...SARS-CoV-2 can be transmitted by the very wet eye. People that wear corrective lens for their eyesight already have a layer of protection with those glasses. The glasses need to be cleaned regularly but they are a form of protection.
For those that don't wear corrective eyeglasses, there are fashion glasses and/or fairly inexpensive face shields.
Face shields have various types as well. I saw some people at a Catholic Mass ceremony wearing this with a pivot at the top. This enabled them to raise the face shield at the time of communion while social distancing. So, there are all kinds of protections for the eyes and this is just one type.
No one is laughing. Any place I found myself face coverings were taken seriously. Sometimes people will advise each other if noticed that a face mask is not covering the nose for example. This is all very serious health protection.
The face shield to the right has a hair cover, too. (click here)
Proted Face Shields (click here) ($15.95; etsy.com)
No endorsement, just an example.