Sunday, May 22, 2016

Water is considered the "universal solvent."

Water dissolves more substances than any other liquid. Water effects every living thing on earth.

Did you get that?

Water effects every living thing on Earth.

Are you sure you got that?

Water effects every living thing on Earth.

Now that you 'got it,' realize the one true body system in the human body that does most of the work regarding water.

...Our own kidneys and water's solvent properties (click here) make a great pair in keeping us alive and healthy. The kidneys are responsible for filtering out substances that enter our bodies from the foods and drinks we consume. But, the kidneys have got to get rid of these substances after they accumulate them. That is where water helps out; being such a great solvent, water washing through the kidneys dissolves these substances and sends them on the way out of our bodies....