This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Thursday, July 29, 2010
"Jersey Shore" goes to Miami as NJ Governor states they are an embarrassment to the State
Who needs the beach? And even though Christie doens't want to admit that living in the most densely populated state of the union results in summertimes of 'good natured' young adults doing what comes naturally, and creating an economy besides, it certainly does.
Seaside Heights and Wildwood finds itself engulfed in young adults year after year, finding bugalows to 'live in' for those weekends 'to live for.' New Jersey should be pleased 'the kids' are looking for fun in all the right places and spending their hard earned money besides.
I do not believe the Jersey Shore Group specializes in police raids, either. Hello?
...Last year, the cast of "Jersey Shore" sold T-shirts on the boardwalk in Seaside Heights to subsidize their clubbing. (click title to entry - thank you)
In season two, they scoop frozen desserts by day, staffing a South Beach, Miami, eatery called the Lecca Lecca Gelato Caffé.
Owner Enzo Biondi says the producers selected his place to showcase a store with authentic Italian roots.
"I am a real Italian, a pure Italian, born in Italy," says Biondi, who is from the village of Monte Urano.
Even though he had never seen the series, the 53-year-old proprietor took a chance opening his door to Snooki, "the Situation" and friends. It was a culture shock for him to meet the "guidos."...
Seaside Heights and Wildwood finds itself engulfed in young adults year after year, finding bugalows to 'live in' for those weekends 'to live for.' New Jersey should be pleased 'the kids' are looking for fun in all the right places and spending their hard earned money besides.
I do not believe the Jersey Shore Group specializes in police raids, either. Hello?
...Last year, the cast of "Jersey Shore" sold T-shirts on the boardwalk in Seaside Heights to subsidize their clubbing. (click title to entry - thank you)
In season two, they scoop frozen desserts by day, staffing a South Beach, Miami, eatery called the Lecca Lecca Gelato Caffé.
Owner Enzo Biondi says the producers selected his place to showcase a store with authentic Italian roots.
"I am a real Italian, a pure Italian, born in Italy," says Biondi, who is from the village of Monte Urano.
Even though he had never seen the series, the 53-year-old proprietor took a chance opening his door to Snooki, "the Situation" and friends. It was a culture shock for him to meet the "guidos."...
The Gulf Oil Investigation, cleaning up the wetlands and capping the well before the first major hurricane.
Environmental groups propose framework for merging oil spill response, coastal restoration (click title to entry - thank you)
Published: Thursday, July 29, 2010, 6:00 AM
,,,The Environmental Defense Fund, the National Audubon Society and the National Wildlife Federation proposed a plan aimed at merging the long-term oil spill restoration process with already-existing, yet unfunded, plans to rebuild Louisiana's tattered coastal wetlands - and doing it quickly.
Share In addition to the $5 billion escrow account, the groups are asking Congress to direct the proceeds from BP's Clean Water Act violations - potentially up to $4,300 per barrel spilled - toward funding restoration in Louisiana and along the Gulf coast. And they are asking Congress to appropriate an additional $500 million from the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund to begin funding a suite of coastal restoration projects that were authorized in 2007, but have barely gotten off the ground....
Well May Be Capped Permanently By Next Week, BP's Incoming CEO Tells NPR
07:20 am
July 28, 2010
by David Gura
Robert Dudley, the executive BP's board picked to replace outgoing CEO Tony Hayward, said the company hopes to have a permanent seal on its blown-out well by next week.
"After tropical storm Bonnie, we are now beginning the process of putting in place manifolds to do this 'Top Kill' as early as Monday, and then we can follow with the relief well," he told NPR's Renee Montagne.
According to Dudley, whose tenure as CEO is scheduled to begin on Oct. 1, the Macondo well could be completely capped by Monday or Tuesday.
"I do believe we're seeing the end of the oil flowing into the gulf," he said....
...Attorneys hoping to lead the legal fight against BP are set to descend on Boise, Idaho, to address a special judicial panel considering how to bring order to the hundreds of civil lawsuits spawned by the spill after a rig explosion on April 20.
"There will be more lawyers in that courtroom than exist in the entire city of Boise put together," Mark Lanier, a Houston-based lawyer who plans to attend the hearing, joked this week. "It's going to be a circus." [ID:nN27268402]
Seven U.S. federal judges will convene more than 2,000 miles from the Gulf's oil-smudged shores to consider which U.S. court, or courts, should oversee hundreds of spill-related suits by injured rig workers, fishermen, investors and property owners....
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
I have to wonder how many families and friends of The Fallen are reading through Wikileaks to find any word from or about loved ones.
Pak anti-terror determination should not be doubted: Haqqani (click title to entry - thank you)
Thursday, July 29, 2010WASHINGTON: Pakistani Ambassador to the US Hussain Haqqani on Wednesday asked the critics of Pakistan’s anti-terrorism performance not to judge its resolve by the Afghan war leaks but view it in the context of current unified efforts, marked by Pakistan’s countless sacrifices and unprecedented level of cooperation with the US and Afghanistan.
Haqqani, appearing in the Charlie Rose Show, also drew attention to the importance of addressing Pakistan’s regional concerns vis-a-vis India. He also said that Islamabad would be deeply worried, if the US somehow suddenly pulled out from its insurgency-hit western neighbour, Afghanistan, in a replay of the situation that happened in the late 1980s when the US left the region immediately after the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan. The envoy said that as emphasised by US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen, the US and Pakistan had made substantive improvement in enhancing the bilateral ties during the Zardari-Gilani regime. app
May 13, 2009: Husain Haqqani on the Daily Show
Bomb blast kills 25 bus passengers in Afghanistan (click here)
* 20 people injured as bus hits raodside bomb in Nimroz province
* US soldier killed in Taliban attack
KABUL: A bus hit a roadside bomb in southern Afghanistan on Wednesday killing 25 people. The passenger bus was heading towards Kabul, when it struck the explosive device about 7am, said Nazir Ahmad, a provincial government spokesman. The explosion occurred near Delaram – a volatile area close to the borders of Helmand and Farah provinces. Some 20 people were wounded. Afghan President Hamid Karzai condemned the attack.
Meanwhile, NATO forces said a US service member was killed in an insurgent attack in southern Afghanistan on Tuesday.
The rising death toll comes as US forces continue the search for a missing Navy sailor believed captured last week by Taliban forces, when he and a colleague drove into an insurgent-held area of eastern Afghanistan. One of the sailors was killed in a firefight with militants, and the Taliban has said they seized the other....
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
...and without commercial interruption...
This is the sixth year for the Traverse City Film Festival. Its founder is Michael Moore, the award winning documentarian.
This festival is truly an incredible event. The beginnings of this started with 'an idea' and it has grown into a sustaining aspect of the American Landscape.
"Just Great Films," is the motto of the festival and it lives up to it every year.
Michael Moore has shown if America wants to revitalize their Main Street and get folks out of the malls and back to being a community, a thriving community, open up the movie theater. With the interest of many local business people and community organizations, The State Theater has breathed back to life. Along with its renewed purpose, the theater acted as a venue to revitalize Front Street (Which is the Main Street of Traverse City).
I have witnessed this miracle first hand for the past six years. Front Street of Traverse City was no different than many Main Streets across the USA, it was primarily abandoned. The reality that a movie theater can offer a service to citizens to bring them to their Main Street and allow for the revitalization of not only businesses and a vibrant local economy, but, the return of 'community' and 'window shopping.'
It wasn't enough for Traverse City to be revitalized, but, the entire area has come back to life. There are even casinos near the city that always are busy with tourists that not only like to play the 'game of chance,' but, also like live entertainment.
I am sure having Michael Moore as a resident and business man in Traverse City hasn't hurt the return of Front Street, but, Michael will tell anyone that wants to listen it all didn't happen by his voice alone. There were many people over the past six years that have contributed to the enthusiasm and focus of the community and its 'Main Street Economy.'
Traverse City found its 'Americana' again. It shunned conventional and corporate lifestyles and took the high ground of 'moral interest.' The city enjoys the craft stores of many merchants, there is a wonderful grocery of nothing but organic and wholesome foods, some made on the premises.
Festivals and the fact this is Lake Michigan where summer and winter sports can be enjoyed by tourists and residents alike has contributed to the city's 'brand new look.'
I congratulate all those involved with the Sixth Traverse City Film Festival and to the leadership of its small business owners and merchants that found a way to bring "Middle Class America" back to life and fashion in Traverse City, Michigan.
It might be great movies, but, it wouldn't have happened without great people and a vision.
This festival is truly an incredible event. The beginnings of this started with 'an idea' and it has grown into a sustaining aspect of the American Landscape.
"Just Great Films," is the motto of the festival and it lives up to it every year.
Michael Moore has shown if America wants to revitalize their Main Street and get folks out of the malls and back to being a community, a thriving community, open up the movie theater. With the interest of many local business people and community organizations, The State Theater has breathed back to life. Along with its renewed purpose, the theater acted as a venue to revitalize Front Street (Which is the Main Street of Traverse City).
I have witnessed this miracle first hand for the past six years. Front Street of Traverse City was no different than many Main Streets across the USA, it was primarily abandoned. The reality that a movie theater can offer a service to citizens to bring them to their Main Street and allow for the revitalization of not only businesses and a vibrant local economy, but, the return of 'community' and 'window shopping.'
It wasn't enough for Traverse City to be revitalized, but, the entire area has come back to life. There are even casinos near the city that always are busy with tourists that not only like to play the 'game of chance,' but, also like live entertainment.
I am sure having Michael Moore as a resident and business man in Traverse City hasn't hurt the return of Front Street, but, Michael will tell anyone that wants to listen it all didn't happen by his voice alone. There were many people over the past six years that have contributed to the enthusiasm and focus of the community and its 'Main Street Economy.'
Traverse City found its 'Americana' again. It shunned conventional and corporate lifestyles and took the high ground of 'moral interest.' The city enjoys the craft stores of many merchants, there is a wonderful grocery of nothing but organic and wholesome foods, some made on the premises.
Festivals and the fact this is Lake Michigan where summer and winter sports can be enjoyed by tourists and residents alike has contributed to the city's 'brand new look.'
I congratulate all those involved with the Sixth Traverse City Film Festival and to the leadership of its small business owners and merchants that found a way to bring "Middle Class America" back to life and fashion in Traverse City, Michigan.
It might be great movies, but, it wouldn't have happened without great people and a vision.
The weather at Glacier Bay National Park (Crystal Wind Chime) is approaching tropical temperatures.
Local Time :: 4:00 PM AKDT on July 27, 2010 (GMT -08)
Lat/Lon :: 58.8° N 137.0° W
Elevation :: 33 feet
Temperature :: 63 Fahrenheit
Conditions :: Overcast
Humidity :: 72%
Dew Point :: 54 Fahrenheit
Wind :: 4 MPH from WestPressure :: 30.02 inches (Rising)
Visibility :: 10.0 miles
UV :: 2 out of 16
Clouds :: Overcast 3000 feet above ground level
The USA is disputing Canada's claim to a shared border at 141st meridian. I believe Canada is correct. The northern 'end' of Earth comes to a single point geographically. It is impossible to claim a border other than meridians leading to that 'single point' as a border.
...The U.S. says the sea border (click title to entry - thank you) should go out at a 90-degree angle from the land at the Canada-U.S. border, but Canada's opinion is that it should continue to follow the 141st meridian, which is what the land border follows.
The work, to be done from Aug. 2 to Sept. 14, will help define the outer edge of the North American continental shelf, data that will be used by Canada and the U.S. in submissions to the United Nations that will stake new claims to the Arctic seabed.
Both countries are preparing claims under the United National Law of the Sea, though the U.S. has not yet signed the treaty. The treaty allows countries to claim sea floor to the edge of their extended continental shelves, beyond the 380 kilometres from the coastline they currently control.
The claims must be filed by 2013....
MItch McConnell states the "DISCLOSE Act" needs more study. That is a switch. A Republican stating anything needs study PERIOD.
The Senate Minority Leader stated the "Disclose Act" hadn't been in committee or anything.
In other words the 'well written' bill that is to LEVEL the Political Playing Field in the USA, due to a poor decision in regard to Election Reform by the Robert's Court, didn't take years to write and banter around before it was submitted for a vote.
...The Senate Republicans see things differently. (click title to entry - thank you)"The mere suggestion that a bill designed to save politicians' jobs should take precedent over helping millions of Americans find work is an embarrassing indictment of Democrats' priorities," said Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-KY, in a release.
"The DISCLOSE Act seeks to protect unpopular Democrat politicians by silencing their critics and exempting their campaign supporters from an all out attack on the First Amendment," he said.
No Republican Senators voted with the Democrats. The majority party still has several opportunities before the August recess to woo some Republicans to cross the aisle and pass the legislation.
The Senate Republicans AGAIN have turned to obstruction to postpone the passage of the Disclose Act because they are afraid to level the political playing field. The Republicans want their cronies to give to campaigns and to run political ads to benefit the Republicans running for office.
McConnell's Senate Republicans would be believable in their 'belly aching' IF they had submitted a bill that illustrated clearly to balance the finances of any one candidate regardless of party.
McConnell's Senate Republicans would be believable if their 'belly aching' wasn't whining so much as taking action to stop the corruption in elections by demanding the spending of candidates on both side of the aisle were equal by MUTUAL CONSENT.
In other words, passing the Disclose Act is irrelevant to a 2010 election ballot in any State IF the candidates were voluntarily seeking to limit their spending as a willingness to their electorate showing they want Election Reform, EQUITABLE FAIRNESS in elections.
See, McConnell's Senate Republicans are saying the Disclose Act makes the 'elections of 2010' LEAN in favor of the Democrats. They never really stated in what manner that was so, but, the TRUTH is if Republicans recognize the 'UNFAIR' advantage that crony spending brings to elections for a candidate with a well endowed large campaign treasury and/or many 'special interests' spending large amounts to promote a candidate; they would not hesitate to be the 'valient' and bring 'equity' voluntarily.
Then there is the BEST solution which would remove big contributors with limited financing that provies 'matching' funds. See, this bill would work without the use of 'public monies.' If this bill would allow 'matching funds' from commercial interests to the extent the public electorate contributed, it would work.
But, hey, who in the world would believe the Republicans actually wants 'fair elections.' After all where would the Plutocarcy be?
The Fair Elections Now Act (S. 752 and H.R. 1826) was introduced in the Senate by Sens. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Arlen Specter (D-Pa.) and in the House of Representatives by Reps. John Larson (D-Conn.) and Walter Jones, Jr. (R-N.C.). The bill would allow federal candidates to choose to run for office without relying on large contributions, big money bundlers, or donations from lobbyists, and would be freed from the constant fundraising in order to focus on what people in their communities want.
Participating candidates seek support from their communities, not Washington, D.C.
Candidates would raise a large number of small contributions from their communities in order to qualify for Fair Elections funding. Contributions are limited to $100.
To qualify, a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives would have to collect 1,500 contributions from people in their state and raise a total of $50,000....
In other words the 'well written' bill that is to LEVEL the Political Playing Field in the USA, due to a poor decision in regard to Election Reform by the Robert's Court, didn't take years to write and banter around before it was submitted for a vote.
...The Senate Republicans see things differently. (click title to entry - thank you)"The mere suggestion that a bill designed to save politicians' jobs should take precedent over helping millions of Americans find work is an embarrassing indictment of Democrats' priorities," said Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-KY, in a release.
"The DISCLOSE Act seeks to protect unpopular Democrat politicians by silencing their critics and exempting their campaign supporters from an all out attack on the First Amendment," he said.
No Republican Senators voted with the Democrats. The majority party still has several opportunities before the August recess to woo some Republicans to cross the aisle and pass the legislation.
The Senate Republicans AGAIN have turned to obstruction to postpone the passage of the Disclose Act because they are afraid to level the political playing field. The Republicans want their cronies to give to campaigns and to run political ads to benefit the Republicans running for office.
McConnell's Senate Republicans would be believable in their 'belly aching' IF they had submitted a bill that illustrated clearly to balance the finances of any one candidate regardless of party.
McConnell's Senate Republicans would be believable if their 'belly aching' wasn't whining so much as taking action to stop the corruption in elections by demanding the spending of candidates on both side of the aisle were equal by MUTUAL CONSENT.
In other words, passing the Disclose Act is irrelevant to a 2010 election ballot in any State IF the candidates were voluntarily seeking to limit their spending as a willingness to their electorate showing they want Election Reform, EQUITABLE FAIRNESS in elections.
See, McConnell's Senate Republicans are saying the Disclose Act makes the 'elections of 2010' LEAN in favor of the Democrats. They never really stated in what manner that was so, but, the TRUTH is if Republicans recognize the 'UNFAIR' advantage that crony spending brings to elections for a candidate with a well endowed large campaign treasury and/or many 'special interests' spending large amounts to promote a candidate; they would not hesitate to be the 'valient' and bring 'equity' voluntarily.
Then there is the BEST solution which would remove big contributors with limited financing that provies 'matching' funds. See, this bill would work without the use of 'public monies.' If this bill would allow 'matching funds' from commercial interests to the extent the public electorate contributed, it would work.
But, hey, who in the world would believe the Republicans actually wants 'fair elections.' After all where would the Plutocarcy be?
The Fair Elections Now Act (S. 752 and H.R. 1826) was introduced in the Senate by Sens. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Arlen Specter (D-Pa.) and in the House of Representatives by Reps. John Larson (D-Conn.) and Walter Jones, Jr. (R-N.C.). The bill would allow federal candidates to choose to run for office without relying on large contributions, big money bundlers, or donations from lobbyists, and would be freed from the constant fundraising in order to focus on what people in their communities want.
Participating candidates seek support from their communities, not Washington, D.C.
Candidates would raise a large number of small contributions from their communities in order to qualify for Fair Elections funding. Contributions are limited to $100.
To qualify, a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives would have to collect 1,500 contributions from people in their state and raise a total of $50,000....
Monday, July 26, 2010
I would expect the exercies of South Korea are rather delicate. One misstep could be misinterpreted by any country in the region.
A U.S. fighter takings off from the flight deck an aircraft carrier during joint military exercises between the U.S. and South Korea, July 26, 2010.
One of the reasons such exercises haven't been engaged before is because the region is sensitive. When the Cold War was real, the region was basically off limits to such exercies. We have come a long way, especially considering North Korea is threatening nuclear brinkmanship. It would seem as though the 'trust' between the USA, Russia and China has significantly improved.
I believe these exercises are vital to the security of the region and the USA. The cited article is from "Haaretz" which would indicate USA allies are paying attention to the success of the exercise and the cooperation of the nations of the region.
...An international investigation has blamed the North for the sinking of a South Korean warship, (click title to entry - thank you) killing 46 sailors in what officials called the worst military attack on the South since the 1950-53 Korean War.
The four-day "Invincible Spirit" exercises involving 20 ships and submarines, 200 aircraft and 8, 000 troops come were conducted amid flourishes of rhetoric typical of the North Korean regime, which vowed to respond with "a sacred war and a powerful nuclear deterrence."
They will face a costly consequence if they stick to the criminal activities ravaging peace and security on the Korean peninsula, North Korea's main Rodong Sinmun newspaper said in commentary carried Monday by the official Korean Central News Agency. North Korea says the investigation results were fabricated and has accused the United States of attempting to punish it....
One of the reasons such exercises haven't been engaged before is because the region is sensitive. When the Cold War was real, the region was basically off limits to such exercies. We have come a long way, especially considering North Korea is threatening nuclear brinkmanship. It would seem as though the 'trust' between the USA, Russia and China has significantly improved.
I believe these exercises are vital to the security of the region and the USA. The cited article is from "Haaretz" which would indicate USA allies are paying attention to the success of the exercise and the cooperation of the nations of the region.
...An international investigation has blamed the North for the sinking of a South Korean warship, (click title to entry - thank you) killing 46 sailors in what officials called the worst military attack on the South since the 1950-53 Korean War.
The four-day "Invincible Spirit" exercises involving 20 ships and submarines, 200 aircraft and 8, 000 troops come were conducted amid flourishes of rhetoric typical of the North Korean regime, which vowed to respond with "a sacred war and a powerful nuclear deterrence."
They will face a costly consequence if they stick to the criminal activities ravaging peace and security on the Korean peninsula, North Korea's main Rodong Sinmun newspaper said in commentary carried Monday by the official Korean Central News Agency. North Korea says the investigation results were fabricated and has accused the United States of attempting to punish it....
Ms. Sherrod disappears off the news cycle along with the Tea Party, Plain and her Muslim rant.

Where did the leak come from? You've got to be joking? The Washington Post just published articles about the over bloated 'Security System' that are so large it can't be tracked or controlled and people are wondering why and where the leaks are happening?
Anyone bother to ask how much Wikileaks paid for the documents? You know the National Enquirer might have to compete.
When is Wikileaks going to be questioned to their source? Julian has stated he is NOT a journalist. Given that reality he has no right to protect his sources.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
The death toll of all soldier in Afghanistan this year is 396.
The number of soldiers to have died since the Afghan insurgency began in 2001 at 1,964, with 1,204 of them Americans.
The Pakistani 'thing' about assisting the Taliban? It is probably related to intelligence operations that appear to assisting the Taliban for purposes of infiltration. I'll leave it there until more is actually known.
,,,The documents, made available by an organization called WikiLeaks, suggest that Pakistan, an ostensible ally of the United States, allows representatives of its spy service to meet directly with the Taliban in secret strategy sessions to organize networks of militant groups that fight against American soldiers in Afghanistan, and even hatch plots to assassinate Afghan leaders.
Taken together, the reports indicate that American soldiers on the ground are inundated with accounts of a network of Pakistani assets and collaborators that runs from the Pakistani tribal belt along the Afghan border, through southern Afghanistan, and all the way to the capital, Kabul.
Much of the information — raw intelligence and threat assessments gathered from the field in Afghanistan— cannot be verified and likely comes from sources aligned with Afghan intelligence, which considers Pakistan an enemy, and paid informants. Some describe plots for attacks that do not appear to have taken place.
But many of the reports rely on sources that the military rated as reliable....
The problem is that the ISI doesn't always report the operations they plan with the Taliban to stop the insurgency. That is not 'intelligence,' it is sabotage.
The 'planned' events with ISI and the Taliban are suppose to expose the enemy,but, all to often the ISI have proven to be a good ally to the enemy.
Since 2001, the Afghanistan War alone has garnered a cost of $300 billion.
James Jones, the US national security adviser, said the US "strongly condemns the disclosure of classified information by individuals and organisations which could put the lives of Americans and our partners at risk and threaten our national security".
"These irresponsible leaks will not impact our ongoing commitment to deepen our partnerships with Afghanistan and Pakistan; to defeat our common enemies; and to support the aspirations of the Afghan and Pakistani people."
The Pakistani 'thing' about assisting the Taliban? It is probably related to intelligence operations that appear to assisting the Taliban for purposes of infiltration. I'll leave it there until more is actually known.
,,,The documents, made available by an organization called WikiLeaks, suggest that Pakistan, an ostensible ally of the United States, allows representatives of its spy service to meet directly with the Taliban in secret strategy sessions to organize networks of militant groups that fight against American soldiers in Afghanistan, and even hatch plots to assassinate Afghan leaders.
Taken together, the reports indicate that American soldiers on the ground are inundated with accounts of a network of Pakistani assets and collaborators that runs from the Pakistani tribal belt along the Afghan border, through southern Afghanistan, and all the way to the capital, Kabul.
Much of the information — raw intelligence and threat assessments gathered from the field in Afghanistan— cannot be verified and likely comes from sources aligned with Afghan intelligence, which considers Pakistan an enemy, and paid informants. Some describe plots for attacks that do not appear to have taken place.
But many of the reports rely on sources that the military rated as reliable....
The problem is that the ISI doesn't always report the operations they plan with the Taliban to stop the insurgency. That is not 'intelligence,' it is sabotage.
The 'planned' events with ISI and the Taliban are suppose to expose the enemy,but, all to often the ISI have proven to be a good ally to the enemy.
Since 2001, the Afghanistan War alone has garnered a cost of $300 billion.
James Jones, the US national security adviser, said the US "strongly condemns the disclosure of classified information by individuals and organisations which could put the lives of Americans and our partners at risk and threaten our national security".
"These irresponsible leaks will not impact our ongoing commitment to deepen our partnerships with Afghanistan and Pakistan; to defeat our common enemies; and to support the aspirations of the Afghan and Pakistani people."
Chicago has something like ten town in Cook County, Illinois declared disaster areas from flooding.
...The heavy rains — which dumped an estimated 60 billion gallons of water on Chicago and parts of Cook County — filled all 190 miles of the Deep Tunnel system, said Terry O’Brien, president of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District. The district opened floodgates in Wilmette and on the Chicago River to release stormwater into Lake Michigan....
The NIGHT (10:30 PM EST) of July 24, 2010, this is the temperature map of the USA. It is HOT !
(Reuters) - Large swathes of the United States suffered another day of extreme weather on Sunday, with hot temperatures in the nation's capital and Southeast coastal areas giving way to thunderstorms later in the day.
Powerful thunderstorms stretched through the states of Delaware, Maryland and Virginia on the Atlantic Coast, Accuweather said.
There were numerous reports of damage from wind gusts of up to 70 miles per hour across the mid-Atlantic, including in Gaithersburg, Maryland and Allentown, Pennsylvania.
Temperatures reached close to 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 Celsius) in some parts of the Carolinas and Virginia during the afternoon, but storms in the region sent the steamy temperatures plunging. In Wilmington, Delaware, the temperature dropped 17 degrees in 15 minutes.
In Milwaukee, where heavy rains shut the city's main airport on Thursday night, the body of a 19-year-old man who disappeared on Thursday evening as floodwaters peaked was recovered from a creek....
July 25, 2010
Greenview, California
Photographer states :: What started out as a great day transitioned into anything but by late afternoon. An anticipated thunder and lightning storm arrived in our area about 4:30PM. With the thunder and lightning came strong winds and unexpected golf ball sized hail. The outside temperature went from 100 degrees to down the 50’s in about half an hour. I’ve already heard of several wild fires being started in the area from this storm. On the plus side, the dust is settled.
Powerful thunderstorms stretched through the states of Delaware, Maryland and Virginia on the Atlantic Coast, Accuweather said.
There were numerous reports of damage from wind gusts of up to 70 miles per hour across the mid-Atlantic, including in Gaithersburg, Maryland and Allentown, Pennsylvania.
Temperatures reached close to 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 Celsius) in some parts of the Carolinas and Virginia during the afternoon, but storms in the region sent the steamy temperatures plunging. In Wilmington, Delaware, the temperature dropped 17 degrees in 15 minutes.
In Milwaukee, where heavy rains shut the city's main airport on Thursday night, the body of a 19-year-old man who disappeared on Thursday evening as floodwaters peaked was recovered from a creek....
July 25, 2010
Greenview, California
Photographer states :: What started out as a great day transitioned into anything but by late afternoon. An anticipated thunder and lightning storm arrived in our area about 4:30PM. With the thunder and lightning came strong winds and unexpected golf ball sized hail. The outside temperature went from 100 degrees to down the 50’s in about half an hour. I’ve already heard of several wild fires being started in the area from this storm. On the plus side, the dust is settled.
Some darn dangerous weather.
July 24, 2010
Mayville, New York
Photographer states :: tornado over Chautauqua Lake
Tornado Leaves Path of Damage. See a Funnel Cloud Form (click title to entry - thank you)
Buffalo, N.Y. (WBEN) - One tornado has been confirmed -- and three more are suspected -- late Saturday affternoon in Chautauqua, Cattaraugus and Allegany Counties.
"If it was confirmed that there were four tornado touchdowns, that would be very unusual," says National Weather Service meteorologist Tony Ansuini.
Mayville, New York
Photographer states :: tornado over Chautauqua Lake
Tornado Leaves Path of Damage. See a Funnel Cloud Form (click title to entry - thank you)
Buffalo, N.Y. (WBEN) - One tornado has been confirmed -- and three more are suspected -- late Saturday affternoon in Chautauqua, Cattaraugus and Allegany Counties.
"If it was confirmed that there were four tornado touchdowns, that would be very unusual," says National Weather Service meteorologist Tony Ansuini.
The girls are really growing up. Malia has changed so much in such a short time.
Obama Family To Vacation in the Gulf Coast (click title to entry - thank you)
The First Family has changed their vacation plans and will “spend the weekend” in the Gulf Coast the weekend of August, 14th, the White House announced today. Both the president and the First Lady have made a big public pitch encouraging people to vacation on the region’s beaches that have not been directly impacted by oil spill even as they planned their own vacations in the Northeast.
“There’s still a lot of opportunity for visitors to come down here, a lot of beaches that are not yet affected or will not be affected,” President Obama said last month in Gulfport, Mississippi, “ And we just want to make sure that people who have travel plans down to the Gulf area remain mindful of that, because if people want to know what can they do to help folks down here, one of the best ways to help is to come down here and enjoy the outstanding hospitality.”
Similarly during her first visit to the region last week First Lady Michelle Obama also encouraged people to visit the unaffected areas of the region....
Back to work.
Workers remove a modular house for oil spill relief workers from a marina in Port Fourchon, La., ahead of the arrival of Bonnie, which was downgraded to a tropical depression Friday after lashing Florida. (click title to entry - thank you)
This week work will resume to close the well. I remain hopeful, but, skeptical all at the same time. The history of this kind of measure in the Gulf of Mexico has not been a promising indication of its potential success.
We have a Coast Guard dedicated to its purpose through all this and if that alone is proof of the 'promise' to close the disasterous well, then we have every reason to believe the USA will be safer in a week. Yes, I see this as a National Security issue.
Turning to the perils of the people of Louisiana? They desperately need new government and new hope in that state. I will not change my mind. I have heard some of the most desperate pleas coming out that state and it is profoundly because of the impoverishment of the people even before this disaster sent their lives into complete chaos.
The 'so called' Oil Service Industry that is suppose to exist to reduce economic hardship by opposing the moritorium is the saddest story of all. The folks we thought were losing their shirts because of the moritorium (Which I believe is necessary.) turns out to be some of the poorest people in Louisiana. They live, even when employed or working in 'self-employment' one pay check away from having their utilities turned off. That isn't tragic, that is insensitive and poor government that simply doesn't care about their citizens so much as manipulating their votes.
No lie. The Federal Government needs to 'investigate' the dynamics of the Louisiana economy before and after the oil disaster. There is something profoundly wrong here. The impoverishment of the people that are hurt the most by a necessary moritorium has to be understood. The oil industry in the Gulf of Mexico are making profits hand over fist and their 'service workers' are living 'hand to mouth.'
I don't think so.
I remain grateful to the Obama White House and its excellant handling of this disaster and the brilliant resolve of its closing of the well. We all look forward to a great outcome this week.
...On Sunday, crews took to sea and air to renew work on driving a cement stake into BP's botched well, and to assess how the remnants of the foul slick it spewed may have shifted after a few days of rough seas and blustery winds brought by meek Tropical Depression Bonnie.
Meanwhile, on Sunday aboard a U.S. Coast Guard plane, nearly 12,000 feet above the Deepwater Horizon oil spill site, Coast Guard Rear Adm. Paul Zunkunft looked out from a small window and saw signs of progress where there had once only been continued set backs.
``It's presenting itself in the last phase of its life,'' said Zunkunft, the federal site commander for the spill site, told a handful of reporters, referring to the oil streams below.
From initial reports, the most serious damage was to the time table for permanently plugging the well. Earlier, retired Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen said it would add seven to nine days to work on two relief wells and push back a planned interim step for a ``hydro-static kill,'' which will pump heavy drilling mud through a new cap on the existing leaky well, until after Aug. 1.
``Generally the next week will be preparations, making sure everything is ready to go,'' said Allen during a conference call Sunday....
This week work will resume to close the well. I remain hopeful, but, skeptical all at the same time. The history of this kind of measure in the Gulf of Mexico has not been a promising indication of its potential success.
We have a Coast Guard dedicated to its purpose through all this and if that alone is proof of the 'promise' to close the disasterous well, then we have every reason to believe the USA will be safer in a week. Yes, I see this as a National Security issue.
Turning to the perils of the people of Louisiana? They desperately need new government and new hope in that state. I will not change my mind. I have heard some of the most desperate pleas coming out that state and it is profoundly because of the impoverishment of the people even before this disaster sent their lives into complete chaos.
The 'so called' Oil Service Industry that is suppose to exist to reduce economic hardship by opposing the moritorium is the saddest story of all. The folks we thought were losing their shirts because of the moritorium (Which I believe is necessary.) turns out to be some of the poorest people in Louisiana. They live, even when employed or working in 'self-employment' one pay check away from having their utilities turned off. That isn't tragic, that is insensitive and poor government that simply doesn't care about their citizens so much as manipulating their votes.
No lie. The Federal Government needs to 'investigate' the dynamics of the Louisiana economy before and after the oil disaster. There is something profoundly wrong here. The impoverishment of the people that are hurt the most by a necessary moritorium has to be understood. The oil industry in the Gulf of Mexico are making profits hand over fist and their 'service workers' are living 'hand to mouth.'
I don't think so.
I remain grateful to the Obama White House and its excellant handling of this disaster and the brilliant resolve of its closing of the well. We all look forward to a great outcome this week.
...On Sunday, crews took to sea and air to renew work on driving a cement stake into BP's botched well, and to assess how the remnants of the foul slick it spewed may have shifted after a few days of rough seas and blustery winds brought by meek Tropical Depression Bonnie.
Meanwhile, on Sunday aboard a U.S. Coast Guard plane, nearly 12,000 feet above the Deepwater Horizon oil spill site, Coast Guard Rear Adm. Paul Zunkunft looked out from a small window and saw signs of progress where there had once only been continued set backs.
``It's presenting itself in the last phase of its life,'' said Zunkunft, the federal site commander for the spill site, told a handful of reporters, referring to the oil streams below.
From initial reports, the most serious damage was to the time table for permanently plugging the well. Earlier, retired Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen said it would add seven to nine days to work on two relief wells and push back a planned interim step for a ``hydro-static kill,'' which will pump heavy drilling mud through a new cap on the existing leaky well, until after Aug. 1.
``Generally the next week will be preparations, making sure everything is ready to go,'' said Allen during a conference call Sunday....
There is far more to the security of the USA than simply outnumbering any other country in Secret Networks.
I really congratulate the Washington Post for the investment in the USA by taking on an out of control, and in many ways, out of reach 'security network.'
Like, who knew?
All I can say is that the Republicans since 911 used the 'fear' of the nation to 'entertain' their political ambitions. I am sure much of this resulted due to blotted legislation that was aimed at buoying an American economy that did not exist in reality.
So, what is really interesting now is, what will be done about this? I would expect Homeland Security and Mr. Panetta to take this all very seriously and rein in this monstrosity created out of fear.
I wouldn't be surprised if the USA is supporting the Taliban at this point. To me this spells a lot of loose information and a lot of loose change that is better left in the national treasury to reduce the debt.
One way of 'bring out the beast' from hiding is to stop the funding to these networks while supporting the 'infrastructure' we know works and is 'known' to the intelligence agencies of the country. Once the 'rouge agencies' are unfunded we will find out exactly who they are what they have been up to.
I look forward to more of good reporting and more insight by the Washington Post. I sincerely believe this took more than a 15 second 'populous' news cycle to capture the audience.
Nice job !
National Security is measured by alliances, border security, policies that work, intelligence that matters, integrity of government, environmental stewardship and a USA military engaged in foreign policy that matters.
Thousands upon thousands of agencies within the USA won't make the USA any more secure simply because it is 'the fashion.'
Like, who knew?
All I can say is that the Republicans since 911 used the 'fear' of the nation to 'entertain' their political ambitions. I am sure much of this resulted due to blotted legislation that was aimed at buoying an American economy that did not exist in reality.
So, what is really interesting now is, what will be done about this? I would expect Homeland Security and Mr. Panetta to take this all very seriously and rein in this monstrosity created out of fear.
I wouldn't be surprised if the USA is supporting the Taliban at this point. To me this spells a lot of loose information and a lot of loose change that is better left in the national treasury to reduce the debt.
One way of 'bring out the beast' from hiding is to stop the funding to these networks while supporting the 'infrastructure' we know works and is 'known' to the intelligence agencies of the country. Once the 'rouge agencies' are unfunded we will find out exactly who they are what they have been up to.
I look forward to more of good reporting and more insight by the Washington Post. I sincerely believe this took more than a 15 second 'populous' news cycle to capture the audience.
Nice job !
National Security is measured by alliances, border security, policies that work, intelligence that matters, integrity of government, environmental stewardship and a USA military engaged in foreign policy that matters.
Thousands upon thousands of agencies within the USA won't make the USA any more secure simply because it is 'the fashion.'
Why is Health Care Law feared by Wall Street?
Wellness in the USA is going to be scrutinized. All forms of wellness are going to be scrutinzed, including, job related wellness. OSHA's statistics are going to come into focus in a 'real way' to reduce accidents, injuries and all sorts of liability.
Believe me, when Wall Street opposed the Health Care Law it wasn't simply to continue to exploit Medicare Advantage, it went far futher than that !
...After more than a year of intense debate followed by the passage of the national health-care reform bill in March, many people are anxious to see the landmark law's promised benefits. (click title to entry - thank you)Fortunately, the wait is over for Alabama's small businesses. At a time when the communities around this state sorely need an economic boost, thousands of Alabama's small businesses are eligible for significant benefits.
For 2010, more than 50,000 Alabama small businesses with fewer than 25 employees are eligible for a tax credit to help pay the cost of providing employee health coverage, and nearly 16,000 of the state's smallest businesses, those with fewer than 10 workers, qualify for the maximum 35 percent credit. The maximum credit for non-profit small businesses, which already receive tax benefits due to their status, is 25 percent.
In all, approximately 88 percent of Alabama's small businesses with fewer than 25 employees are eligible for the credit. These figures are from a report recently released by the consumer health organization Families USA and the small business advocacy group Small Business Majority. Additionally, beginning in 2014, the maximum tax credit will rise to 50 percent for traditional small businesses and 35 percent for small non-profits, further buoying those businesses providing health coverage for their employees....
Believe me, when Wall Street opposed the Health Care Law it wasn't simply to continue to exploit Medicare Advantage, it went far futher than that !
...After more than a year of intense debate followed by the passage of the national health-care reform bill in March, many people are anxious to see the landmark law's promised benefits. (click title to entry - thank you)Fortunately, the wait is over for Alabama's small businesses. At a time when the communities around this state sorely need an economic boost, thousands of Alabama's small businesses are eligible for significant benefits.
For 2010, more than 50,000 Alabama small businesses with fewer than 25 employees are eligible for a tax credit to help pay the cost of providing employee health coverage, and nearly 16,000 of the state's smallest businesses, those with fewer than 10 workers, qualify for the maximum 35 percent credit. The maximum credit for non-profit small businesses, which already receive tax benefits due to their status, is 25 percent.
In all, approximately 88 percent of Alabama's small businesses with fewer than 25 employees are eligible for the credit. These figures are from a report recently released by the consumer health organization Families USA and the small business advocacy group Small Business Majority. Additionally, beginning in 2014, the maximum tax credit will rise to 50 percent for traditional small businesses and 35 percent for small non-profits, further buoying those businesses providing health coverage for their employees....
A Mosque Blooms at Ground Zero
“There should be no mosque near Ground Zero in New York so long as there are no churches or synagogues in Saudi Arabia,” Gingrich writes in a new blog post. “The time for double standards that allow Islamists to behave aggressively toward us while they demand our weakness and submission is over.”
More of the same spewing hate from the Republican Right Wing. They will do anything to cater to 'any segment' of the electorate ready to believe they will find influence in the voter's booth.
...One of the notable things about the proposed Islamic center near Ground Zero (click title to entry - thank you) is something that has somehow gone largely unnoticed: In the neighborhood where it would sit, the opposition has been minimal. The local community board approved it overwhelmingly, and Ro Sheffe, chair of the board's financial district committee, tells me that "the vast majority of the people who live here are for it."
Why would that be? Partly because the group behind it already has a mosque in the area, which has caused no problems. Partly because New Yorkers are accustomed to religious and cultural diversity. And partly because the building would be open to the public--non-Muslims as well as Muslims.
The plan at this stage is for the prayer space to occupy only one floor of a 13-story building. The rest would house a swimming pool, a concert auditorium, a gymnasium, a child-care facility, a library, a culinary school and a restaurant. Scheffe says it will bear a strong resemblance to Manhattan's 92nd Street Y.
All this is welcome because the area has attracted a lot of new people, tripling the population in just 10 years. Having been a commercial area for centuries, Sheffe says, "It has none of the residential amenities that urban neighborhoods take for granted."...
More of the same spewing hate from the Republican Right Wing. They will do anything to cater to 'any segment' of the electorate ready to believe they will find influence in the voter's booth.
...One of the notable things about the proposed Islamic center near Ground Zero (click title to entry - thank you) is something that has somehow gone largely unnoticed: In the neighborhood where it would sit, the opposition has been minimal. The local community board approved it overwhelmingly, and Ro Sheffe, chair of the board's financial district committee, tells me that "the vast majority of the people who live here are for it."
Why would that be? Partly because the group behind it already has a mosque in the area, which has caused no problems. Partly because New Yorkers are accustomed to religious and cultural diversity. And partly because the building would be open to the public--non-Muslims as well as Muslims.
The plan at this stage is for the prayer space to occupy only one floor of a 13-story building. The rest would house a swimming pool, a concert auditorium, a gymnasium, a child-care facility, a library, a culinary school and a restaurant. Scheffe says it will bear a strong resemblance to Manhattan's 92nd Street Y.
All this is welcome because the area has attracted a lot of new people, tripling the population in just 10 years. Having been a commercial area for centuries, Sheffe says, "It has none of the residential amenities that urban neighborhoods take for granted."...
Still cleaning up the "Brinkmanship" of Bush's "Axis of Evil" Speech.
Now that the allies are conducting war games, the LA Times is stating there are some South Koreans stating the sinking of the ship that was supposed to have prompted this assertion of alliance was misrepresented. Fine. Let there be more information coming forth, but, the sinking of that ship is sincerely irrelevant to the War Games currently being engaged.
The Pacific Alliance has a right to show its strengths and find purpose in that alliance. North Korea has played brinkmanship long enough with the nations of the Pacific and quite frankly with its own allies in Russia and China. North Korea has shown little to know trust in any other nation, except, its own demands for weapons beyond what it should have obtained. The technology North Korea has in relation to nuclear capacity is also related to Khan's escapades.
So, while media sources will try to discredit the USA military once again, there is no reason for it. The USA has waited long enough to reassure South Korea and Japan of its loyalty. These 'Games' are long overdue.
A large 4-day exercise involving U.S and South Korea forces is under way in the Sea of Japan. (click title to entry - thank you)
It comes in response to the sinking of a South Korean warship, the Cheonan, four months ago. An international investigation blamed a North Korean torpedo attack for the incident.
The war games off the east coast of the Korean peninsula were called to send a strong message of deterrence to Pyongyang.
The joint military exercise is known as "Invincible Spirit." And while the forces of the United States and South Korea routinely conduct drills together, this war game is considered unprecedented in scope.
For the first time, the most advanced fighters of the U.S. Air Force are participating. They are the F-22 Raptors. U.S. officials say four of the stealth technology jets are taking part, along with nearly 200 other aircraft....
Character Assassination in a 15 Second News Cycle.
AFTER A REUNION OF MORE THAN 20 YEARS, Roger Spooner and Shirley Sherrod walk up from touring a small cabin Friday after their lunch. In between them in the background is Eloise Spooner.
It was a small miracle for Ms. Sherrod that the farmers she helped so long ago were still around at the age of 87 to tell the story. I am sure the malicious blogger that tried to exploit 'innocense' considered that potential before he attempted to destroy the focus on the vicious religious bigotry by Sarah Palin only a short time before.
It's all fine and good this is turning out to be an interesting statement on racism in the USA as it exists today and through recent history.
It is interesting that Ms. Sherrod saw through the problems with survival among the farmers in her community and realized 'socio-economic' dynamics were as much a part of racism and fiscal falure at all levels in the USA.
What is more interesting is that the vicisouness of the Right Wing Media really does pay off because no sooner did Mayor Bloomberg criticize the comments Sarah Palin made regarding a Mosque to be built in New York City did this 'DISTRACTION' manifest 'at all costs' to anything except the dominance of the Tea Party and the Republicans. Probably in that order.
Basically, Ms. Sherrod needs to write a book. She is correct. The President and she come from different worlds. His 'story' is somewhat different from the story of racism in the Deep South that occurred with her father. The President's story is more inner city, but, just as victimizing without the violence. There is no doubt to me President Obama was effected by his race, but, he also overcame it in a way from different than Ms. Sherrod has overcome her confrontation of racism in America.
While the stories of racism are important, this one isn't about racism exactly. It is about the way the media has attempted to capture the 'escalated' news cycle because of Twitter and Steve Jobs in order to survive and how that 'frantic' pace has become 'the way of life of politics.'
See, the Right Wing Media can 'get away' with defaming anyone these days so long as they can find a way to CYA and apologize. They don't suffer consequences when everyone involved can then breath a sigh of relief when 'the truth' is FINALLY known. What isn't addressed is that there remains 'a shadow myth' within the 'mind think' of the political theater that was 'spun' by 'Rumpelskitskin' Gold through the 'trauma bond' with media clout.
This story about the Spooners and Ms. Sherrod while endearing is not the 'real story,' nor was it the 'tenor' of the 'culture' before the story was released for 'infotainment.' The story was that the NAACP stated the Tea Party had racist elements and they need to rein in that aspect of their 'focus.'
Well, guess what? This story only proves beyond a shadow of a doubt EXACTLY how racist those elements are, Uncle Tom or no Uncle Tom.
It was a small miracle for Ms. Sherrod that the farmers she helped so long ago were still around at the age of 87 to tell the story. I am sure the malicious blogger that tried to exploit 'innocense' considered that potential before he attempted to destroy the focus on the vicious religious bigotry by Sarah Palin only a short time before.
It's all fine and good this is turning out to be an interesting statement on racism in the USA as it exists today and through recent history.
It is interesting that Ms. Sherrod saw through the problems with survival among the farmers in her community and realized 'socio-economic' dynamics were as much a part of racism and fiscal falure at all levels in the USA.
What is more interesting is that the vicisouness of the Right Wing Media really does pay off because no sooner did Mayor Bloomberg criticize the comments Sarah Palin made regarding a Mosque to be built in New York City did this 'DISTRACTION' manifest 'at all costs' to anything except the dominance of the Tea Party and the Republicans. Probably in that order.
Basically, Ms. Sherrod needs to write a book. She is correct. The President and she come from different worlds. His 'story' is somewhat different from the story of racism in the Deep South that occurred with her father. The President's story is more inner city, but, just as victimizing without the violence. There is no doubt to me President Obama was effected by his race, but, he also overcame it in a way from different than Ms. Sherrod has overcome her confrontation of racism in America.
While the stories of racism are important, this one isn't about racism exactly. It is about the way the media has attempted to capture the 'escalated' news cycle because of Twitter and Steve Jobs in order to survive and how that 'frantic' pace has become 'the way of life of politics.'
See, the Right Wing Media can 'get away' with defaming anyone these days so long as they can find a way to CYA and apologize. They don't suffer consequences when everyone involved can then breath a sigh of relief when 'the truth' is FINALLY known. What isn't addressed is that there remains 'a shadow myth' within the 'mind think' of the political theater that was 'spun' by 'Rumpelskitskin' Gold through the 'trauma bond' with media clout.
This story about the Spooners and Ms. Sherrod while endearing is not the 'real story,' nor was it the 'tenor' of the 'culture' before the story was released for 'infotainment.' The story was that the NAACP stated the Tea Party had racist elements and they need to rein in that aspect of their 'focus.'
Well, guess what? This story only proves beyond a shadow of a doubt EXACTLY how racist those elements are, Uncle Tom or no Uncle Tom.
"Indifference" by Pearl Jam
I will light the match this mornin', so I won't be alone
Watch as she lies silent, for soon light will be gone
Oh, I will stand arms outstretched, pretend I'm free to roam
Oh, I will make my way, through, one more day in Hell...
How much difference does it make
How much difference does it make, yeah...
I will hold the candle till it burns up my arm
Oh, I'll keep takin' punches until their will grows tired
Oh, I will stare the sun down until my eyes go blind
Hey, I won't change direction, and I won't change my mind
How much difference does it make
Mmm, how much difference does it much difference...
I'll swallow poison, until I grow immune
I will scream my lungs out till it fills this room
How much difference
How much difference
How much difference does it make
How much difference does it make
Watch as she lies silent, for soon light will be gone
Oh, I will stand arms outstretched, pretend I'm free to roam
Oh, I will make my way, through, one more day in Hell...
How much difference does it make
How much difference does it make, yeah...
I will hold the candle till it burns up my arm
Oh, I'll keep takin' punches until their will grows tired
Oh, I will stare the sun down until my eyes go blind
Hey, I won't change direction, and I won't change my mind
How much difference does it make
Mmm, how much difference does it much difference...
I'll swallow poison, until I grow immune
I will scream my lungs out till it fills this room
How much difference
How much difference
How much difference does it make
How much difference does it make
Saturday, July 24, 2010
BMI is a good place to start. It will prove out over time if there are individuals that do not benefit from following their BMI.
Body Mass Index (BMI) is a number calculated from a person's weight and height. BMI provides a reliable indicator of body fatness for most people and is used to screen for weight categories that may lead to health problems....(click title to entry - thank you)
It's Saturday Nigh
I'll cover topics tomorrow night. I believe CNN has done excellant work regarding the race issue that has resulted this week. I find Ms. Sherrod's story absolutely incredible. She is such a wonderful example of the Civil Rights Movement and how it has transended generations of Americans and now it is still alive today though the Right Wing Republicans that will seek ruthlessly to derail a MORAL America.
Until tomorrow.
Until tomorrow.
Friday, July 23, 2010
The USA does not need a 'full' Climate Bill. The Supreme Court has already given brevity to the power of the EPA to regulate.
All the other 'stuff' that was being considered like "Carbon Credits" is not really necessary. I doubt seriously (In its initial form.) Carbon Credits would do anything except increase consumer costs.
The USA Supreme Court has already provided power to the EPA to regulate Greenhouse Gases. There is every indiction Secretary Jackson is providing methods to do exactly that.
The other 'fluff' in the bill such as 'Natural Gas Vehicles' is simply to 'stroke the cronies' and there is no reason for it. Such carbon dioxide emitting vehicles need to be viewed as an emergency measure to alternative types of transportation such as electric cars and mass transit.
Ethanol is still a viable source of fuel for the USA, but, the 'export' of the ethanol is an issue and grossly limits the 'carbon reduction' character of the fuel. However, ethanol is far safer than crude and methane.
Offshore Oil Drilling has to be controlled and ultimately eliminated. There just isn't any reason for the USA to continue to be this foolish. We need an economy we can count on and the fisheries are a vital component to that. If the USA hasn't got an autonomous food source in its fisheries then it is a National Security Issue. That can't be allowed any longer.
The USA has to stabilize its economy and expand its tax base so future generations have a strong 'spring board' for their economies. A wider tax base means the 'average' tax load for every American will be reduced and manageable.
The car emission standards of all the vehicles no matter there energy source has to be raised. That means even though a Chevy Volt might have a sticker price of $30 thousand or more, it also means the cost of the 'fuel' to power it will be less and the long term value of the electric car will prove to be less after initial investment.
I believe the 'Climate Legislation' as it is known is 'on track' in a way that streamlines the responsiblity for Greenhouse Gases and keeps the cost of government down to enforce the regs. I think we are doing fine.
On a Global Scale, Carbon Credits and Subsidies to countries that support vast tracks of rainforest and other carbon sinks such as Coral Reefs is still vital to bring Human Induced Global Warming and the Climate Crisis under control. I also believe the USA has to create 'value' to carbon sinks within the USA. The National Park Service and The USA Forest Service need a program to 'set aside' Heritage Forests.
Heritage Forests are those similar to the Redwoods and the Old Growth Forests of the Northwest that harken back to 'the way things were' when the USA was first discovered and settled. If the Grand Cypresses along the Southeast Coast were left alone, today we would have trees over 2000 to 2500 years old that were vital to steming the carbon dioxide pollution that currently exists. Imagine having a tree over 2000 years old for your children to see and realize it was there before the time of Jesus Christ. All that is gone and it is time to establish priorities to return 'Grand Forests' back to the American Landscape.
The USA Supreme Court has already provided power to the EPA to regulate Greenhouse Gases. There is every indiction Secretary Jackson is providing methods to do exactly that.
The other 'fluff' in the bill such as 'Natural Gas Vehicles' is simply to 'stroke the cronies' and there is no reason for it. Such carbon dioxide emitting vehicles need to be viewed as an emergency measure to alternative types of transportation such as electric cars and mass transit.
Ethanol is still a viable source of fuel for the USA, but, the 'export' of the ethanol is an issue and grossly limits the 'carbon reduction' character of the fuel. However, ethanol is far safer than crude and methane.
Offshore Oil Drilling has to be controlled and ultimately eliminated. There just isn't any reason for the USA to continue to be this foolish. We need an economy we can count on and the fisheries are a vital component to that. If the USA hasn't got an autonomous food source in its fisheries then it is a National Security Issue. That can't be allowed any longer.
The USA has to stabilize its economy and expand its tax base so future generations have a strong 'spring board' for their economies. A wider tax base means the 'average' tax load for every American will be reduced and manageable.
The car emission standards of all the vehicles no matter there energy source has to be raised. That means even though a Chevy Volt might have a sticker price of $30 thousand or more, it also means the cost of the 'fuel' to power it will be less and the long term value of the electric car will prove to be less after initial investment.
I believe the 'Climate Legislation' as it is known is 'on track' in a way that streamlines the responsiblity for Greenhouse Gases and keeps the cost of government down to enforce the regs. I think we are doing fine.
On a Global Scale, Carbon Credits and Subsidies to countries that support vast tracks of rainforest and other carbon sinks such as Coral Reefs is still vital to bring Human Induced Global Warming and the Climate Crisis under control. I also believe the USA has to create 'value' to carbon sinks within the USA. The National Park Service and The USA Forest Service need a program to 'set aside' Heritage Forests.
Heritage Forests are those similar to the Redwoods and the Old Growth Forests of the Northwest that harken back to 'the way things were' when the USA was first discovered and settled. If the Grand Cypresses along the Southeast Coast were left alone, today we would have trees over 2000 to 2500 years old that were vital to steming the carbon dioxide pollution that currently exists. Imagine having a tree over 2000 years old for your children to see and realize it was there before the time of Jesus Christ. All that is gone and it is time to establish priorities to return 'Grand Forests' back to the American Landscape.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
What is this unemployment mess all about anyway? Right? Basically, the USA has been robbed by Wall Street.
Back in the day when President Clinton was able to garner a surplus to our USA Treasury, we had a service economy.
But, I'd like to go back a litte further to make the point as to how the USA was literally robbed of its jobs and industrial sector by Wall Street.
Everyone has heard of 'the balance of power.' What about the 'balance of trade?'
I am not discussing the bank bailout, that is simply pure unadulterated expolitation of the American Dream. Actually, outsourcing lead to the exploitation of the USA's home ownership dilemma. See, with a service economy, the Wall Street crowd was looking at the 'last run' at the 'profiteering' by Wall Street. The 'capacity' of Americans to actually save, live and plan for the future was becoming deperately absent in this country's culture. The history of outsouring goes back decades and I'll use the example of GM and Mexico to illustrate that point, but, it never really became a political issue until 2004 when it was an issue for more and more people under the Bush/Cheney White House.
Let's start with Nixon and China. It was a good thing to have diplomatic relations with China and to find ways to encourage a market based economic system with China, but, the way it was done was "W"rong. I'll get back to that. First Mexico and GM.
GM's CEO wanted to make more money. Just that simply. They had already cheapened the steel metal they were using to make cars and trucks that increased the 'rusting' to the consumer's dismay, so GM had to find another way to make more money and they targeted labor. At the time GM employees were well paid with significant benefits. The American Dream. Work hard, save, buy a home, make the world better for your kids and retire with security for 'The Golden Years.'
That doesn't exist for many, many Americans and the generation that enjoyed that life style never wanted the USA in such economic disrepair for their children. But, it happened didn't it. At first it seemed as though it was mostly benign and something that happened to someone else. But, as time went by and the corporations found out they could 'export' their labor to far, far cheaper labor markets WITHOUT REPERCUSSIONS, the movement of outsourcing grew. Stockholders were happy.
The one 'player' in all this that was completely absent was the USA government.
When an American looks at Mexico today, realizing how much of the economy was 'shipped' there, did it matter? Did it matter that GM outsourced jobs to Mexico? Did it matter to the Mexicans that now had American jobs?
No, it didn't matter. GM moved operations to Mexico, not ot improve the poverty of Mexicans, they moved their operations there to improve their bottom line. That is not only true with GM, but, every other corporation that initally built their empires in the USA, perfected their products and then 'moved on' to 'greener pastures.'
One might ask, did the lifestyles of anyone along the way improve? Did the lifestyles of Mexicans improve? Did the lifestyles of Americans improve?
Nope. As a matter of fact, corporations like GM were just about as stupid as they come in 'planning' their market strategies, because, the countries they moved their operations to not only undermined the economies of the country that accepted the manufacturing into their borders, they were also demoralizing the 'buying ability' of the Americans they still 'counted on' to purchase their goods.
Got this, now?
When Nixon went to China to 'encourage' openness and peace, it was a good thing. When China decided to open its borders to American companies to bring jobs to the people there, it was considered a good thing. But, what in reality occurred was 'the draining' of 'the market place,' except for the 'cost' of the products that were being sold. So, now that the manufacturing jobs of the USA were ouitsourced Americans faced the reality of having to maintain two and three jobs to replace the jobs they had before outsourcing.
The economy under H. W. Bush was tanking too. His son, Neil, needed a 'bailout' in order to keep 'Silverado' afloat. The USA Economy was already showing signs of collapse during Bush, Sr.'s Presidency. The jobs that allowed the USA economy to flourish were disappearing and the economic engine the USA was used to started to slow and become sluggish.
President Clinton was elected and he went about stimulating the economy by 'pushing' the USA into the only economic venue it had left since the Capitalists robbed the manufacturing sector out of the country. Under Clinton, the USA began to have a better 'trade balance' with other countries and the revenues into the Treasury were improving. Families were still working more jobs, but, there were more jobs to be found.
Oh, yeah, Reaganomics. There really was 'no such thing.' What Reagan did was to DEREGULATE all the sectors of the economy, INCLUDING, natural resources. No one has to be Einstein to do that. Republicans were favored at the time because they were LOOKING as though the 'economic engine' was escalating in its ability to PROSPER.
But, to get back to Clinton, what he did was to promote peace, stay out of wars and increase the service industries such as tourism. Country's with citizens with 'disposable income' were now shopping for a good time in the USA. Was the Clinton Service Economy 'enough' for the USA? No. It was enough while it was at peace, but, to increase major spending of any kind would cause deficit spending and increase the USA Debt. What occurred as well, was a 'rolling back' of some social programs such as welfare. It was replaced with 'Welfare to Work.' Basically, under Clinton the USA was becoming lean and mean. Its revenues were going up becuase of the increased 'good relations' with other nations, its pursuit of peace and its expenses were going down due to 'trimming' of the social programs.
What Clinton did do was to return manufacturing to the USA. It took eight years of 'positive' diplomacy to achieve a growing economy, but, the manufacturing sector was left fallow. What Clinton was looking at was the 'surplus' and what to do with it to increase the USA economy without impacting burgeoning economies such as China and India.
Then came the year 2000. The surplus was squandered and the USA was forced into war in a far away country called Afghanistan. The economy of the USA was no different than under Clinton, except, in 2001 a bill was passed that would begin the exploitation of the 'working poor' that was always hoping to have a home. The bill was accompanied by a few billion as an incentive for Wall Street to cooperate. The tale goes on from there and the seven years of 'so called' economic growth in the USA was nothing more than deficit spending. Why was that so invisible? Why was the USA economy not really 'changing character' by returning manufacturing, but, appearing to be growing and expanding? Because the government spending was blamed on two wars, one of which was unnecessary and one that could have been prevented. "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in USA." The housing industry was booming on 'faux credit' and a 'burgeoning collapse.'
Nothing had changed in the USA under Bush/Cheney, except, the Republican Raping of the RESIDUAL economic strength of the USA. All the 'residual' monies of any kind were drained through legislation and/or economic desperation by every company and every Wall Street firm.
Basically, by January 2009 the USA economy was DOA with two wars to fight and a national debt going through the roof.
The sad truth has resulted in a destroyed economy that provided Wall Street with billions of government money leaving Americans to 'figure it out' and 'remake their economy FROM SCRATCH.'
When President Obama took office he had a huge task in front of him, far worse than anything Former President Clinton had to face. The USA was 'at peace' under Clinton, it had a good reputation and it was making in roads to a service economy. The USA that President Obama inherited was simply 'empty' of any potential.
The wars were really a 'no brainer.' They were "W," except, for the potential of actually ending the terrorist network that attacked the USA on September 11, 2001. THAT was something all Americans still wanted to do. They wanted Bin Laden's head on a stick. What no one KNEW, except perhaps, some intelligence agencies SOMEWHERE, that the Afghan Government was now in a power sharing agreement with the Taliban and the corruption that accompanied THAT TRUTH was profound. What had transpired under Bush was complete collapse of the Karzai government except for its figure head Presient.
What the USA needed was a 'new economy' which would deliver jobs back to the people. So, the NEW President Obama and majority Democratic House and Senate passed a 'Stimulus Bill.' The Simulus Bill, however, was not to be exclusively a 'job stimulus' bill, it was a 'bailout bill' for most States of the Union. The States were failing nearly as badly as the country. So, the Stimulus Bill not only had to build a new economy, it had to bailout States by providing 'projects' to put people back to work. WHAT WAS COMPLETELY UNEXEPCTED, was the number of jobs SAVED by the Stimulus Bill. The States were failing so badly, they were about to cut jobs and put people on unemployment. No one, and I mean no one, knew the very impoverished state of the USA economy when President Obama took office.
Once the Stimulus Bill 'hit' there was still sluggish recovery. Somehow it didn't make sense still. What wasn't 'factored' into the equation was the fact that the USA Industrial Sector was still missing in action. So, when States and Cities began to make changes to a 'Green Economy' the HARDWARE of the Green Economy was being IMPORTED. So, while the Stimulus was 'delivering' on a Green Economy, the spending was not COMPLETELY giving returns to the USA treasury.
The equation the Obama White House was a good equation, except, it was not completely a USA equation. To that end, it added to stability in other countries, but, at the same time any 'service economy' for the USA was mostly minimal. The GLOBAL BANKING COLLAPSE had devasted every economy on Earth. Not only that, but, countries that received the outsourced jobs from the USA, like China and India, were still paying 'dirt cheap' wages and the 'goods' were necessary to Americans that now were facing a life receiving unemployment while seeking jobs somewhere, anywhere doing something.
The manufacturing sector of the USA would not yet return. There are glimmers of hope, such as the new Wind Turbine manufacturing in Michigan. I believe they have four factories at this point. BUT, Michigan had learned a hard lesson a long time ago and when the Green Economy began to become a reality about a decade ago, Michigan saw the opportunity and didn't turn from it.
The 'much needed' local economies the USA absolutely needed to return economic strength to its communities and States were slow to return. Wall Street was not lending monies to small businesses. The Obama White House had to work with the Small Business Administraiton to beging to provide the necessary loans to help small businesses to bring about stability to cities and States. All this 'alarming' truth took monies and the USA Treasury would not yet see the likes of a building surplus.
Why the unemployment?
Because if we are to return economic strength to the USA, a surplus to our treasury, we have to LITERALLY build it from the ground up.
Will it happen?
Are we Americans? There is no such thing as a lazy American, just a determined one. The Unemployment was the right thing to do and the health care legislation closes the donut hole in two years and begins to build a surplus by eliminating 'privatized' Wall Street Medicare Advantage.
But, I'd like to go back a litte further to make the point as to how the USA was literally robbed of its jobs and industrial sector by Wall Street.
Everyone has heard of 'the balance of power.' What about the 'balance of trade?'
I am not discussing the bank bailout, that is simply pure unadulterated expolitation of the American Dream. Actually, outsourcing lead to the exploitation of the USA's home ownership dilemma. See, with a service economy, the Wall Street crowd was looking at the 'last run' at the 'profiteering' by Wall Street. The 'capacity' of Americans to actually save, live and plan for the future was becoming deperately absent in this country's culture. The history of outsouring goes back decades and I'll use the example of GM and Mexico to illustrate that point, but, it never really became a political issue until 2004 when it was an issue for more and more people under the Bush/Cheney White House.
Let's start with Nixon and China. It was a good thing to have diplomatic relations with China and to find ways to encourage a market based economic system with China, but, the way it was done was "W"rong. I'll get back to that. First Mexico and GM.
GM's CEO wanted to make more money. Just that simply. They had already cheapened the steel metal they were using to make cars and trucks that increased the 'rusting' to the consumer's dismay, so GM had to find another way to make more money and they targeted labor. At the time GM employees were well paid with significant benefits. The American Dream. Work hard, save, buy a home, make the world better for your kids and retire with security for 'The Golden Years.'
That doesn't exist for many, many Americans and the generation that enjoyed that life style never wanted the USA in such economic disrepair for their children. But, it happened didn't it. At first it seemed as though it was mostly benign and something that happened to someone else. But, as time went by and the corporations found out they could 'export' their labor to far, far cheaper labor markets WITHOUT REPERCUSSIONS, the movement of outsourcing grew. Stockholders were happy.
The one 'player' in all this that was completely absent was the USA government.
When an American looks at Mexico today, realizing how much of the economy was 'shipped' there, did it matter? Did it matter that GM outsourced jobs to Mexico? Did it matter to the Mexicans that now had American jobs?
No, it didn't matter. GM moved operations to Mexico, not ot improve the poverty of Mexicans, they moved their operations there to improve their bottom line. That is not only true with GM, but, every other corporation that initally built their empires in the USA, perfected their products and then 'moved on' to 'greener pastures.'
One might ask, did the lifestyles of anyone along the way improve? Did the lifestyles of Mexicans improve? Did the lifestyles of Americans improve?
Nope. As a matter of fact, corporations like GM were just about as stupid as they come in 'planning' their market strategies, because, the countries they moved their operations to not only undermined the economies of the country that accepted the manufacturing into their borders, they were also demoralizing the 'buying ability' of the Americans they still 'counted on' to purchase their goods.
Got this, now?
When Nixon went to China to 'encourage' openness and peace, it was a good thing. When China decided to open its borders to American companies to bring jobs to the people there, it was considered a good thing. But, what in reality occurred was 'the draining' of 'the market place,' except for the 'cost' of the products that were being sold. So, now that the manufacturing jobs of the USA were ouitsourced Americans faced the reality of having to maintain two and three jobs to replace the jobs they had before outsourcing.
The economy under H. W. Bush was tanking too. His son, Neil, needed a 'bailout' in order to keep 'Silverado' afloat. The USA Economy was already showing signs of collapse during Bush, Sr.'s Presidency. The jobs that allowed the USA economy to flourish were disappearing and the economic engine the USA was used to started to slow and become sluggish.
President Clinton was elected and he went about stimulating the economy by 'pushing' the USA into the only economic venue it had left since the Capitalists robbed the manufacturing sector out of the country. Under Clinton, the USA began to have a better 'trade balance' with other countries and the revenues into the Treasury were improving. Families were still working more jobs, but, there were more jobs to be found.
Oh, yeah, Reaganomics. There really was 'no such thing.' What Reagan did was to DEREGULATE all the sectors of the economy, INCLUDING, natural resources. No one has to be Einstein to do that. Republicans were favored at the time because they were LOOKING as though the 'economic engine' was escalating in its ability to PROSPER.
But, to get back to Clinton, what he did was to promote peace, stay out of wars and increase the service industries such as tourism. Country's with citizens with 'disposable income' were now shopping for a good time in the USA. Was the Clinton Service Economy 'enough' for the USA? No. It was enough while it was at peace, but, to increase major spending of any kind would cause deficit spending and increase the USA Debt. What occurred as well, was a 'rolling back' of some social programs such as welfare. It was replaced with 'Welfare to Work.' Basically, under Clinton the USA was becoming lean and mean. Its revenues were going up becuase of the increased 'good relations' with other nations, its pursuit of peace and its expenses were going down due to 'trimming' of the social programs.
What Clinton did do was to return manufacturing to the USA. It took eight years of 'positive' diplomacy to achieve a growing economy, but, the manufacturing sector was left fallow. What Clinton was looking at was the 'surplus' and what to do with it to increase the USA economy without impacting burgeoning economies such as China and India.
Then came the year 2000. The surplus was squandered and the USA was forced into war in a far away country called Afghanistan. The economy of the USA was no different than under Clinton, except, in 2001 a bill was passed that would begin the exploitation of the 'working poor' that was always hoping to have a home. The bill was accompanied by a few billion as an incentive for Wall Street to cooperate. The tale goes on from there and the seven years of 'so called' economic growth in the USA was nothing more than deficit spending. Why was that so invisible? Why was the USA economy not really 'changing character' by returning manufacturing, but, appearing to be growing and expanding? Because the government spending was blamed on two wars, one of which was unnecessary and one that could have been prevented. "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in USA." The housing industry was booming on 'faux credit' and a 'burgeoning collapse.'
Nothing had changed in the USA under Bush/Cheney, except, the Republican Raping of the RESIDUAL economic strength of the USA. All the 'residual' monies of any kind were drained through legislation and/or economic desperation by every company and every Wall Street firm.
Basically, by January 2009 the USA economy was DOA with two wars to fight and a national debt going through the roof.
The sad truth has resulted in a destroyed economy that provided Wall Street with billions of government money leaving Americans to 'figure it out' and 'remake their economy FROM SCRATCH.'
When President Obama took office he had a huge task in front of him, far worse than anything Former President Clinton had to face. The USA was 'at peace' under Clinton, it had a good reputation and it was making in roads to a service economy. The USA that President Obama inherited was simply 'empty' of any potential.
The wars were really a 'no brainer.' They were "W," except, for the potential of actually ending the terrorist network that attacked the USA on September 11, 2001. THAT was something all Americans still wanted to do. They wanted Bin Laden's head on a stick. What no one KNEW, except perhaps, some intelligence agencies SOMEWHERE, that the Afghan Government was now in a power sharing agreement with the Taliban and the corruption that accompanied THAT TRUTH was profound. What had transpired under Bush was complete collapse of the Karzai government except for its figure head Presient.
What the USA needed was a 'new economy' which would deliver jobs back to the people. So, the NEW President Obama and majority Democratic House and Senate passed a 'Stimulus Bill.' The Simulus Bill, however, was not to be exclusively a 'job stimulus' bill, it was a 'bailout bill' for most States of the Union. The States were failing nearly as badly as the country. So, the Stimulus Bill not only had to build a new economy, it had to bailout States by providing 'projects' to put people back to work. WHAT WAS COMPLETELY UNEXEPCTED, was the number of jobs SAVED by the Stimulus Bill. The States were failing so badly, they were about to cut jobs and put people on unemployment. No one, and I mean no one, knew the very impoverished state of the USA economy when President Obama took office.
Once the Stimulus Bill 'hit' there was still sluggish recovery. Somehow it didn't make sense still. What wasn't 'factored' into the equation was the fact that the USA Industrial Sector was still missing in action. So, when States and Cities began to make changes to a 'Green Economy' the HARDWARE of the Green Economy was being IMPORTED. So, while the Stimulus was 'delivering' on a Green Economy, the spending was not COMPLETELY giving returns to the USA treasury.
The equation the Obama White House was a good equation, except, it was not completely a USA equation. To that end, it added to stability in other countries, but, at the same time any 'service economy' for the USA was mostly minimal. The GLOBAL BANKING COLLAPSE had devasted every economy on Earth. Not only that, but, countries that received the outsourced jobs from the USA, like China and India, were still paying 'dirt cheap' wages and the 'goods' were necessary to Americans that now were facing a life receiving unemployment while seeking jobs somewhere, anywhere doing something.
The manufacturing sector of the USA would not yet return. There are glimmers of hope, such as the new Wind Turbine manufacturing in Michigan. I believe they have four factories at this point. BUT, Michigan had learned a hard lesson a long time ago and when the Green Economy began to become a reality about a decade ago, Michigan saw the opportunity and didn't turn from it.
The 'much needed' local economies the USA absolutely needed to return economic strength to its communities and States were slow to return. Wall Street was not lending monies to small businesses. The Obama White House had to work with the Small Business Administraiton to beging to provide the necessary loans to help small businesses to bring about stability to cities and States. All this 'alarming' truth took monies and the USA Treasury would not yet see the likes of a building surplus.
Why the unemployment?
Because if we are to return economic strength to the USA, a surplus to our treasury, we have to LITERALLY build it from the ground up.
Will it happen?
Are we Americans? There is no such thing as a lazy American, just a determined one. The Unemployment was the right thing to do and the health care legislation closes the donut hole in two years and begins to build a surplus by eliminating 'privatized' Wall Street Medicare Advantage.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Does anyone ever believe 'lawyers' would ever set themselves up to be 'caught?'
On January 6, 2005 Colin Newman, an assistant in the White House counsels office, wrote to David Leitch stating, "Karl Rove stopped by to ask you (roughly quoting) 'how we planned to proceed regarding U.S. Attorneys, whether we were going to allow all to stay, request resignations from all and accept only some of them or selectively replace them, etc.'". The email was then forwarded to Kyle Sampson, chief of staff to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.
In reply, Kyle Sampson, then Department of Justice counsel to Attorney General John Ashcroft, wrote that it would be "weird to ask them to leave before completing at least a 4-year term", that they "would like to replace 15–20 percent of the current U.S. Attorneys" and that the rest "are doing a great job, are loyal Bushies, etc." The White House at one time suggested that the plan for dismissals came from White House counsel Harriet Miers, who left the White House in January 2007 before the dismissal received public attention.
E-Mails Show Rove's Role in U.S. Attorney Firings
White House Says E-Mails Are Consistent With Its Original Statements on the Controversy
March 15, 2007
New unreleased e-mails from top administration officials show that the idea of firing all 93 U.S. attorneys was raised by White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove in early January 2005, indicating Rove was more involved in the plan than the White House previously acknowledged. The e-mails also show how Alberto Gonzales discussed the idea of firing the attorneys en masse while he was still White House counsel -- weeks before he was confirmed as attorney general.
The e-mails put Rove at the epicenter of the imbroglio and raise questions about Gonzales' explanations of the matter.

..."Evidence (click title to entry - thank you) did not demonstrate that any prosecutable criminal offense was committed with regard to the removal of David Iglesias," the Justice Department said in a letter to lawmakers Wednesday. "The investigative team also determined that the evidence did not warrant expanding the scope of the investigation beyond the removal of Iglesias."Prosecutors also said there was insufficient evidence to charge someone with lying to Congress or investigators....
Why do I get the idea that the current Justice Department is playing 'avoidance' politics with the former Bush White House?
In reply, Kyle Sampson, then Department of Justice counsel to Attorney General John Ashcroft, wrote that it would be "weird to ask them to leave before completing at least a 4-year term", that they "would like to replace 15–20 percent of the current U.S. Attorneys" and that the rest "are doing a great job, are loyal Bushies, etc." The White House at one time suggested that the plan for dismissals came from White House counsel Harriet Miers, who left the White House in January 2007 before the dismissal received public attention.
White House Says E-Mails Are Consistent With Its Original Statements on the Controversy
March 15, 2007
New unreleased e-mails from top administration officials show that the idea of firing all 93 U.S. attorneys was raised by White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove in early January 2005, indicating Rove was more involved in the plan than the White House previously acknowledged. The e-mails also show how Alberto Gonzales discussed the idea of firing the attorneys en masse while he was still White House counsel -- weeks before he was confirmed as attorney general.
The e-mails put Rove at the epicenter of the imbroglio and raise questions about Gonzales' explanations of the matter.

..."Evidence (click title to entry - thank you) did not demonstrate that any prosecutable criminal offense was committed with regard to the removal of David Iglesias," the Justice Department said in a letter to lawmakers Wednesday. "The investigative team also determined that the evidence did not warrant expanding the scope of the investigation beyond the removal of Iglesias."Prosecutors also said there was insufficient evidence to charge someone with lying to Congress or investigators....
Why do I get the idea that the current Justice Department is playing 'avoidance' politics with the former Bush White House?
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
The weather at Glacier Bay National Park in Alaska is (Crystal Wind Chime) hideous!
The Ward Hunt Ice Shelf in the Canadian arctic. File photo.
Photograph by: Denis Sarrazin/Center for Northern Studies/Handout/Reuters,
..."Arctic air temperatures were higher than normal, and Arctic sea ice continued to decline at a fast pace" last month, (click title to entry - thank you) the centre said in its July 6 report, adding that June also "saw the return of the Arctic dipole anomaly, an atmospheric pressure pattern that contributed to the record sea ice loss in 2007."...
Local Time: 3:20 PM AKDT (GMT -08)
Lat/Lon: 58.8° N 137.0° W
Elevation :: 33 feet
Temperature :: 57 Fahrenheit
Conditions :: Overcast
Humidity :: 82%
Dew Point :: 52 Fahrenheit
Wind :: 6 mph from the SW
Pressure :: 30.20 inches (Rising)
Visibility :: 10.0 miles
UV :: 2 out of 16
Clouds :: 3400 feet (Above Ground Level)
Photograph by: Denis Sarrazin/Center for Northern Studies/Handout/Reuters,
..."Arctic air temperatures were higher than normal, and Arctic sea ice continued to decline at a fast pace" last month, (click title to entry - thank you) the centre said in its July 6 report, adding that June also "saw the return of the Arctic dipole anomaly, an atmospheric pressure pattern that contributed to the record sea ice loss in 2007."...
Local Time: 3:20 PM AKDT (GMT -08)
Lat/Lon: 58.8° N 137.0° W
Elevation :: 33 feet
Temperature :: 57 Fahrenheit
Conditions :: Overcast
Humidity :: 82%
Dew Point :: 52 Fahrenheit
Wind :: 6 mph from the SW
Pressure :: 30.20 inches (Rising)
Visibility :: 10.0 miles
UV :: 2 out of 16
Clouds :: 3400 feet (Above Ground Level)
Ms. Shirley Sherrod has legal recourse against Breitbart and Murdoch and everyone in between.
Ms. Sherrod should be awarded her full retirement and the Agriculture Department needs to provide all benefits to her that would normally be awarded had this not been exploited by the media. This isn't her issue. Her record at the Department of Agriculture cannot express a termination that will effect her status in pursuing a productive and secure future.
Shirley Sherrod, the former Georgia State Director of Rural Development for the USDA, resigned on Monday after making racial remarks.
I have never seen such defamation of a person, a woman's character in my life. What is the Secretary of Agriculture suppose to do? HOPE the department isn't effected. It already has been effected.
Ms. Sherrod needs a good civil rights attorney.
The Tea Party is racist. Look at the religious bigotry leveled by Sarah Palin regarding a Mosque in New York CIty.
Look, a political party that wants to erase 200 years of Civil Rights in this country is definately racist.
They have viciously attacked prominent African Americans since President Obama was inaugurated. This is no different than the Van Jones issue. Who runs country? Rupert Murdoch and their spin machine and those that fall into line to 'make a buck.'
...Sherrod "kept us out of bankruptcy," said Eloise Spooner, 82. She and her husband Roger Sooner, who own a farm in Iron City, located in southwest Georgia, approached Sherrod in 1986 -- when she worked with the Georgia field office for the Federation of Southern Cooperative/Land Assistance Fund -- seeking assistance....
Shirley Sherrod, the former Georgia State Director of Rural Development for the USDA, resigned on Monday after making racial remarks.
I have never seen such defamation of a person, a woman's character in my life. What is the Secretary of Agriculture suppose to do? HOPE the department isn't effected. It already has been effected.
Ms. Sherrod needs a good civil rights attorney.
The Tea Party is racist. Look at the religious bigotry leveled by Sarah Palin regarding a Mosque in New York CIty.
Look, a political party that wants to erase 200 years of Civil Rights in this country is definately racist.
They have viciously attacked prominent African Americans since President Obama was inaugurated. This is no different than the Van Jones issue. Who runs country? Rupert Murdoch and their spin machine and those that fall into line to 'make a buck.'
...Sherrod "kept us out of bankruptcy," said Eloise Spooner, 82. She and her husband Roger Sooner, who own a farm in Iron City, located in southwest Georgia, approached Sherrod in 1986 -- when she worked with the Georgia field office for the Federation of Southern Cooperative/Land Assistance Fund -- seeking assistance....
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