These are CRAMPONS (as in your leg muscles will cramp when you put them on). They are Black Diamond Crampons (click here). They are pricey. I didn't know Black Diamond even made crampons. They make all kinds of climbing gear, including a sit harness I own, but this is new to me.
In good old days before there was an REI the scientists working in severe conditions make their own campons and they were very heavy, hence the name. I have custom fit crampons for my Merrill boots. Why? Because they don't fall off.
When in any severe ice environment the last thing anyone wants to happen is sliding to the edge of an ice sheet and never being heard from again. That is definitely a buddy system.
No one has to go out and purchase crampons necessarily, but, there are lots of places that sell 'ice adapters' for shoes.

They are not nearly as pricey as the crampons and are very useful. I would carry a pair in my car no different than anyone carries a tire jack in their car.
I especially liked these because of the spikes on PRESSURE POINTS of the foot. The Midheel, the widest part of the foot near the toe area and at the toe edge.
In other words, a person walking in such an apparatus has to cognitively put their foot down and make sure the spikes are holding and continue that pattern. Never take for granted the spikes are in the ground before taking the next step. Be sure each step insures there is traction for the next step.