Thursday, December 17, 2009

Resposible for State Deaths due to lack of Health Care Insurance

This is a representation of about half of the deaths caused by governmental negligence to issues urgent to the populous of the USA.

There is a huge disproportionate amount of deaths noted in Texas. It is even disproportionate considering it is the largest state in the lower 48 states of the USA.

The people that have been suffering through this health care crisis for the past two decades, since our current Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton, tried to correct the nation's path, knows that the problem in all this lies with the draconian methodologies practiced, NOT IN GOOD GOVERNMENT, but in ideologies toxic to our citizens and therefore our USA Constitution.

The obvious mention of Texas' disproportionate deaths among the current listed points to the epicenter of the crisis. Just that simple. One of the most oil wealthiest states in the USA has the worst track record on human rights abuses across the board and now has a Governor advocating secession as a political tool to re-election. It doesn't get more extreme than that. It doesn't get more anti-Constitutionalist than that.

The point is we had eight years of a former Texas Governor in the White House with the very priorities that have killed disproportional amount of people in the very state he was Governor with a track record of the highest 'Death Sentence' rolls in the country. George Walker Bush exhibited disdain to those in the Middle Class and favored the icons of Wall Street. He exemplified the very ideology that is against the dignity of the USA Constitution and its Founders.

The Founders of our Constitution and Bill of Rights left oppression behind to begin again a new nation based in separation of church from state, freedom of thought and pursuit of happiness. They would roll over in their graves to realize their children of the USA were victimized by an ideology and not by law or the facts that support the law. It was ideology they left behind. It is ideology laced with lies and the manipulation that wealth brings to truth we are faced with today. The people below and other I will list in a separate entry are not good Americans. They seek to align themselves with death over life when it comes to the very people already born into their rights in this country.

Our Constitution was to be a work in progress. It was FDR that noted as a man of the 20th Century that life had changed radically from the beginnings of our democracy. He called the change in our industrialized nation a need to reflect on "A Second Bill of Rights" no different than the "Patient Bill of Rights" that Senator Kennedy liked to insure would be a right to all Americans.

The wealth of this country is suppose to serve all of us, not just those that can control Wall Street. The USA Treasury belongs to the people, not the wealth merchants. If the USA can grow its domestic product with the refocusing of our work force, protect the future of their children from the ravages of an abused, neglected and over used planet, then the citizens should have the benefit of the power of their government to insure their wellness and function as a citizen of this country.

The USA is not a 'game piece' in the master board of Wall Street. We are a nation of living, breathing people that exhibit culture. There are certain understandings in our way of life that relate the urgency of the matter in regard to health care and the deaths noted here is a travesty to our people, their understandings of priorities in their lives and our Constitution and Bill of Rights. One cannot vote if one does not live. Death pre-empts understanding a government needs to address the needs of its people.

These people died due to government neglect and everyone knows it. The disproportionate deaths in Texas simply state the obvious to the 'enslavement' to ideology the Right Wing Republicans adhere to in maintaining a constituency. We have to break this cycle of abuse of our people, our laws, our Treasure and our Constitution. There are certain 'truths' that were evident to our Founders and that was the right to pursue a life. If one does not have life, they cannot pursue anything else.

Health care that is affordable and easily available is a RIGHT guaranteed to us under our Constitution as it stands today. It is in the understanding of what living brings to our documents. The ideology of the Right Wing is not even close to a religious dogma and it needs to be overcome by displacing them completely from our political parties and realm of social influence. The 'few' that were 'bailed out' by our Treasury in 2008 have found a 'way in' to our political structure and have dominated our history over the past three decades including the wrongful wars and deaths abroad.

Iowa - 272 Adult Deaths Annually

Chuck Grassley, Iowa

Sam Brownback, Kansas

Kansas - 329 Adult Deaths Annually

Pat Roberts (foreground), Kansas


Jim Bunning, Kentucky

Kentucky - 609 Adult Deaths Annually

Mitch McConnell, Kentucky

Louisiana - 800 Adult Deaths Annually

David Vitter, Louisiana

Susan Collins, Maine

Maine - 123 Adult Deaths Annually

Olympia Snowe - Maine

Thad Cockran

Mississippi - 518 Adult Deaths Annually

Roger Wicker - Mississippi

Missouri - 714 Adult Deaths Annually

Christopher Bond - Missouri

Mike Johanns - Bush's former Secretary of Agriculture until 2007

Nebraska - 216 Adult Deaths Annually

Ben Nelson, Nebraska

Nevada - 450 Adult Deaths Annually

John Ensign - Nevada

New Hampshire - 132 Adult Deaths Annually

Judd Gregg - New Hampshire

North Carolina - 1424 Adult Deaths Annually

Richard Burr - North Carolina

Ohio - 1279 Adult Deaths Annually

George Voinovich, Ohio

Tom Coburn

Oklahoma - 550 Adult Deaths Annually

James Inhofe - Oklahoma

Jim DeMint

South Carolina - 693 Adult Deaths Annually

Lindsay Graham - South Carolina

South Dakota - 88 Adult Deaths Annually

John Thune, South Dakota

Hutchison and John Cornyn

Texas - 5857 Adult Deaths Annually.

Kay Bailey Hutchison

Robert Bennett

Utah - 342 Deaths among Adults Annually.

Orrin Hatch - Utah

John Barrasso

Wyoming - 69 Deaths among Adults Annually

Michael Enzi