Saturday, July 09, 2022

It is a good Executive Order, but, it will be interesting to watch the Supreme Court's descent.

It provides for free and open movement between all the states to ensure those in need of an abortion can move freely to obtain one. Free movement of commerce is guaranteed by the Federal Trade Commission. The FTC should also control commerce involving genetic medicine and it’s research.

The order goes on to protect the privacy of the women seeking abortions. That is also cited as appropriate by the FTC. It may be the FCC will also have to chime in to protect internet providers and prevent those following women in that form of commerce. 
This order should protect online agents so the current requests for information regarding women seeking abortion and/or requesting appointments for that intervention are prohibited.

Hacking of abortion providers should be reported to local authorities as well as federal authority when discovered. Hacking information is illegal and information obtained in that manner should be handled as if any other theft.

I think the people intent on following requests of women online to find much needed abortion services shows the depth of the religious hatred involved in all these issues. Hating "the other" is at the basis of a great deal of the violence found in the country.

The order directs the White House staff to accept volunteer attorneys to work with those seeking abortion and finding problems in doing so. These attorneys will provide pro bono assistance. That is a remarkable recognition of the hardest hit by this decision, namely impoverished women.

The order provides for a task force to assess the country's impact and the venues of which all concerns need to be addressed.

July 8, 2022

The picture is interesting. There are more and more emergency executive orders limiting the number of people available to stand and witness the signature. In the case of the gun executive order signing First Lady Jill Biden stood at his side at that signing. I think it speaks to the degree of which extremism has penetrated our society.

By the authority (click here) vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Policy. Nearly 50 years ago, Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), articulated the United States Constitution’s protection of women’s fundamental right to make reproductive healthcare decisions. These deeply private decisions should not be subject to government interference. Yet today, fundamental rights — to privacy, autonomy, freedom, and equality — have been denied to millions of women across the country.

Eliminating the right recognized in Roe has already had and will continue to have devastating implications for women’s health and public health more broadly. Access to reproductive healthcare services is now threatened for millions of Americans, and especially for those who live in States that are banning or severely restricting abortion care. Women’s health clinics are being forced to close — including clinics that offer other preventive healthcare services such as contraception — leaving many communities without access to critical reproductive healthcare services. Women seeking abortion care — especially those in low-income, rural, and other underserved communities — now have to travel to jurisdictions where services remain legal notwithstanding the cost or risks.

In the face of this health crisis, the Federal Government is taking action to protect healthcare service delivery and promote access to critical reproductive healthcare services, including abortion. It remains the policy of my Administration to support women’s right to choose and to protect and defend reproductive rights. Doing so is essential to justice, equality, and our health, safety, and progress as a Nation....

Six unelected people on the Supreme Court have caused a great deal of chaos in the country. This is yet again another health emergency. These justices caused impact on chemotherapy as well as other aspects of health care that can imperil a woman's life when it comes to miscarriages and troubled pregnancies. This is pure stupidity on their part.

Women that have miscarriages grieve when it occurs and now their grief will not be honored and treated so much as placing them in handcuffs for law violation. Fetal personhood has to be made a crime. There is no other way of preventing this extremism.

Fetal personhood is a gross disrespect for women. It definitely places them into the category of a non-citizen. A woman's life is no longer valued over and above her reproductive capacity. It is the most disgusting expression of the hate of women, misogyny, ever in the history of this country since the women's movement a century ago.

The only place that the US Constitution depersonalizes an American is in its decisions about crime. Make no mistake, depersonalizing women to replace them with fetal personhood is nothing short of charging them with murder. By placing fetuses before the uterus they occupy returns women to the status of chattel, returning slavery as a priority over life in the USA.

Women can direct their own care. They don't need a paternalistic government to oversee their choices in life. The removal of Roe v. Wade has far reaching implications and elevates the idea that women are not as capable of making personal choices as those that rule over her.

Both partners are hurt in a miscarriage. Is the spouse going to be arrested, too?

June 17, 2022
By Krissi Danielsson

If you have recently miscarried (click here) or learned that you will miscarry, you will likely experience the five stages of grief. Typical emotions can range from shock or anger to sadness or numbness. Whatever you are feeling is OK. Everyone reacts differently to pregnancy loss, and pretty much any expression of miscarriage grief is normal.

Your feelings of grief may be at their strongest immediately after your loss and may feel similar to depression. The pregnancy hormone (hCG) has dropped in your body, and you will likely feel an overwhelming sadness. Feelings of grief may continue even after your menstrual period returns and your body recovers.

When people discuss grief, they often think of it in terms of five stages, a theory which originated in 1969 with the American-Swiss psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross's book "On Death and Dying." Many people may find their grief after a miscarriage follows a similar pattern....

Adoption is NOT a substitute for abortion. The emotions of either of these circumstances are completely different. The fact that Coney-Barrett stated adoption is an equal to abortion only proves the lack of sophistication of these justices. Her priority to adoption was included in the opinion by Alito, so that only goes on to prove this is religious bigotry without respect for women or even seeking the knowledge to understand the difference.

If one examines Alito's opinions he always is the most extreme in deciding religious prejudice therefore providing proof of his intentions. He does not administer the law, he seeks to lean into it's moral content as a gift from a Christian god. American law carries a great deal of morality within it's content. That morality is respect for the Americans it is written to protect and respect. It has nothing to do with aligning to any form of scripture. Quite the contrary, the morality of American law reflects the people and scholars that carry THE MORALITY OF DEMOCRACY within legislative content. 

Americans, by nature, are moral and compassion and SEEK JUSTICE. Seeking justice in a realizable democracy with judicial oversight provides for the reliability of democracy. What the six justices did to Roe v. Wade is violate that deep seated trust of the American democracy. That decision was a direct assault against democracy.

Democracy is an experience and learned. Some of it is innate to human nature, but, the aspect that links to governance is experience and develops trust in that governance.

President Biden not only signed his executive order he spoke to the American people imparting his disgust in the cruelty that is now the USA Supreme Court when a ten year old girl who was raped had to travel to another state to get an abortion. The abortion was an emergency issue.

A girl needs to be a girl empowered to go into life as an adult believing in her options and knowing the democracy treats her fairly and EQUALLY. If she was further victimized by governance what does that tell her and her peers about their value as an American woman? That FEELING and REASSURANCE of her democratic governance is realized in her life experiences and that LEARNING is vital to the survival of the USA's democracy.

President Biden could not be more correct to speak to the American people about voting in order to provide a Congress that will pass Roe v. Wade into law. That is the only way to address a woman's right to abortion. I congratulate him in understanding women's rights and the need to codify what protects those rights.

Here again the oppressive dogma of Republican politicians have translated into real oppression of every woman in the country. This is not just about abortion rights, this is about WOMEN'S HEALTH as the cancellation of the 50 year old protected judicial decision extends far beyond than an abortion of an unwanted pregnancy. It maps out the assault on Americans by the religious right extremists to bring all Americans into compliance with a particular form of religion. It is interesting to realize how wealthy evangelicals believe they have the answer for everyone and think nothing of assaulting the spiritual content of personality.

That desire to change Americans to Christian Dictatorship is being aggressively pursued by Roman Catholics. Since the days from the decision the Catholic television station has done nothing but focused on virginity, purity, atheism and agnostic beliefs from their ritualized masses in Alabama. It is called SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS and disrespects the fact the USA respects DIFFERENCE in personal choices.
