Thursday, November 10, 2011

It was always about money, not morality.

The fans, students and alumni have a right to feel demoralized from their hero. Was Joe Paterno really a hero though?

He went up the chain of command as the university system demanded, but, he never took the abused children seriously. This isn't just a matter of jilted lovers. This is about an adult man maintaining boys in his easy reach to satisfy his sexual drive. This is about pedophilia.

One could say the chain of command was the problem, but, they were simply conspirators in the same deception.

Right now, the students and alumni have the most on the line. Not because they lost their head coach and might have a few bad years of football, but, because the 'reputation' of Penn State has been smeared. A college is more than its teams and their standing in their divison, it is about having a reputation and the value of the degree by the greater society.

I am confident some of the joy of being from Penn State revolved around its incredible record and a man by the name of Peterno. Walking into an interview often the first 'ice breaker' is reflecting on the athletic accomplishments of the university. That isn't as rewarding an ice breaker anymore.

I believe the reality of pedophilia within the ranks of coaches at Penn State was handled poorly, as was the scandal, as are the decisions that overshadowed the university last night. It seems to me the value students and alumni place on this university and education were never reflected on, but, only the 'liability' that the school would face. Expeditiously removing the coach and president from the university was more or less a legal maneuver and not thought out in a way that would have best served its reputation now or in the future.

It is all about money. It has been from the beginning with the success and legend of Joe Peterno and it is still about money in his dismissal and disregard to the students and alumni.

If I could make a wish it would be to calm the students and remind them about how important their future is to not just themselves, but to their university's reputation and the contribution they will bring to a country that cares about them. I wish they could find a way to settle their hearts on their own well being and set new priorities for making that happen with a focus on graduation and the enjoyment the future holds.

If nothing else this episode teaches everyone it doesn't matter what monies involved, but, living true to one's morality and the reflection of innocence in the faces of the victimized is more rewarding.

Any students involved in disturbing episodes of anger should be given the benefit of the doubt, any charges removed in lieu of a counceling session at the Student Health Office in realization of the poor handling by the administration from the very beginning.