In a very naive statement by Kellyann Conway it revealed the level of inexperience this administration has while still exerting enormous powers nationally and internationally. She stated, and these are not her exact words, "There are people in the government agencies that have been working a long time." In other words, her political electorate should understand that Donald Trump does not have complete control.

By Clark Mindock
A pair of Democrats (click here) in Congress are drafting up articles of impeachment against Donald Trump, saying that the president’s decision to fire former FBI Director James Comey constitutes an obstruction of justice.
Texas Representative Al Green, who has been one of the most outspoken proponents of impeachment proceedings against Mr Trump, was joined by California Representative Brad Sherman in announcing the long-shot bid.
“The question really is whether the president can obstruct justice with impunity,” Mr Green told a press conference. “We live in a country where no congressmen, no senator, and not even the president of the United States of America is above the law.”...
Given the gross lack of experience this administration has, they have insisted on proceeding as if that lack of experience doesn't matter. The administration has persisted in destroying relationships with allies and global agreements in the face of the best interests of the USA, BUT, it benefited the Trump Organization and Exxonmobile.
The disregard of law and policy is obvious with every action of Donald Trump's family, including, the multiple breaches in ethics that began with Conway openly endorsing Ivanka Trump's company and products. The ethical complaints about his administration would fill a warehouse.
The accounting of what occurred with former Director Comey that was discussed by Erin Burnett on "Out Front" revealed a man alone among many. Donald Trump's administration rules by consensus and not by law. Former Director Comey was a man of the law and he didn't turn his back on that. What was supposed to happen with James Comey was to join the lies and deceit of the Trump White House under the guise "this is what the people want."
This is not what the people want, it is what Donald Trump and his family wants, including a complete reversal of policy with Russia. It is out of the question. The USA is one of the countries that is suppose to be holding the line with NATO and the independent countries that were the former Soviet Union. These alliances, treaties and agreements are not just words on a page, they are real people and the future of these people. These documents are life and death and cannot be changed, in good conscience, with the ink of a pen. It is outrageous the lives Donald Trump is willing to ruin, alter or destroy with the power within the USA Presidency.
It is corruption at it's worse and it extends beyond his office and staff, but, well into his cabinet with the worse offender being Secretary Tillerson.
Government is not an efficient machine that can institute changes overnight as if a business able to dump employees on the street to unemployment. It isn't that way and it never will be that way. Government is not a business and never will be. Government is an institution of the people, not a single solitary CEO with his eye on a gold mine in Russia or China. The blatant disregard for ethics and law by this administration cannot be ignored.
The impeachment can be overridden by enough Republicans, but, it cannot be erased from the display to the people of assault against the country and constitution.
The USA presidency comes with a great deal of power and Trump is using the power to instill fear and not confidence. That is a huge difference. The personal gain involved is at least as bad as Cheney, but, marks an entirely new venue of corruption that reaches into alliances and "citizenship for sale" that is unknown in previous history.
The impeachment proceedings is the right thing to do. It will be said the Democrats are just playing politics. An FBI Director had to choose between his career and the country. That is not politics, that is intimidation and treason.