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...Yesterday, 53 percent of Maine voters (click title to entry - thank you) repealed the state's gay-marriage law just six months after the governor signed it, and a year after California voters defeated same-sex marriage by a similar margin. It was a devastating blow for national efforts to expand gay marriage since Massachusetts was the first to allow it in 2003, and a victory for opponents who say marriage should be limited to a man and a woman....
I am going to tell you something here. There is a strategy that the gay community hasn't tried yet. Those that support Same Sex Marriage need to organize to beat the Right Wing Republicans that don't see anything "W"rong with discrimination.
They have a limited ability to organize against the Gay Community, in my opinion. They are a smaller segment of the USA populous, about 20% or so. How do I believe this is so? Because, George Bush and Dick Cheney never had more than a solid support of about 35% of the people in EVERY year they were in office. That support waxed and wained and in election years they were able to garner support in the high 40 percentile because of other interests in the country including war and money, etc., the usual Republican bastions.
Buy, when the tide of disapproval weighed in on them their support tanked to about 23%. That 23% never waived. Why? Because they had a vested interest in the 'dealings' of the Right Wing President.
So given that, there is a small, well paid army of Right Wing Extremists that believe they can prove their strength in the USA by defeating issues of civil rights. They are issues loaded with controversy and are wedge issues. I think we know who they are, but, that isn't important. What is important is that the leaders of the Gay Community organize a national strategy that will place the Same Sex Marriage issue on every ballot in every state in the USA in the very same year. The opposition to the legislation won't have the manpower to be in every state in the same year.
What is going on now with the Right Wing Extremists is 'wack-a-mole.' They go from state to state and carry out a campaign to defeat Same Sex Marriage whenever it comes to a vote. This is a huge effort. But, I think it can be achieved. It is worth a try.
AND. Where it can be accomplished, it should be on local ballots as well. Dilute the opposition and win the war.
You know I have to laugh, the Right Wing Republicans will always state they are bigger contributors to charity than the Democrats could ever be. That is true. But. Where is the money going? Toward discrimination and hate? Yep. In some cases.