Wow, I didn't know the Republican primary is a real dog fight.
Donald Trump went from having a personality disorder to be one of many Alpha Males.
An alpha male has certain unmistakable characteristics. A natural leader, he is a pack-builder. He leads, provides for and protects his pack (his significant other, his buddies, his teammates, and so on).
The reason the attack by Megyn Kelly is more important than Donald Trump's reply is because it was egregious. The 'pack' at FOX would love for the fact Kelly attacked Donald Trump to be overshadowed by screams of sexism, which Donald Trump denies.
One more time now, Megyn Kelly had INTENT. She specifically asked if anyone would run as an independent if denied the Republican nomination. There was only one person on that stage able and willing to carry out an election as an independent candidate. THE INTENT of the question was to cause national polls to turn against Donald Trump. That's a debate, huh? That isn't what I call it. I call it interfering with free and open elections in the USA.
I and many, many other Americans are tired of the interference by American media with elections.
Alpha Males. What are the women called Alpha Bitches?
Donald Trump went from having a personality disorder to be one of many Alpha Males.
An alpha male has certain unmistakable characteristics. A natural leader, he is a pack-builder. He leads, provides for and protects his pack (his significant other, his buddies, his teammates, and so on).
The reason the attack by Megyn Kelly is more important than Donald Trump's reply is because it was egregious. The 'pack' at FOX would love for the fact Kelly attacked Donald Trump to be overshadowed by screams of sexism, which Donald Trump denies.
One more time now, Megyn Kelly had INTENT. She specifically asked if anyone would run as an independent if denied the Republican nomination. There was only one person on that stage able and willing to carry out an election as an independent candidate. THE INTENT of the question was to cause national polls to turn against Donald Trump. That's a debate, huh? That isn't what I call it. I call it interfering with free and open elections in the USA.
I and many, many other Americans are tired of the interference by American media with elections.
Alpha Males. What are the women called Alpha Bitches?