UNISYS Water Vapor Satellite of north and west hemisphere
How much of this is commercial for the purpose of eventual profit by those that own the image when privatized takes place and how much of this is related to the US military and it's missiles and satellites?
The 0630.18z satellite above and the 0530.38z are time synced to the (negative) -10 hour in the loop. (click here for 12 hour loop), yet there times are different while using the same "time scale" to mark their image. There is something very wrong here.
The satellite at the bottom 0430.38z has an image stamp at (negative) -11 in the 12 hour loop.
z after the time is the time scale chosen to record these satellite images.
Coordinated Universal Time (abbreviated to UTC)
Greenwich Mean Time (abbreviated to GMT)
NATO phonetic alphabet word for Z is "Zulu", UTC is sometimes known as "Zulu time" (Russia would be most interested in this alteration in time record).
March 31, 2018
UNISYS water vapor GOES East Satellite
I can hear the greed merchants now, "Ah, shut up your complaining. You are just jealous you didn't think of it first." Thinking of increasing the national debt due to the privatization of satellites is the reason it hasn't been thought of before.
When is Congress going to do something about this White House? I am astounded I have to state this on a blog exhibited on the internet. What the heck is Congress doing about this?

March 31, 2018
UNISYS water vapor satellite of west and north hemisphere