Benjamin Franklin, “(the constitution) is a republic if you can keep it.”
Hungarians gave up their democracy. They weren’t mature enough to recognize the dangers. Democracy is not perfect. Freedom is exactly that. In order to have freedom it requires life skills and social insight. When voters in a democracy relinquish their power to an authoritarian it is a surrender that they can’t discern their own fate. Oppressed peoples don’t have choices. Their freedoms are surrendered. A democracy can slip away from citizens.
Freedom of speech is the backbone of any democracy. When freedom of speech is put into a commercialized can for profit, that is power. Citizens in a democracy have to discern commercialized speech from serious speech.
In the sixties there was a movement, primarily in the woman’s movement, that cognitively recognized the power of commercialized speech. Women were living an imagine of themselves and not being themselves. Burning the bra was a clear expression of that movement. Women wanted to be more than sexual objects. Within that same movement were “the kids.”
Women took an adult responsibility to protect the children from growing up as an extension of Wall Street. They were concerned for their husbands as well. For the first time in modern history women were expressing their freedom of speech for the purpose of being human and having the right for self-determined futures. It was a magnificent movement for the country and provided new dynamics within a family. Women were now true partners to their husbands. Economic partners. Social partners. Political partners. The marriage was magnificently dynamic and men found relief within that dynamic and welcomed the care giving of his children.
What does this have to do with Victor Orban? Everything!
Currently there is an insurrectionist leading a major political party that promises an authoritarian government from “ Day One.” That candidate is a result of commercialized canned speech under the guise of the truth. It is a completely deceptive candidacy that has refused to participate in the processes of democracy such as debates. This candidate is an authoritarian within a major political party. No choice, not even from a resigned House Speaker.
How great would it be for Wall Street to dictate its certainty to profit? What Wall Street doesn’t realize is that power over the people will not result in a population of citizens with the power of earning and choice. No more unions to rock the boat ensuring the strength of the Middle Class. No more strength in local governments.
The American people are far too comfortable with an authoritarian leading a major political party. Those people are sheep heading for a cliff and more than willing to go over it, if they haven’t already.
Democracy is hard work. The American people understand hard work. They need to participate in their democracy and refuse the canned language that is defined as nothing short of lazy.
Language is power. Knowledge no longer is the respected power of the people. Americans cannot afford to be lazy, all the ground they claimed under the current president will be lost if they surrender their democracy to an authoritarian party.
Authoritarianism is Anti-American.