They are protesting OPEC in their decision to allow market pressures to work in regard to oil. Get this, not only do the Republicans support an egregious pipeline through the middle of the most productive agricultural land in the world, they are arguing Americans should be paying far more for oil products in order to fund that same pipeline. It is sick. Congressional Republicans are bizarre and absurd to support their cronies. Amazing. And don't forget the USA Subsidies for oil companies still continue. I fully expect the Republican Congress to legislate bailouts for TransCanada, a Canadian company, but, they will deny West Africans the funding for an Ebola vaccine.
This chart shows the number of bills passed by Congresses since 1947. V-J Day, Victory over Japan was September 2, 1945. The bills passed by the Congress in 1947 weren't about supporting a war effort either.
This is what is called incompetent. It is a definitive proof of the willful unwillingness to govern.
The Congress of 2009 - 2010 passed twice the legislation of 2010 - 2011. It not only passed twice the legislation, but, number of the bills were historic effecting the reversal of the Great Recession and a broken health care system.
In 2009 the White House inherited two wars from the previous administration. The 2009-2010 Congress had to contend with funding two active wars in the Middle East while the Great Recession robbed the SSI Fund of billions US dollars from the fund. And they also were able to pass historical legislation that would improve the health outcomes of millions of Americans. They were amazing. Their bills were extensive and comprehensive and moved the country forward. It also was with the first woman Speaker in the US House. It was incredible to watch the diligent work that Congress achieved.
This is what is called incompetent. It is a definitive proof of the willful unwillingness to govern.
The Congress of 2009 - 2010 passed twice the legislation of 2010 - 2011. It not only passed twice the legislation, but, number of the bills were historic effecting the reversal of the Great Recession and a broken health care system.
In 2009 the White House inherited two wars from the previous administration. The 2009-2010 Congress had to contend with funding two active wars in the Middle East while the Great Recession robbed the SSI Fund of billions US dollars from the fund. And they also were able to pass historical legislation that would improve the health outcomes of millions of Americans. They were amazing. Their bills were extensive and comprehensive and moved the country forward. It also was with the first woman Speaker in the US House. It was incredible to watch the diligent work that Congress achieved.