The 'campaign' to call Attorney General Holder a liar is to raise monies and memberships in an attempt to instill fear mongering through the appearance of incompetency. Attorney General Holder has not been found to be culpable in any of the problems with the ATF program.
Watch the video (click here) and see how Eric Holder's lies are destroying freedom and costing lives. Please make a donation to help NRA-ILA air this video across America. And please, forward this video to family and friends!
The Right Wing Political Machine has been AFRAID of President Obama since was elected. Not only that but they have been gunning for him ever since. I want an investigation into the Bush Administrations reasons for this program. Do I dare allude to a conspiracy against the new administration? If LaPierre's two faced statement is a conclusion to that fact than let it be said they started the hate campaign of the new administration as soon as the results were in.
NRA CEO predicts Obama will Break Campaign Promises on Protecting Second Amendment (click title to entry - thank you)
Published: November 08, 2008
Watch the video (click here) and see how Eric Holder's lies are destroying freedom and costing lives. Please make a donation to help NRA-ILA air this video across America. And please, forward this video to family and friends!
The Right Wing Political Machine has been AFRAID of President Obama since was elected. Not only that but they have been gunning for him ever since. I want an investigation into the Bush Administrations reasons for this program. Do I dare allude to a conspiracy against the new administration? If LaPierre's two faced statement is a conclusion to that fact than let it be said they started the hate campaign of the new administration as soon as the results were in.
NRA executive vice president Wayne LaPierre speaks to the press Friday night prior to a public talk at the Bristol Library.
NRA CEO predicts Obama will Break Campaign Promises on Protecting Second Amendment (click title to entry - thank you)
Published: November 08, 2008
BRISTOL, Va. – National Rifle Association, CEO Wayne La Pierre said President-elect Barack Obama’s vows to protect the Second Amendment might be little more than a wave of empty promises.
“I predict he’ll break his campaign promises,” LaPierre said Friday, just before speaking to a packed auditorium at the Bristol Public Library.
“Based on his voting record, his administration would be the most anti-gun in United States history,” LaPierre said of Obama.
Visiting as the final guest in the library’s inaugural Discovery Lecture series, LaPierre addressed the importance of gun rights, the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling that supports the individual’s right to carry a gun, and Obama’s record on gun rights....
Newsmax TV? Really? Is the NRA sequested into a corner or what? Can't get more Right Wing Extremist than Newsmax.
Attorney General Holder needs to address this issue.
The program "Fast and Furious" was begun under George Walker Bush. Oddly, while there was a death where the recorded guns turned up, there is nothing to say the death would not have occurred anyway. It happened on one of the most dangerous and war-like crossing areas for the drug cartel. The Border Agent knew the dangers and was prepared from them when he went into the region with a team of agents. He was not alone, nor was he unprepared for what was to follow. Did he give his life for his country? Absolutely. But, so have many other Border Agents. He is not alone. It is unfortunate, but, true.
The program is extreme, but, the pentation of guns into Mexico because they flow like water and in criminal content of the Gun Control Laws that do exist in the USA, especially near the Mexican-American Border, resulted in extreme measures to find the extent to the way guns from the USA actually made it to the Mexican gun cartels. I am fairly confident the program was conceived under the Bush White House because the NRA and gun pundits were stating there is no proof of the final destination of the guns from the USA actually making it to the cartels. The 'idea' that the 'drug network' was loose and too entrepenurial
The government-sanctioned gunrunning (click here) operation Fast and Furious was a plot to undermine Second Amendment rights in the United States, National Rifle Association officerWayne LaPierre charged on Friday in an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV.
The program, Fast and Furious has accomplished what it was set up to accomplish and that was to identify the FACT guns from the USA were getting into the hands of drug cartels PRIMARILY. Was there a better way of doing this? Maybe. Maybe not. The quandry in this matter was to find a way to actually PROVE the guns were being bought by drug cartels without alerting the purchases to the fact the guns were 'marked' for tracing by the ATF. It was an impossible task right from the beginning. The recorded guns involved in this program were found in places where many other guns were found and in the possession of illegal operations where laws were being broken in order for the drug cartels to be successful.
The USA Justice Department needs to at least publish the etiology of the program, its deployment and its results including the death of a Border Agent. They have to do this because the NRA is continuing a campaign of hate regardless of THE TRUTH of the circumstances in realtion to the problems the USA has at its border with Mexico.
The fact this was a Bush Program indicates a lot about its outcomes. Rather than regulating ASSAULT WEAPONS as they should have been, the Bush White House turned the mess loose for their political base. In my opinion, the Fast and Furious Program was created because of the lack of 'spine' the Bush./Cheney White House had in relation to gun control and elections for the Right Wing. The entire gun sales to transport south of the USA border is a no brainer. GUN CONTROL. I am sure those in Mexico would agree.
The fact there was not far tighter gun control over these highly dangerous weapons in the face of the drug war in Mexico facilitated by loose USA gun laws proves there was no WILL by the Bush/Cheney Administration to actually stop the practice and hence stop the cartels. The Republicans literally dropped in the lap of the next administration to carry out.