To the left is the Chinese RMB. What is the RMB? It is one of two currencies used by China. The RMB is the currency of the interior economy of China.
What is occurring in the USA Senate is an attempt by Minority Leader McConnell to remove legislation currently on the floor about changing American policy regarding undervalued global currency.
It is not aimed at China, but, it is to take action against currency such as China's Yuan when it is undervalued and causing economic hardship the USA's economy cannot tolerate without hardship to the citizens of this country.
To begin, China is not to blame for its undervalued currency. China has a huge dynamic in regard to currency and its people and how it will overcome a lethargic poverty in order to improve the lives of the Chinese people. What the Chinese are saying when they refuse to change the value of the Yuan is that their populous is not ready to have the Yuan compete as the First World sees it should. I understand that, but, China needs to understand the USA's citizens cannot enter into a cycle of poverty it will take decades to break. There in lies the rub. It is a difficult dynamic, a difficult subject and a very difficult diplomatic task.
Senate Minority Leader McConnell is used to responding to his constituents when there are complaints about their performance. That dynamic is a pandering to the likes of Limbaugh. I am grateful to Minority Leader McConnell in regard to seeing the urgency to The American Jobs Act and seeking a way to bring it to the floor of the Senate. I do not at all want to appear to mock the Minority Leader for a sincere effort to do the work of the President. That is a measure that cannot and should not be overlooked by the President either.
As a result of the efforts of Senator McConnell the media seems to think it is okay to state this is just politics in regard to the current legislation on the floor of the Senate, it is not. It is important legislation and I appreciate the attention to the concerns of the President in creating jobs, but, considering Democratic Senators have said they will move the President's bill to the floor for a vote soon is to realize there is a lot going on that effect our economy and every aspect is important.
I want the government to work. I want it to work well. I want a Congress to act and not contribute to the problem as it did over the debt ceiling.
I also don't want a government with an umbilical to the media. The media is important, but, it should not set policy or toy with what is best for this country. To date the Right Wing is all to dependent on their exclusive Right Wing Media services and play dangerous gamesmanship with our country's future. Much is always at stake. It isn't good for the country to be this divided and at odds over what happens next.
That said, it would seem as though Minority Leader McConnell attempted to interrupt legislation to protect the USA currency against undervalued global currencies. Was it a good idea? I personally didn't find that beneficial. I would like to see the Senate move the current legislation along WITHOUT a filibuster and then bring The American Jobs Act to the floor for a vote and there again WITHOUT a filibuster. I mean what difference does it make if a Minority Leader wants to enter a different bill to the floor of the Senate if all he is going to do is lead another filibuster? Senator McConnell needs to reflect on that reality and resolve to be cooperative where it will benefit the country and build stronger bonds to the President. That is what I think, but, that will never make it to Limbaugh?
What is occurring in the USA Senate is an attempt by Minority Leader McConnell to remove legislation currently on the floor about changing American policy regarding undervalued global currency.
It is not aimed at China, but, it is to take action against currency such as China's Yuan when it is undervalued and causing economic hardship the USA's economy cannot tolerate without hardship to the citizens of this country.
To begin, China is not to blame for its undervalued currency. China has a huge dynamic in regard to currency and its people and how it will overcome a lethargic poverty in order to improve the lives of the Chinese people. What the Chinese are saying when they refuse to change the value of the Yuan is that their populous is not ready to have the Yuan compete as the First World sees it should. I understand that, but, China needs to understand the USA's citizens cannot enter into a cycle of poverty it will take decades to break. There in lies the rub. It is a difficult dynamic, a difficult subject and a very difficult diplomatic task.
Senate Minority Leader McConnell is used to responding to his constituents when there are complaints about their performance. That dynamic is a pandering to the likes of Limbaugh. I am grateful to Minority Leader McConnell in regard to seeing the urgency to The American Jobs Act and seeking a way to bring it to the floor of the Senate. I do not at all want to appear to mock the Minority Leader for a sincere effort to do the work of the President. That is a measure that cannot and should not be overlooked by the President either.
As a result of the efforts of Senator McConnell the media seems to think it is okay to state this is just politics in regard to the current legislation on the floor of the Senate, it is not. It is important legislation and I appreciate the attention to the concerns of the President in creating jobs, but, considering Democratic Senators have said they will move the President's bill to the floor for a vote soon is to realize there is a lot going on that effect our economy and every aspect is important.
I want the government to work. I want it to work well. I want a Congress to act and not contribute to the problem as it did over the debt ceiling.
I also don't want a government with an umbilical to the media. The media is important, but, it should not set policy or toy with what is best for this country. To date the Right Wing is all to dependent on their exclusive Right Wing Media services and play dangerous gamesmanship with our country's future. Much is always at stake. It isn't good for the country to be this divided and at odds over what happens next.
That said, it would seem as though Minority Leader McConnell attempted to interrupt legislation to protect the USA currency against undervalued global currencies. Was it a good idea? I personally didn't find that beneficial. I would like to see the Senate move the current legislation along WITHOUT a filibuster and then bring The American Jobs Act to the floor for a vote and there again WITHOUT a filibuster. I mean what difference does it make if a Minority Leader wants to enter a different bill to the floor of the Senate if all he is going to do is lead another filibuster? Senator McConnell needs to reflect on that reality and resolve to be cooperative where it will benefit the country and build stronger bonds to the President. That is what I think, but, that will never make it to Limbaugh?