Trump wants his kingdom in place before the mid-term elections in the USA.
All the mess he is creating has a purpose. It creates a tabloid distraction so no other leader has an opportunity to change his approval numbers.
It is pretty scary when realizing long time European friendly countries are warning their citizens about illegal detentions at the USA border. That does not reflect who we are as Americans. These radical rules of isolation Trump is dictating isn't even discussed as dangerous within the USA. Most Americans would be very surprised if told the USA was being driven into isolationism. It was ending foreign visitors from entering.
I wish Prime Minster Egede great success. I hope this new threat by Trump will strength bonds with Europe.
Oh, yeah, if Trump is harassing foreign guests at the border of the USA, other countries should feel free to keep nasty Americans out their countries as well.
I have to wonder why isolationism? Right? The USA economy thrives on tourism. But, when I think of isolationism I begin to think of control. This is a big country. It is not easy to control. There is lots and lots of movement all day and all night.
But, what if that changed. After getting rid of as many people as possible by deportation and closing borders, it would be easy to start declaring curfews. If Americans had to be home at a certain time it would create control.
But, then I ask why. Because again the economy here is about movement and community, so why a curfew? Why such control over people’s lives?
Well, wouldn’t it be easy for the SS to get their hands on the people Trump hates if there was a curfew? It is easier to raid a home than round up all those that live there.
So, I believe that is the scenario the New Hitler is carrying out. That is why he openly disobeys the judges orders, because in his sick racist mind even judges can be routed out of their homes to eliminate their decisions.
Nothing else makes sense to me. There has to be a reason to shut down this majestic country’s borders. To control everyone within it. For what purpose? To take out all those people Trump hates that he believes never belonged here in the first place.
Trump is paranoid. He stopped his political opponents from receiving classified information. Why? What is he afraid those great, patriotic, and loyal minds would find out about him?
It is a strange time in the USA and Republicans in office are willing to stand by and watch.
Greenland belongs to European alliances even if it is independent.