I believe a TPPA would pose a barrier to our City Councils (click here)
We recently elected a new Auckland Council that wants to build resilient communities across the region, support local business and retain our public assets. I believe a TPPA would pose a barrier to those three laudable roles and give foreign investors too much power in New Zealand.”
This is New Zealand. The people of New Zealand are maximizing their local economies no different than the USA. They are resolved to have resilient communities because Wall Street isn't.
Americans assume our unions are the only barrier to the TPP. It isn't American unions. The people from other democracies are standing up to their governments to oppose it.
Americans are not alone in this.
I guarantee if all the leaders of the countries within TPP held a news conference that would clearly spell out the jobs and assets their countries would benefit from with TPP, they would never know one fact. The leaders of these countries are pandering to Wall Street and have no clue what is going to happen within their borders once the contract was signed.
Nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. Either we hold our leaders responsible for real facts and figures or the populations of our countries will be the ones that are nowhere to hide and nowhere to run.
We recently elected a new Auckland Council that wants to build resilient communities across the region, support local business and retain our public assets. I believe a TPPA would pose a barrier to those three laudable roles and give foreign investors too much power in New Zealand.”
This is New Zealand. The people of New Zealand are maximizing their local economies no different than the USA. They are resolved to have resilient communities because Wall Street isn't.
Americans assume our unions are the only barrier to the TPP. It isn't American unions. The people from other democracies are standing up to their governments to oppose it.
Americans are not alone in this.
I guarantee if all the leaders of the countries within TPP held a news conference that would clearly spell out the jobs and assets their countries would benefit from with TPP, they would never know one fact. The leaders of these countries are pandering to Wall Street and have no clue what is going to happen within their borders once the contract was signed.
Nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. Either we hold our leaders responsible for real facts and figures or the populations of our countries will be the ones that are nowhere to hide and nowhere to run.