Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Hegseth has no power to declare war.

Hegseth is in unimaginable trouble because he is carrying out aggression without the authority of Congress.

90 day wars can be declared by the President, Hegseth didn’t even have that. He is a fool. 

There were no top generals in the room. The best excuse Hegseth has is to declare his alcoholism was out of control at the time.

Article I, Section 8, Clause11 clearly states Congress, not even the 
Executive Branch has the right to declare war. (Click here)

There is a clear history the Supreme Court sets judicial standards.

The Trump radicalized Republicans in the US House of Representatives are at it again.

There have been no hearings or public comment period on this. 

Any such action by the legislature would have to be strongly justified. Realizing how burdened the courts already are, the district courts play a very important role in obtaining justice in the USA.

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“…unneeded or unused credit cards…”

This is such a joke. The USA needs a DoGE just to deal with the unneeded expense of Musk’s DoGE.

In Social Security DoGE removed severely elderly who were not receiving checks anyway because their addresses were old a long, long time ago before there were funeral directors.

In the treasury somewhere is a bank of unused credit cards and they spent taxpayer money on their own unneeded expenses to deactivate credit cards that were probably expired anyway or simply left to expire because they weren’t being used by the person they were issued to for legitimate government expenses. 

Amazing how breaking the law accomplishes Trump MAGA politics.

Elon Musk has been toying with the U.S.A. Federal Government unconstitutionally for no reason at all except extremist politics. 

Trump illegally continued to employer Musk and DoGE past their employment leaving date. Their actions are highly litigable. 

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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

He can’t do this.

Elections are the responsibility of each and every state. Even where racists hold power.


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Trump’s incompetent administration

Vice President Pence and EXPERIENCED administrators were in place. 

What does that say about Trump this time around?

This is treason.

And, oh by the way, how much does Trump and Hegseth care about national security? Do they give license to eavesdropping? Basically, spying.

am quite sure no one will call it that, but, this glitch is treason.
Any form of information made available to an insecure entity in regard to troop and/or USA military movements and allies is treason. 

I don’t know what Hegseth was up to, an EXCLUSIVE maybe? I am grateful a seasoned journalist with “The Atlantic” received the information and knew it was treason. It was published after the fact. 

Jeffery Goldberg is not a stupid man. The same cannot be said for Hegseth. Goldberg wasn’t interested in grabbing headlines as a novice journalist as Hegseth was at FOX where the more sensational the news item, the better.

Here is a little advise for a novice at everything; make a list. Yep. A list as to who is supposed to be in the room and take attendance. At least the American people will know if Hegseth actually planned the treason or whether he actually cared about the USA military.

A question comes to mind. Did Goldberg recognize everyone in the room? I mean, was Russia there, too?

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What are 14 year olds doing with themselves these days?

DeSantis is going to shutdown their schools and replace immigrant labor with them. Now, that is not exactly protecting the brain trust.

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Trump has been taking orders from Israel

This is all Israeli intelligence. I am not saying it is a lie, but, Trump is not respecting due process. If due process were conducted it would give prosecutors time to learn more with possibly bigger crimes than just the ones they earned at Columbia. 

I am not at all doubting an Usrael hostage, but, even Trump is saying Khalil was not involved with a violent, radical group. I am not surprised some of the Columbia activist students were actively involved with Hamas. It showed. Of course, they are at the very least acting as subversives, but, this is the USA and everyone of them are guaranteed due process. There is no reason for radically inhumane treatment of anyone.

In the USA a person is innocent until proven guilty. NOT. Guilty until proven innocent. This is a country that believes in judicial processes not the power of a dictator. IN FACT, Trump may have so much prejudiced the case regarding Khalil that it will be thrown out at a higher court. If that happens it is ALL TRUMP’S FAULT!

No legislator, even the stupid ones, should be seeking to change due process. They will be looking over their shoulders for a long time wondering if they will be next to be deprived due process.

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Democrats need to stand up.

The Congress just passed an enormous CR. Now, the Republicans want to ram through another that will add trillions to the national debt. 

Stop them.

They say they are reducing the deficit with draconian cuts to every program including vital life lines like Medicare. They are not. They are lying.

The Republicans state they want to pass the Trump Agenda. Does anyone know what that is?  Trump lied. Who are we to believe when the Trump Agenda wants to break the backs of Americans?

Democrats need to step up and fill the void left by Trump’s DoGE. Americans are left in that void not knowing what to do. 

Federal agencies do NOT have to comply with terrorist tactics of DoGE and Musk.

Stand in the void with Americans left to wonder about their future, including medical researchers at NIH and scientists that predict weather and climate. 

The Republicans want to destroy the Judiciary. In that U.S. a clear understanding to end the USA Constitution.

Republican Recall Elections

Families are going crazy. Why? Because their members are under stress as never before. It is time to call Trump a liar and recall the Republican legislature that facilitates unelected oligarchs to break the backs of Americans. 

When a child has problems, the family gathers around. 

When Dad has a gall bladder attack everyone gets involved to see each other through. 

When Grandparents are having trouble making ends meet their children want to know what is going on. 

It is time to call Trump the liar that he is and remove the Republicans responsible for facilitating the Liar President.

When legislators elected by the people don’t show up for town halls it means they are purposely stonewalling the public because they intend greater harm than they have done already. They want citizens voting rights and they are making plans to end elections already.

The Republicans talk about passing the “Trump Agenda.” What is that exactly. We know he lied about Project 2025. What else is he lying about?

(Click here)

Recall Republican legislators.

Chuck Schumer needs to find a backbone.

The Republicans want to destroy our democracy. They are elitists and are paid far too much money. Their election needs to be repealed.

(Click here)

Monday, March 24, 2025

Democrats step up.

Republicans legislators are shunning constituents. Democrats should be there to support them.

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The United Nations?

I realize in some circles the United Nations is a bad word, but, to omit the work with a UN relief organization is NOT reason for deportation. If Mr. Khalil was a member of the PLO or Hamas, real threats, but the UN relief organization to benefit the Palestinians in an internationally acclaimed effort is NOT reason for deportation. 

This is just an excuse to throw him into an uncertain life. No doubt Trump wants to help out his friend Netanyahu in herding one more Palestinian into a corridor of control in Gaza. 

I don’t know about Mr. Khalil, but, entering Columbia is an entirely different world of committed time to diligent study. He probably wasn’t going to continue with the UN. 

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Diplomacy takes time.

Trump wants his kingdom in place before the mid-term elections in the USA.

All the mess he is creating has a purpose. It creates a tabloid distraction so no other leader has an opportunity to change his approval numbers. 

It is pretty scary when realizing long time European friendly countries are warning their citizens about illegal detentions at the USA border. That does not reflect who we are as Americans. These radical rules of isolation Trump is dictating isn't even discussed as dangerous within the USA. Most Americans would be very surprised if told the USA was being driven into isolationism. It was ending foreign visitors from entering.

I wish Prime Minster Egede great success. I hope this new threat by Trump will strength bonds with Europe. 

Oh, yeah, if Trump is harassing foreign guests at the border of the USA, other countries should feel free to keep nasty Americans out their countries as well.

I have to wonder why isolationism? Right? The USA economy thrives on tourism. But, when I think of isolationism I begin to think of control. This is a big country. It is not easy to control. There is lots and lots of movement all day and all night.

But, what if that changed. After getting rid of as many people as possible by deportation and closing borders, it would be easy to start declaring curfews. If Americans had to be home at a certain time it would create control.

But, then I ask why. Because again the economy here is about movement and community, so why a curfew? Why such control over people’s lives? 


Well, wouldn’t it be easy for the SS to get their hands on the people Trump hates if there was a curfew? It is easier to raid a home than round up all those that live there. 

So, I believe that is the scenario the New Hitler is carrying out. That is why he openly disobeys the judges orders, because in his sick racist mind even judges can be routed out of their homes to eliminate their decisions. 

Nothing else makes sense to me. There has to be a reason to shut down this majestic country’s borders. To control everyone within it. For what purpose? To take out all those people Trump hates that he believes never belonged here in the first place.

Trump is paranoid. He stopped his political opponents from receiving classified information. Why? What is he afraid those great, patriotic, and loyal minds would find out about him?

It is a strange time in the USA and Republicans in office are willing to stand by and watch. 

Greenland belongs to European alliances even if it is independent.

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Sunday, March 23, 2025

More corruption

Charter schools don’t want to be reviewed or measured against public schools. The charter schools don’t have to accept handicapped children and now they won’t have to answer to any standard at all.

The USA Education Department has become a pass through bank with no federal oversight. No inspector general. Nothing. 

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This makes no sense.

Trump’s lying about Musk at DOD.

The continuing resolution that passed the House and Senate increased the defense budget by $7.0 billion. 


All of a sudden Musk is cutting what Congress just increased? I don’t think so.

They are lying. Musk was there for information. But, guaranteed it wasn’t budgetary.

By all rights the USA defense contractors should sue. They should always be involved in spending changes at the DOD because it will hurt their research and military readiness. The defense contractors have a right to know what a novice businessman has in mind.

Where did Musk go when he left the meeting? Was he carrying a computer before and/or after the meeting? 

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Many seniors will be homeless.

There are organizations and tools, even Social Security actuaries, to help understand senior citizens in the conundrum of financial stability. These overpayments was due to agency error, not the recipients. There is no reason except narcissistic personality disorders willing to create victims that seniors should fall victim to system errors. 

(Click here)

This is outrageous. Seniors cannot hold up under such ruthlessness.

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This explains why Musk is de facto president.

Musk needs to increase the wealth of his benefactors so his bankroll keeps growing.

Musk’s crypto fantasy involves one of his benefactors. 

(Click here)

Happy Sunday

Francis is back!

He made a thumb’s up to the crowd.

Senator Warren’s Plan

It is vitally important because it proves much can be done to shrink the budget and lower taxes without destroying the democracy. 

Trump, Musk, and DoGE are radically changing the way the USA conducts itself domestically and internationally. None of the radical dismantling of the USA and estrangement from allies is necessary. 

Senator Warren’s answer doesn’t assign special status to any royalty which would be a ridiculous tax on the people of this country. 

We can change things without changing one word of the USA Constitution.