we know where to look for election interference.

By Gregory S. Schneider and Laura Vozzella
October 9, 2024 at 6:00 a.m. EDT

Richmond — Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) (click here) has been warning that illegal immigration poses a threat to democracy as he campaigns this fall for former president Donald Trump, boasting about purging 6,303 noncitizens from the state’s voter rolls during his first 2½ years in office.

“Noncitizens will be prosecuted if they vote,” Youngkin cautioned last month during a telephone rally with Trump in which the former president spoke of an “invasion” by criminal immigrants and claimed his opponents will “cheat” to defeat him.

But a review of state court records and interviews with elections officials found no evidence that any noncitizens have tried to vote during his term in Virginia, which does not allow residents who are not citizens to vote in any elections. As few as three people have been prosecuted for illegal voting of any kind in Virginia between Jan. 1, 2022, and July of this year, the records showed. None of those cases involved a question of citizenship....

There is no legal definition of "hate speech" under U.S. law, just as there is no legal definition for evil ideas, rudeness, unpatriotic speech, or any other kind of speech that people might condemn. Generally, however, hate speech is any form of expression through which speakers intend to vilify, humiliate, or incite hatred against a group or a class of persons on the basis of race, religion, skin color sexual identity, gender identity, ethnicity, disability, or national origin....


Author: Kenneth D. Ward

Free Speech and the Development of Liberal Virtues: (click here) An Examination of the Controversies Involving Flag-Burning and Hate Speech


There is a chance Milton will reorganize once it hits the Atlantic. If it regains significant strength against the air mass from the north Milton could go on to soak the UK.

(Click here)

There is also another storm in the Atlantic Ocean. It would be a wild ride if the two storms unite.

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Kamala Harris is spot on about economic growth.

What happens when people buy homes? With every monthly mortgage payment rather than rent that home builds equity. When a home builds equity it creates wealth. When wealth increases so does economic well being at the individual level.

What if every working American were able to have a down payment of $25,000? That is automatic equity. What else happens when a person or family buys a house? They become part of a community with real investment in this country.

Home ownership is vital to every American to build wealth and have a future worth working toward. 

When homeless, working Americans buy a home what happens? The obvious outcome is a better community, but, the stability created by the simple act of homeownership improves the very future of children.

There is a way forward that will make life better for everyone. Stable communities, more housing on the market will end inflation, provide a work force that is not transient that will lower the demand for immigration providing our courts a much needed breather.


Homeowners pay property taxes that increase the well being of communities. Imagine that. All Americans safe and sound at home with well maintained cities and towns that can handle reasonable debt.

Kamala is spot on to the viability of our people and country.  Why is it difficult for people to admit when the lady is right?

President Biden, Vice President Harris, and …

…all those in search and rescue along Helene’s path must remember, even as president Trump did not care about the American people during COVID as he spread and propagated lies that caused greater numbers of illness and death he does not care now. He is not going to change. Sewing chaos is sport to him.

(Click here)

Every trauma and tragedy allows him to score another victory for his reelection. He wants people to believe the worse about Kamala Harris. He doesn’t care if people are isolated and confused or end up dead.

Putting lives in danger deliberately is illegal. Why is he getting away with it? Why isn’t he arrested?

Trump is still a defendant. There is such a thing as danger crime and a true threat. He is guilty of both. 

The real measure is how a person or people reacted to verbalized misinformation.  In the case of COVID many American people believed the lies and misdirection. It caused people to engage in dangerous behavior that lead to exposure and death. That is a fact.

Why allow Trump freedom of speech when in fact he is basically yelling FIRE in a crowded theater.

The incentive for broadcasting misinformation is alarming to think about and serves his personal agenda. His incentive and goals are alarming all by themselves. He wants to disrupt an election as he defames all opponents. He endangers their lives too as they seek protection while at the same reaching out to Americans along the campaign trail.

The DNC should run “An evening with Kamala” which is a town hall format. Let real Americans have their fears allaid while setting the facts straight and defeating any understanding of her lying to Americans.

Monday, October 07, 2024

The New York Post has posted pictures of the remaining hostages.

October 7, 2024
By Ronney Reyes

Shiri Bibas is being held with her infant child, Kfir Bibas is stated to be one year old. She was born the day of the attack.

Note: One hostage, Sathian Suwannakham of Thailand, is not pictured

There is also an iconic child noted by the Associated Press. A Palestinian child. Neither of these children or their parents deserve the pain and suffering they are going through. This is a result of an Iranian backed terrorist group with no value of human life. 

What kind of adults are these children going to be? How scarred will they become as they realize the war changed everything their parents had hoped for them? This war must end. These children are innocent and need a life of joy returned to them. We cannot allow terrorists to continue to carry out these horrific attacks. 

For what reason? There is no rational reason for any of this. There was no rational reason for the attacks into Israel that began a horrific year of killing. This must stop and these children are now icons to the outcome of this war. They will be followed by the world to understand how this altered the fabric of their lives.

October 5, 2024
by Samy Magdy and Wafaa Shurafa

NUSEIRAT, Gaza Strip (AP) — Ali Al-Taweel (click here) was born as Israeli warplanes started to pound the Gaza Strip after Hamas’ surprise cross-border attack on southern Israel.

Now, the Palestinian child will celebrate his first birthday as the Israeli-Hamas war reaches its one-year mark. For his family, it’s been a year filled with uncertainty and anxiety as they moved from place to place amid widespread destruction and limited resources.

“I had arranged another, very sweet life for him,” Ali’s mother, Amal Al-Taweel, told The Associated Press in an interview. “The war has changed everything.”...

Sunday, October 06, 2024

What do Americans think authoritarian leaders do?

(Click here)

There is no mistake on my part. Trump wants unreasonable power over individual lives. No one will be safe anymore. If he ever gains power with a consenting military and/or police the character of this country will change overnight. At that point the only hope Americans have in preserving our democracy will be if the police and military hold their ground against him. That is why he will pardon the January 6th insurgents, to return them to their militia status. His private military to enforce his regime change. We already know they think nothing of killing police.

This is exactly what will happen. Trump admires Putin’s power and longs to assert it.

This was May 2024:

What will the USA look like…

…when Trump and the Evangelicals get finished with it?

Exactly like this:

(Click here)

They and Alexei Navalny were working toward a better Russia by pushing back on corruption. They aren’t wealthy people, they are just honest people believing that the truth and justice mattered. They believed the best was possible in Russia.

The reason these journalists are on trial is because Putin sees them as a threat to his regime. He will example them, oppress the rest and the masses of people that see Russia through different eyes. Eyes of morality and equality, justice and happiness, and acceptance of difference.

They dared to believe the freedom of expression guaranteed by Russian citizenship by writing, photographing, and truth telling would bring a far greater country than anyone could imagine. Washing Russia of corruption would mean acceptance in the world through trade and economic prosperity. This is what hope got these young, beautiful people in Russia. Silenced now to survive Putin’s perverted courts.

The DNC needs to file a lawsuit.

(Click here)

The argument against filing now is that nothing nefarious has happened so there is nothing a judge can decide on. But, the potential of the catastrophe this unmitigated power can cause is enough to seek an injunction against rules that disrupt due process. These rules disrupt the process of untainted ballots in the face of suspicion. Suspicion is enough of a reason for investigation, but, not elimination of votes. These rules seek to eliminate all votes cast without valid and proved reason.

Recently I believe it was a judge in Georgia that dismissed a lawsuit by the Trump people who wanted to sue the voting machine company. They are trying to lay the ground work to institute these restrictive and illegal voting REGULATIONS in suspicion of voting machines the Georgia Election Board falsely accused as problematic. 

It is all foreplay to fucking the 2024 elections by lawyers to frustrated with their incomes to be loyal to the USA Constitution . It is all abuse of power and the Georgia Election Board should be investigated and the DNC needs to counter this corruption with a lawsuit recognizing draconian election regulations designed to send the election into chaos.

One other thing. If the elections become to unruly and chaotic I do believe President Biden has the authority to call a state of emergency and institute a police state until all issues are clear and facts are established.

Saturday, October 05, 2024

Trump’s control of the GOP is related to his wealth.

(Click here)

There is a lot of incentive for Trump to be salesman for the Evangelical Republicans, this is their dreamscape and they are already instituting it. But, Trump’s kick back isn’t direct payments, it is monopolizing the products required in the new design of the government infrastructure. This is the return of King George III. 

Basically, the Evangelical Republicans are using the USA democratic system to HIRE Trump to sellout the country to the new regime. 

This is regime change. No wonder the communists love it.

Trump won’t be in power for long. Neither will his Vice President. A radical Congress will change leadership until their plans are all instituted. Trump is their momentary savior, but, will become their scapegoat. No one knows exactly who they are electing when they cast a ballot for Trump. The USA leadership will be in free fall, no different than exampled by the USA House.

Trump, at some level knows it, too. He is still selling himself to the extremists, “You tried to defeat Roe v. Wade for 54 years and I am the one that did it.” Why would he say that? Feeling insecure? 

Ya know, when well laid plans are almost over the goal line, maybe some fine tuning needed to be done, like, “…perhaps Trump isn’t the best messenger…” The Heritage Foundation has placed six Supreme Court judges and invested mightily over decades, and they are the authors of Project 2025. The Heritage Foundation has been conspiring against the USA Constitution and Trump is their “checkmate.”

The Oklahoma Bible Grift worth $3.3 million.

(Click here)

Trump’s Christian Bible was printed and released for sale long before Oklahoma required the presence and teaching from it for every student in the state. That is conspiratorial, illegal, and proves Trump’s endorsement of Project 2025 (click here).

Trump is lying when he states he does not endorse Project 2025, but not only that, he intends to profit from every aspect of it. Basically, he will oversee constitutionalizing Project 2025, funding it, and syphon billions, if not trillions of USA dollars from the USA Treasury.