After the implosion of the Soviet Union, which was a good thing, the USA was the remaining superpower. That goes back a ways before China started its military hardware build up and Russia sought to try to rebuild. But, the view of the USA being the sole superpower in the world, was viewed differently by those seeking peace globally and the Neocons.
Most people in the world, including that of NATO saw a victory for peace when the USSR fell. But, there were those within the borders of the USA, not the majority of people by any means, that saw something different. The Neocons saw power.
To the Neocons, "...interests of the USA..." had only one meaning and that was invasion of sovereign nations including that of nuclear military capacity. That is where the self-righteous found the reason to enter Iraq causing all the destruction in the region.
In China and Russia there were those that viewed the exclusivity of the USA in having incredible destructive capacity as a global threat. The two countries signed the Friendship Agreement of 2000. So China and Russia are now the global superpowers that can defeat the USA. During the Bush administration Russia and China were very interested in building alliances throughout the world, including South America and near border countries in the Caribbean.
When the USA picks and chooses its friends it does so in anticipation of a global strategy.
There were no American hostages that were met with death during the Iran Hostage Crisis that occurred within the Carter Administration. The hostages were there to insure the USA would not do something stupid like calling a war with Iran. It is now decades later and the USA hasn't changed it's position on Iran. It is time to do that and stop treating Iran as a hostage between two regions of USA occupation.
Afghanistan if to be occupied by the USA would be its foothold into Asia. There is a reason why these wars have lasted as long as they have and why, still today, are more fluid than sovereign. The Neocons haven't finished their global war yet. Remember? "The global war on terror," even when the US Supreme Court and the Iran Study Group stated there is no such thing as a war on terror.
Most people in the world, including that of NATO saw a victory for peace when the USSR fell. But, there were those within the borders of the USA, not the majority of people by any means, that saw something different. The Neocons saw power.
To the Neocons, "...interests of the USA..." had only one meaning and that was invasion of sovereign nations including that of nuclear military capacity. That is where the self-righteous found the reason to enter Iraq causing all the destruction in the region.
In China and Russia there were those that viewed the exclusivity of the USA in having incredible destructive capacity as a global threat. The two countries signed the Friendship Agreement of 2000. So China and Russia are now the global superpowers that can defeat the USA. During the Bush administration Russia and China were very interested in building alliances throughout the world, including South America and near border countries in the Caribbean.
When the USA picks and chooses its friends it does so in anticipation of a global strategy.
Afghanistan if to be occupied by the USA would be its foothold into Asia. There is a reason why these wars have lasted as long as they have and why, still today, are more fluid than sovereign. The Neocons haven't finished their global war yet. Remember? "The global war on terror," even when the US Supreme Court and the Iran Study Group stated there is no such thing as a war on terror.