The six hundred dollars added to the unemployment check was used wisely. Americans have increased their savings while paying bills. It is measurable. That saving is insurance for the future should the government not protect them in the future.
Additionally, there was a transition cost that was somewhat covered by the six hundred dollars added to the unemployment check. There are issues of buying masks, as well as other items like air purifiers. Those six hundred dollars a week were used to help with chaos in lives including children that now have a requirement to be in the virtual classrooms. In families where one computer was enough, now the family needs a computer for every student to attend classrooms online.
Americans put that weekly $600 to work for them. It helped a great deal.
There are issues such as COBRA payments, too. That is not cheap.
For anyone, including the Republicans, that want to defame Americans as lazy or reluctant to return to work because of the extra $600; they are wrong and are pandering to political dogma.