Evidently, Senator Blunt believes in armed camps of Americans both in Afghanistan and the USA. He states in the USA it is mental health that is the problem, but, in Afghanistan it is war. In both cases, it is the bullet that is the winner. How many years have Republicans cried mental health issues while there are continually shrinking number of mental health beds and innocent mentally healthy Americans continue to die? Dylann Roof received the death sentence not a life in a mental health facility. James Holmes is serving a life sentence without parole and not in a mental health facility. So, for the murderers that have lived through police assault to stop their rampages and/or investigation to find the murderer; they have been tried and never found to be mentally ill. USA MASS MURDERERS ARE NOT IN FACILITIES FOR THE CRIMINALLY INSANE.
Bullets have no conscience and neither do Republicans.

He believes the sharpy "thing" just needs to be left alone. He does not support sound science and believes a president has the knowledge to challenge science and place Americans in danger.
Senator Blunt also has no comments about health care.